An open letter to women who are wanting to know...
How to Attract Men
"Who Else Wants to Know How To Overcome Shyness and Fear When It Comes to Meeting And Attracting Men?"
And Get Him To Commit Without Playing Games?
Amy Waterman, M.A.
From: Amy Waterman
March 3rd, 2025
Dear Friend,
o you find you struggle to attract and develop relationships with men you meet? Does shyness, fear, and lack of conversation skills get in the way of you having the love and relationship you really want? Do you want to stop dating the wrong men? Do you want to find the right man? Do you feel disempowered by the dating and attraction process and want to know what you are doing wrong?
Your fears and limitations are not only causing you to attract the wrong kind of men, they are going to cause you problems with attracting the RIGHT man, keeping his attention, and getting him to commit when he comes along. In order to succeed in love, you need someone who is going to help you open up to men in a genuine way and let your personality shine, without being overcome with fear or making the mistakes of your past.
Now there are a lot of attraction courses out there are going to tell you THEIR secret ways to attract men and get commitment are the ONLY way to guarantee success, but most of them are going to involve tricks and rules, all of which, in my opinion, can FURTHER DAMAGE your chances with men and cost you your integrity.
What I have found is a way for you to irresistibly attract a man, not just any man, but the RIGHT man for you, by using techniques that are both genuine and natural to you. I've found a life-changing set of mindsets, methods and techniques to help you get the love you really want without having to sacrifice who you really are.
I have something different because the one fundamental (and fatal) assumption that all other attract men courses make is that you need fixing. That there's something wrong with you the way you are, and that the only way you can get a man is by changing.
I'm going to be honest here, changing who you are will work for a while, and may get you successfully through the initial attraction and past the first few dates, but that's as far as it's going to take you. Beyond that, you are on your own, flying solo, relying on your old personality and habits, myths and misconceptions of what is going to attract him, as well as the false impression you have given him of who you really are.
Needless to say, if you want love and commitment that will last beyond your second date, that's NOT the way to go about it.
So What Is Going to Give You The Love You Want?
- NOT a course that is going to teach you ways to manipulate men into giving you what you want...
- NOT a course that is going to get you picked up, or get you a date, then leave you stranded...
- NOT the latest 5-minute wonder that's going to be superseeded by another dating technique...
- NOT a course that's going to belittle you by telling you how to dress, or giving you scripted lines to get a man...
In fact, you need a course that can offer you much more than just "getting" a man! You need a course that is about creating a relationship with the man of your dreams!
How about I show you a way of doing that, without having to change who you are?
I understand what it's like to want to be better at relationships, to be able to approach and meet a man without fear, and to be able to overcome the old behaviors and mindsets you are clinging to that might be unconsciously pushing men away.
I know, because at one stage in my life I was just like you. I used to wonder why success stories happened to those around me, while I was still waiting my turn for the nice guy, the right guy, and the chance to prove that I am just as worthy of love as the rest. I would wonder what qualities my friends and others had that I didn't, and believe that if I could just get a man to pay me some attention, the rest would fall into place.
Then I realized ATTRACTION is about much more than just ATTENTION...
I had no trouble getting a guy's attention, but the ones I seemed to attract weren't after commitment. I would tell myself that if I tried hard enough and became the woman I thought he wanted me to be, eventually I would strike it lucky and find a nice one. But in time I realized that love isn't about "luck" or "love at first sight," it's not about being his version of the ideal woman, and it's not about using your unhappy childhood or a bad experience with a guy from your past as an excuse or justification for your current dating dilemma.
To get the RIGHT man and succeed in seduction and relationships, I had to realize it all starts with ME and MY attitude and irresistible attraction mindset.
That's when things really started to change for me.
What I found was that despite my research and experience in dating, what I had been doing in my past was repeating the same mistakes over and over again, not really knowing, not really understanding what I was being called to learn from each dating experience.
The truth wasn't to be found in any book or magazine, at least not in so far as it would tell me something new about men, the latest secret that guys want from a woman or anything. What I needed was something that was going to challenge me to not just read this stuff, but actually apply it to my life and in such a way that I could still maintain a sense of who I am while maintaining his interest and attraction beyond the first date.
It took me a lot of time, research, experimentation, and soul searching before I got to where I am now, but the great thing is that FOR YOU THERE IS A BETTER WAY...
What I am offering you here is the opportunity to learn something, to apply some concrete actions, and to make some changes to your perspective and approach to men that's going to deliver some positive, lasting progress in your love life.
Get Your FREE 6 Day Mini-Course Now!Over the Next 6 Days You Will Learn Powerful Secrets to Attract The Right Men Who're Ready to Emotionally Commit and Have Eyes for Only You - or Spice Up a Relationship You Already Have!This week could change your life forever. When the week is over, you'll be looking at dating and attraction in a completely different way. Here's a brief description of what you're going to learn:
It's like having your own personal success coach right here with you! Read and learn every day as I take you through some of the attract men fundamentals you MUST know. There's so much fantastic information in my mini-course that everyone is asking me how I can be giving this away for free! Let me tell you, even if you've read everything out there on relationships (like I have!), you'll STILL be astounded at these valuable insights. Get my minicourse now (and some fantastic free bonuses ONLY for my subscribers) by signing up today!
Here's what some of my subscribers have said: "At first I thought your course would be like any other course but after carefully reading each newsletter that I got from you, I learned alot from them and found out things I never would think of before. Thanks for your help. Your newsletters are the real thing." "I really enjoyed going through the course; it was so enlightening to discover that some of the things I take for granted actually do matter hey... I was really impressed by the revelation of the difference between attraction and REAL love and ya... I've learnt my bit. Thank you so much!" |
So, my big question for YOU is...
Why Do You Want to Learn How to Attract Men and Develop a Committed Relationship?
Are you wanting to learn how to overcome the shyness and fear you feel in the first few moments of attraction? Would you like to fearlessly approach a man and start a conversation? Would you like to attract a fantastic man for a long term relationship?
Perhaps you are sick of the kinds of relationship situations that you get yourself into and want to know how to attract the RIGHT kind of man, instead of just ANY man? Or maybe you simply want to know how to get a man to commit without having to play the games and mind tricks that sacrifice your integrity and your intelligence!
Whatever your reasons are, you'll be pleased to find that my How to Attract Men course has been created with YOU in mind, so that you will get valuable insights into overcoming fears and shyness, so that you can enjoy meeting men and present your most irresistible self.
...You'll find How to Be Irresistible to Men to be the easiest to follow system for learning to attract men available. It is jam-packed with quality information that's applicable to all women, in all areas of your life, not just dating, so you can learn how to meet the right man for you, develop a relationship, and make him commit to you - this is truly a course that will change the direction of your life.
You're about to learn how to meet and attract the kind of man you've always wanted by discovering and following my proven step-by-step system. Thousands of women have used my system to achieve love success with the man of their dreams. My course will open your eyes to a whole new world of opportunities, just like it did for me and other women just like you. In fact, it's like opening your eyes to dating and attraction for the very first time! Once you discover scientifically what attraction is, how it works and how to create it, your whole reality will change forever.
And Why Should You Listen to Me?
Well I'm much more than just an author or a so-called "expert." Let me explain..
Who Is Amy Waterman?
I'm a professional writer specializing in attraction, dating, and relationships. I have extensive experience in helping thousands of people find love with her insightful and powerful secrets into attracting love and making relationships work.
Over the years I have helped thousands of men and women find their ideal relationship and also bring back the love to relationships that are suffering
I have co-authored a number of leading online courses such as:
- Make Every Man Want You More
- Save My Marriage Today
- 2nd Chance: How to Win Back the Love of Your Ex
- Conversation Chemistry
- Supreme Self Confidence
- From First Dates to Soul Mates
Plus I have collaborated with many leading industry experts including Emily and Scot McKay, Marnie Kinrys, Marie Forleo, Neil Strauss, Dr Lee Baucom, Heather Picken, Mirabelle Summers, and many more.
Here's a sample of what others say about me:
"Amy Waterman is one of those rare, priceless women in the world of dating and relationship advice who respects women and men equally and therefore sets herself apart as a respected voice to both genders. Her work consistently portrays the warmth and compassion of a woman who is truly doing what she was born to do. And given the thousands of of people worldwide who her work has been so meaningful to--ourselves included--that earns her our highest recommendation. We're proud to work with Amy any chance we can get, and can't wait to do so again soon." Scot and Emily McKay, San Antonio, TX –
"Having the pleasure of knowing Amy personally, we can vouch that she is extremely thorough and passionate about the work that she does. She leaves no stone unturned in making sure that her readers get the results that they expect and more. We've never met someone so dedicated to the long term success of others and who takes such great pride in her work. We can all learn a lot from Amy's advice and attitude to life and love." Mark and Michelle Ling
Why I understand You...
Not that long ago, I was just like you. I was a successful and independent woman in many aspects, who had devoted much of her life to her education and writing career, had a number of great friends, yet the one thing that eluded me was love and finding the right man in my life.
Sure, I had dated men from all over the world, some young, some old, but the one thing that remained true for every experience was that I had no real idea when it came to attraction and dating.
I read the dating rules, I followed the advice of friends, and I watched my friends and family members meet men, get married, have children, all the time sitting at the sidelines wondering when my turn would come. I realized that none of the books I read used philosophies or techniques I could really connect with. No matter how hard I tried, I struggled to make conversation with men and come across as irresistible, or even all that attractive. Every dating failure only cemented my belief that I was simply not irresistible to men.
I was terrified of coming across as too desperate, too needy, or just making a fool of myself. Needless to say, when I met a man that I liked I was overcome with shyness and fear, which right from the beginning would cripple my ability to attract them.
The second issue I had with men was my ability to get a man to commit. I bought lots of magazines and read lots of books, and each of them had a different method or trick to get him to commit to you and the relationship. The problem was, the methods they swore to seldom ever felt right, and for me, very few of them ever worked. After years of hit-and-miss with men, I was skeptical of anything that promised you change or success, and I resigned myself to settling for ANY man that would love me, rather than further entertaining the idea of meeting the RIGHT man.
I had read so many different theories about getting the man and the relationship, but I knew I couldn't make it work for ME!
Then I was introduced to a woman called Sarah Paul, the original author of "How To Be Irresistible to Men," and she opened my eyes to a totally new way of thinking. Rather than assuming my lack of luck in love was down to the guys I was with, she encouraged me to look within. It was pretty powerful stuff and an incredibly intense time of self-reflection for me, but once I mastered the belief that the secret to my irresistibility came from within myself and how I view the world, big things started to happen in my life. I went from being a skeptic of love, to a student, then to a convert, and now a believer and teacher of the power of your irresistibility. And it's all thanks to the seeds that Sarah Paul planted and the methodology that I have now developed into a life-changing course.
When it came time for Sarah to release the next edition of "How to Be Irresistible To Men," I came onboard and joined the 000Relationships team. We made a great team because of our already considerable knowledge and experience in the dating and relationships field, the proven success we were already experiencing ourselves, and also because of our strong writing backgrounds (I have a Masters Degree in Writing).
The Biggest Problem
Many courses will over-simplify the problems you have encountered on your journey through love, and the problem with doing this is that the solutions they come up with are equally over-simple. Flick through any edition of Cosmo or Cleo and they will tell you their secret to success with men is knowing the ten things men find sexy, what he really means when he says this or that, and similar variations of understanding men and what they want.
The problem is, that alone, these articles and courses don't fully grasp the magnitude of the situation. This is about more than understanding men. It's about attracting them, keeping their attention, creating the relationship of your dreams, maintaining your love, and getting them to commit without playing games. And all of this has to be with the RIGHT guy, not just ANY guy!
This course is different because it's not just about ONE aspect of the attraction and dating process, it's about ALL steps of the journey, from the first moment of attraction, right through to the committed relationship of your dreams.
How We Created Something Unlike Any Other Course
The first thing we did was run surveys of single women of all
ages, who were looking to attract men, and also interviewed them
personally so that we could find out exactly what dating frustrations
women were having, what problems they were facing trying to attract
men, what kind of men they wanted, and what kind of relationship
they were after.
In order to get to the essence of what women like you really want, we went much further than guessing or assuming what you want, we actually ASKED. We got your stories, your opinions, listened to your frustrations, listed your sticking points and fears with love, and built a course around answering those specific issues and frustrations.
"I've not only used your advice to meet and attract the love of my life, I've gained confidence in myself that I never had before"
"Before I came across 'how to be irresistible to men' I'd had some pretty poor success with men. I have a little bit of weight and I used to use that as my excuse for why men always dated me then dumped me. I was actually quite skeptical when I came across your site, but I tried your mini course and found the advice to be something that I could really relate to and that's when I started to make some changes to my attitude and the way I live my life.
I went ahead and purchased 'how to be irresistible to men' after that and spent till about 5 in the morning watching a lot of the videos in your members area and reading your books. I was glued. What you had to say just made so much sense and I've become a totally different person since.
I've not only used your advice to meet and attract the love of my life, I've gained confidence in myself that I never had before. I'm no longer as shy around men as I used to be and I really feel valuable as a person. My new man treats me like none have ever before. And he loves spending time with me, which is great! I'm certain we wouldn't be together right now if it wasn't for what I learnt from you and I owe you my heartfelt thanks!"
-- Sarah Donaldson (Portland, Oregon, USA)
Yes Amy, I Want My Copy of How to Be Irresistible To Men So I Can Start Applying Your Life-Changing Techniques Right Now!
I understand that if I act TODAY, I can secure my copy of
How To Be Irresistible To Men for just $49.95
Click Here to Join 'How to Be Irresistible to Men'
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Finding a Solution That Fits Your Needs
I knew that you wouldn't be interested in hypothetical answers to hypothetical situations, as I knew it never worked for me. That's why the course I developed is different. Having surveyed and interviewed so many women, I knew what you were looking for, and knew how to apply my knowledge to answering those issues and giving you solid, sound principles that would deliver benefits instead of further confusion or game-playing. I also knew that you'd want solid proven research in order to make sure that the advice
you were going to get was correct.
We also employed a clinical psychologist and several life coaches, read everything we could find on dating and relationship topics, and conversed with numerous dating and relationships authors in order to create the most comprehensive course possible. What we have created is a course that teaches you solid principles and techniques on how you can attract the right man and commitment, right from the beginning to the end of a relationship.
So based on the combined knowledge of what I have learnt, my surveys and statistical knowledge, my solid proven research, backed up by the expertise of a clinical psychologist and life coaches, as well as numerous dating and relationship authors, what my course is going to share with you is not only correct, but is supported by experts and proven to work. I know this course can work for you and address your specific relationship needs.
"It's like having a big sister who knows all the answers about love and men."
"Being a young woman, like the rest I guess I instinctively knew how to attract a guy I fancied, but keeping them interested in me for long was another story. I was lucky if he hung around a little longer, but most of the time they would just ask for my number and never call.
I realized i was totally clueless with what it took to make any relationship deepen and maintain one that lasts. Not wanting to make any more big mistakes with a quality man once I found one, I sought help-- and found this course.
The "meat" in this course is based on good, sound principles. The concepts were really EYE OPENERS for me and light bulbs switched on in my head whenever I finished with each one of them. It's like having a big sister who knows all the answers about love and men. It's both FUN and EMPOWERING. I think every woman will benefit from this course. Now that I am blessed to have found the love of my life in my guy best friend whom i've developed a really great connection with, it's been 2 1/2 years since I knew how to make that connection last...and it just keeps getting better!
-- Colleen Villanueva (USA)
When we put together this course and launched it, the benefits for my members were overwhelming! All of a sudden we were receiving feedback from grateful customers, women like you, who were finally making progress in love, in a way they had never experienced before. When you get my course you will:
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Listen to me reveal mind-shattering facts about your beliefs. I will show you how your beliefs are influenceing the love experience you deserve. With my help, you can become more emotionally aware of the role you are playing in your love success! |
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Find out how to attract the RIGHT man for YOU! I want to allow you to stop settling for second best of become disillusioned with dating and attraction. Let me help you love more fully and genuinely, without fear of rejection! |
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Discover how to overcome and eliminate shyness and fear around men. My course will enable you to confidently start and develop conversation with men, sowing the seeds for genuine attraction. Put an end to your fear of making a fool of yourself or creating the wrong first impression! |
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Listen to me discuss crucial mindsets and methods to guarantee his heart and loyalty to you. This is a surefire way to get his commitment, and one that I have experienced first-hand! You will have the security of knowing you have a strong and committed relationship. |
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Discover why modern men are afraid of women, and how to make sure it doesn't happen to you. I can help you by identifying outdated advice that may make it worse, and showing you how to resist it! You can rest easy knowing you aren't scaring or intimidating him and spoiling your success at love. |
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Survive crisis mode! Listen and learn how to react when your relationship goes over your head. I will explain to you how to minimize the level and impact of a crisis, so that you can develop life skills that will enable you to cope with anything that happens. |
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Understand how to balance being a professional career woman and a loving partner. Yes, it's possible to develop both facets of your life! Feel a sense of accomplishment at simultaneously working towards |
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Discover my controversial theory on why you attract the same men over and over again. If you are going to achieve success in love, I am going to show you how to avoid repeating the mistakes of your past, some that you may not even know that you are doing! With this new information you can set out and forge connections with new and different people that offer you a renewed chance of success! |
Once you have applied some of these concepts to your love life, you will notice an almost immediate change! For the first time, you needn't fear men or your ability to relate to them, and this will come through clearly in your aura, and ability to attract and develop irresistibility. You will feel as though you have some control over what is happening in your love life, and it feels so empowering! Instead of sitting at the sidelines and witnessing your love life pass you by, you will feel like you are in control of what is happening to you, and this new-found empowerment you have will attract men you never imagined you could get!
All the things you have learnt about love in the past are limiting your ability to achieve the love you deserve, because in most instances you only get pieces of the puzzle. The odd article here or there, or a course that only takes you part of the way towards the relationship of your dreams. I'm not holding anything back here. I'm giving you ALL the tools and techniques necessary to not only attract the right man, but maintain his interest, develop a relationship, and get him to commit to you in a way that you have never experienced before.
"You totally changed me from a frump to an attractive soon-to-be 58 Year Old... I'm having the time of my life!"
don't know where to begin but you totally changed me from
a frump to an attractive soon-to-be 58-yr. old who has
constantly gotten emails (through dating websites) from
the young and old alike, I'm having the time of my life!...
Everyone should have a copy of How to be Irresistible
to Men---no doubt, the encyclopedia for raising your self-esteem,
attracting quality men, to getting over a break-up in
the least possible time. I let a friend of mine read the
6-Part Mini Course---she's the kind that constantly looks
down on herself because of her weight, and it completely
changed her attitude, she is now in touch with a lot of
guys wanting to meet her in person. She said she had given
up on men and dating but reading it turned her life around
and is forever grateful to me for opening her eyes. Personally,
I was so down when I broke up with my first love after
finding him after 32 years of searching---it was a long
distance love affair that did not work--- but your book
just came in time to heal me and make me see that there
are plenty of better men out there. Now he wants to come
back and is raring to come visit me but I'm no longer
interested. Life goes on and I'm happier and more self-assured
now. I fill up my car with gas and I get gazes, smiles
and waves here and there. I go to department stores and
men associates would check if I got what I was looking
for---never got this kind of attention before---thanks
to your book and timely emails which always answer any
dilemma I am having at the time. How you knew it, I'll
never guess but you're always right on the money. Thanks
and more power.
-- Evelyn Lauchengco (Virginia, USA)
Why you want the relationship of your dreams
Look, women like you and me want help with attracting the relationship and man of their dreams for a number of reasons. If you:
- are tired of short-term flings and feel the need to settle down
- feel your biological clock is ticking and you want children some day with the right man
- feel every bad interaction with men is setting you back
- want to overcome your shyness and lack of confidence around men
- are sick of seeing your friends and family all in fulfilling relationships and want it to be your turn to experience real love
- are fed up with spending nights at home alone
- want to know why you attract the wrong sorts of men
- have a particular man you want to date but want to know how to make it happen
- are sick of seeing less attractive girls than yourself get quality men
- feel you are losing out on opportunities with men because of your fears and lack of skills
- you want techniques that aren't going to make you feel foolish
- want to have more options when it comes to dating
- you want solid, useful advice that isn't going to treat you like you are an idiot
- believe your life is for living, not just spectating and are ready to resuscitate your love life
- really want to experience true love and the most amazing relationship with the RIGHT man
Then I want to tell you that I can help solve this problem! Once you are able to get a handle on what it really takes to attract and maintain a relationship with the right man, you are going to feel like you are on the fast track to success again, rather than living your love life in the slow lane.
If you want to see results, and see them fast, just listen to what some more of my customers have to say about their success with How to Be Irresistible To Men:
"Thanks to you I got married! To tell you the truth, being a 34 year old gal, I was already with the idea that marriage would not happen to me."
"I want to thank because since I registered to "How to
be Irresistible to Men" my whole life changed. The program helped me fix
flaws about my behavior in past relationships, which gave my self
confidence a big boost.
Since I was a shy person, this also helped me make new friends and meet quality guys. By following the content, advice and making the lessons I have been in the most wonderful relationship I ever been. I know that all what I learned in the past about attracting a man was wrong, and now I'm part of an excellent relationship and guess what?
to you I got married! To tell you the truth, being a 34 year old gal, I was
already with the idea that marriage would not happen to me. Now I'm living a
-- Claudia Ramírez (USA)
"I love your How to Be Irresistible to Men course and I hope you guys keep creating great stuff!"
"I just want to say that the "How to Be Irresistible to Men" course has absolutely changed my perspective on dating, relationships, and men. It's no longer about games or playing around. It's genuinely about learning to love men as they are and most of all learning to love myself. And if there's one thing that this course has taught me, it's that more than anything it's very important to love yourself, and if you love yourself naturally, everything works in accordance with that. So thank you very much, I love your "How to Be Irresistible to Men" course, and I hope you guys keep creating great stuff."
-- Melissa Soto (Connecticut)
"I definitely would recommend How to Be Irresistible to Men as it is not only easy to read, but easy to implement"
"I definitely would recommend How to Be Irresistible to Men as it is not only easy to read, but easy to implement – I enjoyed reading it, found myself thinking far more positively and I am having a great time doing so… I found the most useful part of the course was figuring out how to just have fun getting to know new people without attaching any special expectations. Unlike many other relationship or similar products it actually helps you find and then figure out a solution to what was holding you back – like a well-known product in the UK, “It does exactly what it says on the tin”!
-- Charlotte Burton, UK
These women have changed their lives with the help of my course, and I know it can happen to you too!
In fact, we have a whole world of women who believe in How To Be Irresistible To Men, and we have appeared in several high-profile publications around the world, including Cosmopolitan Magazine, Psychology Today, and Take That!
to Be Irresistible to Men has been in Psychology Today™... |
...and interviewed by Cosmopolitan™ Magazine! |
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I know you worry about ending up in another bad relationship, I know you worry about growing old alone, I know you worry about missing out on love while watching your friends achieve success, and I know you worry about never having children or the lifestyle you dreamed you would have for your future. I know you worry about all the good men being taken, because I felt the same way as you did until I took control of my love life and developed a system of powerful techniques and mindsets that I integrated into this course.
How to Be Irresistible To Men worked for me and for these women, and now it's time for you to believe it can work for YOU.
I understand that if I hurry, I can order the Instant Download Access to
How To Be Irresistible To Men for just $49.95
Click Here to Join 'How to Be Irresistible to Men'
Members Download Access provided by
Sold by Clickbank, one of the World's Most Trusted Online Banks
Why is this course going to work for you?
Because unlike all the other courses out there, I'm asking you to do much more than just read the book or listen to what I have to say. I know that to truly get to the heart of your problem, and show you ways to overcome the issues you have been having, you have to APPLY what you have learned to your love life.
At the end of each section in the Video Course Workbook, I ask you to make use of what you have learned through a series of exercises, important points to consider, and positive actions to make. I recognize that in order to make real changes happen in your love life, it's not enough to just listen or read about the changes you want to make. You have to COMMIT to examining and applying the challenges you are being called to take in every section of this life-changing course.
What is in this course?
My How to Be Irresistible to Men course is a 12-Part Multimedia Course about attraction, love, dating, and the power of your attitude and positive mindsets over what happens in your life. This multimedia course is available as online video as well as audio, plus my Video Course Workbook, which is designed to help you understand further the concepts touched on in every video section. In each of the 12 sections in my workbook, you'll find exercises to help apply the concepts you learned in the video course. Remember, you can't shift your reality by simply hearing ideas. You have to understand them and apply them.
What you are going to learn, like so many of my success stories before you, is that the power of your irresistibility to men resides within you. What I am going to teach you over this powerful 12-Part course is how to unlock these empowering mindsets, and let go of the limiting beliefs and misconceptions that are hindering your ability to recognize and attract real love and the right man into your life.
If you are prepared to open your eyes and mind to the possibility of learning something new about how to love...
If you understand that you don't have all the answers about how to attract real love yet...
If you really want to change your love life and success with men...
If you are prepared to not just read, but APPLY changes to your approach to love...
If you want a course that shows you how to USE information, not just read it...
If you want to develop life crucial new life skills, to use in your life far beyond just dating and relationships...
Then this course is going to empower you to create and attract love, not just react to what happens around you. You are going to take control of your irresistibility, and you are going to notice immediate results in the way you feel about yourself and the way you interact with men.
More Benefits You Will Enjoy
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Find out the essential difference between the types of women men fall in love with, and those that don't. Identify the characteristics that you can develop that will bring you closer to the man of your dreams. |
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Expose how attraction works for men, how men think, and why they think the way they do. Work with the differences between men and women rather than against them, and avoid the fatal mistakes that most women make that instantly repel men |
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Master how to avoid freezing up in front of men you like. Discover crucial mindsets and techniques that will help you stay calm and present the best image you can. This is essential to developing genuine and positive conversation with men. |
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Discover what chemistry really is and where it comes from. Learn how to use the power you have as a woman to ramp up the attraction between you and a man. By doing this, you will understand the true nature of irresistible attraction. |
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The single most powerful way to start meeting more relationship-quality men. It's one crucial aspect of dating and attraction that most women overlook. Make sure you understand this before you advance in dating. |
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your ex could still be hurting you - and how to become
free from the past that may be holding you back from living the life of your dreams. |
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to start believing in true love happening to you, not just everyone else. I am going to show you how the power of your positivity is going to rub off on others and draw positive people toward you! |
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The secret to enjoying relationships and the dating process. Once you listen to what I tell you about it, you will understand what your experiences are teaching you. With my help you will be ready for the right man when he comes into your life and have fun, rather than frustration in dating! |
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Single, available, fantastic men are everywhere! I will show you where to start finding them with a powerful technique. You will never fell like you are running out of time or good men again! |
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A mind-blowing technique that will make every man feel that he's with a goddess. Even when the shine rubs off your relationship, I will show you what to expect and how falling out of love can be a GOOD thing! |
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Why you feel so afraid when you think you're losing a man and how to keep from making a huge mistake. There is one thing that I see so many women do that seals their fate. Resist the temptation and avoid this habit at all costs. |
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How to never feel ashamed or guilty that you weren't able to "make it work" again. I will show you a new perspective that is going to help you see your past relationships with a new perspective. |
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Crucial advice on how to deal with a breakup. You will come out feeling peaceful and stronger, whether it's you or him doing the breaking up. Make any of your breakups a stepping stone on the path to your irresistibility growth. |
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Let me show you what unconditional love is and the best way to get unconditional love from a man. You will never feel disappointed once you master this theory. |
And that's not all! Here's more of what you'll learn...
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Discover exactly what men really want from women. The simple answers will astound you, and make you wonder why you over-examined men before! |
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Learn 4 fantastic ways to increase your self-confidence and become the woman that everyone admires. Self-confidence is absolutely VITAL to getting the man of your dreams and I will help you unveil your irresistible attitude. |
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What you need to know: the one habit that sabotages your chances with men. I explain why you can destroy your chance of happiness with this habit, and what you must do to avoid it altogether! |
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Scared you'll say something stupid
and put him off? Learn how to save yourself from those embarrassing moments. Rest assured once I have taught you ways to always keep your conversation cool.
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are the Top Three Traits that attract
men? If you don't know, let me share with you how you can be your best self. |
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Be chic for cheap! Learn 4 superb
techniques to improve your appearance that won't cost
you anything! These tips are must-haves for any woman who always wants to look and feel their best! |
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how to be a fabulous flirt while sending
the RIGHT message. Flirting is a risky maneuver if you get it wrong, which is why you have to listen to how to do it so it increases your attractiveness without making you look easy. |
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goodbye to insecurities and fears forever with
these life-changing tips! I will show you a mantra that I live by, and will make a huge difference to your life too. |
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Eliminate anxiety an learn how to make people believe you are more confident than you are with the right body language. The way you hold yourself tells others more about you than you think, which is why its so important to get a grasp on this concept. Never fear coming across as weak or nervous again! |
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Send him head over heels with desire by unleashing your full sex appeal. It's a secret I have that many women overlook, and may be the difference between him seeing you as average or amazing! |
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Cheat-proofing! How to stop your man from ever wanting to cheat on you. And what you need to do if your man has a wandering eye. |
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how to date successfully after a divorce. Your divorce needn't be the end of your world, and its crucial that you read what I have to say about women freshly re-entering the dating market after a broken marriage. |
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I teach you how to simple secrets to create an Internet dating profile that will flood your inbox with responses! Internet dating is a great way to meet new and interesting people if you know how to do it properly. |
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Want to get back together with your ex? I have a proven method that I've seen work for dozens of women that is a surefire way to win back his heart! |
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Learn why the guy you want might not be the guy who's best for you. There are several secret to the perfect relationship, and I will reveal to you the checklist you should have in the back of your mind. |
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Be the most memorable kisser he's EVER had! Don't risk him thinking of you as a frumpy or average kisser, have him come away from your kiss with his head spinning! |
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Stop feeling helpless and mortified when a conversation turns sour! Ever seen a good date end before your eyes after an awkward comment? With these 5 techniques you can learn to handle any uncomfortable situation with poise and composure |
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Flatter your way to popularity with everyone by learning the art of knock-out compliments! |
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Learn what to do should a compliment go wrong. No matter how good your intentions, sometimes compliments just completely backfire! I teach you how to resurrect a sticky situation and repair the damage. This is advice you simply cannot do without |
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Step by step guide to the first perfect date (hint: it's not dinner or a movie!) Make your first date memorable for all the RIGHT reasons, and create a moment to cherish. |
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Discover why it is ESSENTIAL that you are ______ on your first date, and how this can set the tone for how he sees you beyond that moment. |
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Ever wonder why men reject women? You're about to get an insight into the minds of men and what makes them rebuff women. Don't hold yourself responsible, check out what's really going on when the relationship takes a turn for the worse. |
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Understand the dating cycle. I teach you the different stages of dating, and how to make yourself shine in each stage. Know what to expect BEFORE it happens, so you are prepared and poised for whatever challenges you face. |
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Get a winning attitude.
Discover how your attitude to others is contagious! If you master this one, you will be fighting men off like so many of my members! |
But It Doesn't Stop There...
I'm so committed to making sure you get ALL the information you need to attract the right man, I'm including much more than just my Multimedia Course and Workbook. On top of that, the How To Be Irresistible to Men course also includes:
How to Be Irresistible To Men - Original Edition
By Sarah Paul
This is the original ebook that started it all, and changed forever the way I think about men and attraction. This book has changed the lives of thousands of women, with Sarah's forthright and comprehensive perspective on everything it takes to succeed with men and develop your irresistibility.
A 100 page ebook covering every detail about mastering the dating cycle, understanding how men think, how to overcome your fears, how to master your conversation, how to give and accept compliments, mastering your sex appeal, internet dating, dealing with your infatuation, getting your ex back, and how to keep the marriage fires burning, plus much, much more.
Get Sarah Paul's personal wisdom, first-hand, and see for yourself how her special kind of relationship magic has changed the lives of so many.
BONUS: Overcoming Shyness: How to Overcome Any Form of Shyness in Dating
else wants to overcome shyness and fear when it comes to dating and attraction? Then you are
not alone!
Co-author Karen Cotton and I wrote this special book in response to pleas for help from women and men around the world who find shyness a MAJOR impediment to their dating success.
If you are frustrated by feeling as if you are freezing up around attractive men, if you wish that you had the confidence to go and talk to men, or if you simply want to have the confidence to talk to groups of people, then help is at hand! You're about to learn exactly what shyness is and how to overcome it in a variety of situations. You'll discover techniques for small talk, how to project confidence - even when you're not, how to control nervousness, how to avoid the mistake that many shy people make...and so much more that we couldn't possibly fit it all in here!
BONUS: Kissing 101: Your Complete Guide to Kissing
Tips & Techniques
you've met the man of your dreams, and now you
want to dazzle him with your
amazing kissing style. You want your kiss to
remain in his thoughts and on his mind. You
want him to remember your first kiss and to
long for a second, third and fourth kiss. You
want him to think of your kisses as both pleasurable
and exciting.
The only problem is that you need a little help on how to deliver a mind-blowing kiss. This exclusive book includes over 70 photos and detailed step by step instructions. Follow these proven tips and you will certainly make sure that each and every kiss lingers in his thoughts.
This ebook by Michelle Penney is sold on her website for $19.95, but you get it FREE as a Member of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"!
BONUS: Surviving a Breakup Audio Series - over
1 hour of inspiring listening!
If you've recently gone through a hard breakup or divorce, don't let the grief and bitterness of your separation create walls that turn away men. My "Surviving a Breakup" 11-part audio series is filled with comforting, inspiring, and healthy messages for anyone who needs a little help getting through the rough period after a breakup. It's like having a best friend who is there for you when you need her. Listen online, download the audio articles to your iPod, or burn them to a CD to listen anytime. With these motivational messages from my heart to yours, you'll feel stronger, more powerful, and in control of your dating destiny again.
BONUS: 000Relationships Video Library - 160 minutes
You can't miss these video seminars by the team and special guests. Learn how to achieve unstoppable confidence, have a healthy relationship, and understand your own sexuality. Well over 2 hours of video, this bonus is nearly worth the price of the course!
BONUS: Secrets of Self Hypnosis
If you purchase How to Be Irresistible to Men right now, I'll throw in a special added bonus: The Secrets of Self Hypnosis.
subconscious is a powerful force controlling your
behavior and affecting whether or not you reach
your goals. If you want to fundamentally
change your outlook on life, especially your love life, then self-hypnosis
can be an extremely effective tool.
This comprehensive step-by-step course includes audio tracks in MP3 format (20-30 minutes in length) that you can listen to online, download to your iPod, or burn to a CD to listen anytime! The programs are designed to help you achieve:
Total Unstoppable Confidence! Experience total unstoppable confidence and freed from anxiety, nervousness or shyness.
No Effort Weight Loss! Find yourself eating healthfully and liking it, and regularly exercising like you've done it all your life!
Become Irresistibly Attractive! This audio program turns you into a human magnet that draws health, wealth, love and abundance into your life.
The Ultimate Stress Reliever! If you want to instantly eliminate stress, self-hypnosis can help you feel as totally relaxed and refreshed as if you've just come back from a week-long tropical vacation.
Stop Smoking Forever This is perfect for those of you who want to permanently stop smoking, enjoy better breath, and free yourself from stained teeth and smelly clothes...not to mention the high price of a cigarette habit!
Double Your Memory Power Hypnotize yourself into having a nearly photographic memory, remembering everyone's name who you meet, eliminating making endless written lists, and having a total laser-like concentration.
Non-stop Motivation If you want to have nonstop, unlimited motivation, you have to use the 'Nonstop Motivation' hypnosis audio program.
And if you order "How to Be Irresistible to Men" right now, you'll get the Secrets of Self-Hypnosis audio course and e-book thrown in for free!
Has this happened to you?
Have you been out with friends, glanced across the room and made eye contact with a man, and felt utterly helpless, despite the fact that you feel attracted to him and would like to get to know him better? No matter how strong that attraction, the fear you feel seems to paralyze you, stopping you from going up to him and starting a conversation. Instead of talking to him, you have several moments of awkward eye contact, secretly cursing that you wish you knew how to handle these situations better.
We all feel overcome by shyness, fear, and self-doubt when it comes to approaching and initiating conversation with men we are attracted to. We struggle to know what to say, how to say it, and what to do with our hands and eyes. Instead of coming across as graceful and confident, we appear bumbling, awkward, even embarrassed.
Worse still, when a man does finally notice you, it doesn't matter that he's not the right man, or that he has qualities that you know make you incompatible. He may not want commitment. He may tell you that he's scared or uncertain. He may be secretive and unreliable. He may not be much of a pistol under the sheets, but that's okay, you tell yourself, because at least you have a man.
You stick with him, hoping you can make it work and that he will change his mind. At least your mom is off your back about settling down now that you have a man. He's not the man of your dreams, but all that stuff about the RIGHT man and TRUE LOVE is a myth, right?
So you end up settling for whatever scraps of love you can get, hoping to make a life out of it.
Don't Settle for Second Best
You don't have to settle for anything less than what you deserve. You want to have the confidence and skills that will enable you to approach a man and be your best self. You want to attract a man that can see the real you, and fall in love with that person. You want him to see you and notice you for who you are right now, not who you wish you could be. Most of all, you want someone to share your life with, someone who you can talk to about anything, your hopes, your dreams, ideas, fears, even when things are tough, you want to know how to communicate openly and with love.
You want a relationship with a man who cares less about how you look, and more about how you think, feel, and act. You want him to fall in love with the real you, not "the look" or the part of him that you want him to see. You want commitment from a man in such a way that you don't need to play games to get it.
You want the man of your dreams to fall in love with the REAL you. You want him to be attentive, nurturing, fulfilling, and committed. You want him to love you with the same fierce intensity that you feel for him. And best of all, I can help you get that man with the help of my course.
"Thank Goodness for your 000Relationships Dating Technique for Women!"
rules of dating have changed. If you were anything like
me - you were clueless! I spent my twenties getting
my education and starting a career and before I knew
it I was in my thirties and clueless about the dating
scene. Thank Goodness for your 000realationship Dating
Technique for Women! With your "bible" (as
my friends refer to "How to Be Irresistible to
Men"), I was dating again in no time. Thanks!
-- Desiree M. (Wisconsin, USA)
Believe in Your Fairytale
I have hundreds of women from all walks of life who have written to me, telling me about how my course opened their eyes to a whole new world of possibilities. Women who have spent their early years dating lots of men only to find that commitment had eluded them, women who have spent their time building up their career and now want someone to share their life with, women who have been married for a number of years and are now divorced or separated and re-entering the dating scene.
The one thing all of them have in common is they wanted one thing: Not just ANY man, they want the RIGHT man, and they want a fulfilling and committed relationship with him, just like their dreams. All of these women believe in the fairytale, and they are committed to making it happen.
And the wonderful thing is, thanks to my course and the principles I teach, they managed to recapture the essence of their authenticity and irresistibility, without needing to pretend to be someone else. Best of all, most of them are well on the way to having the life and relationship of their dreams with MR RIGHT! Do you want that?
Your tips have not only reminded me of the power of my own confidence, but have given me invaluable help on how to create interest in a man and to keep it!"
want to thank you so much for all your advice and let
you know how helpful it has been to me. I've always
considered myself pretty successful with men, but it's
been 17 years since the last time I've dated. I am 45
years old and recently divorced and have re-entered
the new electronic age of dating. I soon discovered
I was a bit rusty and wasn't sure how to navigate on-line
dating. I seemed to scare the guys off after the first
date and wasn't sure why. Your tips have not only reminded
me of the power of my own confidence, but have given
me invaluable help on how to create interest in a man,
and to keep it! Now I'm glad to say, "it's raining men,
hallelujah!" Your tips on email have helped me with
the on-line dating and on-going correspondence. Now
I have these guys eating out of my hand and sad when
I can't see them for a week. I had one man bring me
a dozen roses, 8 CD's he'd made for me, and a bottle
of perfume all on the same date! Thanks for all your
help, and keep up the good work!"
-- Kim Collier (USA)
Immediate, Dramatic Changes Guaranteed!
Once you use and apply the lessons in my course to your love life, I promise you that you'll
notice immediately, dramatic transformations in how men
perceive you and interact with you! And the results
will be real and long-lasting, in comparison with the results
from any other advice that so-called "How to Attract Men experts"
would tell you.
In fact, I'm so sure that these secrets will work for you, I'm prepared to guarantee it.
My Unconditional Money Back Guarantee
I guarantee you'll gain amazing results in your love life by following and applying our How
to be Irresistible to Men course. And we back it by our 100%
money back guarantee.
Take up to 8 weeks to examine and use the seduction and attraction information, tips and techniques in "How to Be Irresistible to Men." That's up to 56 days to put these valuable strategies and mindsets to work in attracting the right man and developing the relationship of your dreams.
If, for any reason, you don't like it, please email me. Right up to the last day of my 8-week guarantee. That's how much I believe in this system!
The life-changing mindsets and techniques I teach have been proven time and time again to work for thousands of women worldwide. If you are serious about taking your search for love and relationship fulfillment to the next level, what have you got to lose?
Here is a further sample of the hundreds of emails we receive every day from women who have left behind the mediocrity of their past and experienced breakthroughs in their attraction success:
Amy, your advice is invaluable as there is a lot of info
out there on the net for blokes on how to "seduce"
women in not so admirable ways which only ensures short
term success whereas yours is the "real" genuine
stuff which guarantees long term fulfillment & a win
win situation for all.
You also encourage self improvement
rather than looking to someone else to provide that. In
other words, relationships should "add value"
to your life as a full rounded individual! I refer to your
site on a regular basis & it's the best investment in
my life that I’ve made to date & has saved my
soul in a sense... Thanks,"
-- Karen Gall (Australia)

-- Veronica Skin (USA)
-- Serena Botham (Age 31, Scotland)

-- Angie, New York (USA)

-- Mary Wright (IL, USA)
-- Katherine Bishop (Age 51, USA)
Amy, Your program has
helped me get to know men better by providing ways in
which to interact with them more freely. I was really
scared of interacting with guys for a long time because
they can be rather intimidating to me. However,
by being able to relate with men on a more personal level
and by giving specific techniques of talking and flirting
with them has helped a lot so again, thank you."
-- Cori Erikson
My Offer To You
For customers who order today, for only $49.95 you receive my complete Multimedia Course, plus workbooks, ebooks, and many listed bonuses that will provide you with all the information and techniques you need to know and everything you need to do to be irresistibly attractive to the man of your dreams. I am committed to your success, and I want to make this course as accessible as possible to women like you who are serious about attracting the man and relationship of your dreams! No need to spend all of the years and money and frustration I did to get where I am. Just follow the instructions and start attracting the love that you deserve!
You'll open your eyes and mind in a few minutes to a totally new way of attracting great men for lasting love anytime, anywhere. And with our Instant Money-Back Guarantee, there is literally NO RISK for you.
Instant Access! No Need To Wait!
The complete How to be Irresistible to Men course is
available via instant download! You can be reading and applying this information in the workbook, watching the cutting-ege online
videos, reading the great bonus ebooks,listening to audio tracks, and be well
on your way to attracting the right man into your life in 5
minutes! Even if you have never downloaded something from the
internet before, you'll find that it's amazingly easy!
The Benfits to You of Ordering Online...
- Zero shipping costs.
- No waiting time. Forget having to wait weeks for it to arrive in the mail!
- No risk of products lost in the mail or damaged.
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Easy as 1 - 2 - 3!
When you make the decision to get my course, you will be directed to an order page which will ask you for your name and email address. Then you will be directed to our SECURE 3RD PARTY RETAILER: CLICKBANK. With Clickbank, one of the Internet's most trusted online banks, your purchase is secure and bears the BBB reliability seal. I value your privacy, so I use Clickbank to process orders. Your information is 100% Secure with 128-Bit Encryption. Purchase with confidence and security, all from the privacy of your own home.
There you will be asked to process your order by credit card or Paypal, and once this is verified:
- You will be given instant access to my How to Be Irresistible to Men Members Download Area.
- You will also be assigned a unique receipt number, emailed to you by Clickbank, which will enable you to access the members area and read, listen, or download any of the material at any time.
- In addition to this, you will receive an email from me, welcoming you to the How to Be Irresistible To Men Members Area, and explaining to you how to use my course.
Keep in mind that when you use our order form on our Secure Server, you can access my online course and start watching the videos, listening to the audio tracks, and reading and applying the information in the online workbooks and bonus books within 5 minutes so you can start attracting men right away!
And because I'm really committed to seeing you achieve success with the man of your dreams, I'm throwing in SEVEN (7) exciting Free Super-Bonuses if you order online TODAY.
One Extra Bonus For This Week Only
That's not all. You'll also receive one extra bonus if you order this week. It's one free email consultation, whereby
you can email me and ask me and the How to Be Irresistible to
Men team specifically what you need help with, such as someone
in particular you may like, how to move your relationship with
a particular man along, or a difficult relationship decision
you've been struggling with. I usually charge $120 per session for my consultations, so this is an extremely useful
Many of you could struggle along in love and learn from bitter experience like I did, or you can fast-track your success and get immediate results using my Multimedia Course and Bonuses!
I know that because I'm a fast mover, I can get complete Instant Download Access to
How To Be Irresistible To Men for just $49.95
Click Here to Join 'How to Be Irresistible to Men'
Members Download Access provided by
Sold by Clickbank, one of the World's Most Trusted Online Banks
Let's Recap What You Get:
How To Be Irresistible To Men Video Course and Workbook
By Amy Waterman
My How to Be Irresistible to Men course is a 12-Part Multimedia Course about attraction, love, dating, and the power of your attitude and positive mindsets over what happens in your life. This multimedia course is available as online video as well as audio, plus my Video Course Workbook, which is designed to help you understand further the concepts touched on in every video section. In each of the 12 sections in my workbook, you'll find exercises to help apply the concepts you learned in the video course. Remember, you can't shift your reality by simply hearing ideas. You have to understand them and apply them.
How to Be Irresistible To Men - Original Edition
By Sarah Paul
This is the original ebook that started it all, and changed forever the way I think about men and attraction. This book has changed the lives of thousands of women, with Sarah's forthright and comprehensive perspective on everything it takes to succeed with men and develop your irresistibility.
A 100 page ebook covering every detail about mastering the dating cycle, understanding how men think, how to overcome your feaers, how to master your conversation, how to give and accept compliments, mastering your sex appeal, internet dating, dealing with your infatuation, getting your ex back, and how to keep the marriage fires burning, plus much, much more.
Get Sarah Paul's personal wisdom, first-hand, and see for yourself how her special kind of relationship magic has changed the lives of so many.
BONUS #1: Personal Consultation - Very Popular! (Amazing Value)
you still have questions after working through
my video course and bonus material, then ask
me! Your membership comes with a free
personal consultation. Write to me with
details about what you need to know about how to move forward with your
particular situation. The 000Relationships Team
and I are here to answer your questions. With
our years of experience counseling women
from around the world, the advice we
can offer just might be the pearl of wisdom
you need to unleash your own irresistibility.
BONUS #2: Overcoming Shyness: How to Overcome Any Form of Shyness in Dating (Amazing Value)
else wants to overcome shyness? Then you are
not alone!
If you are frustrated by feeling as if you are freezing up around attractive men, if you wish that you had the confidence to go and talk to men, or if you simply want to have the confidence to talk to groups of people, then help is at hand! You're about to learn exactly what shyness is and how to overcome it in a variety of situations. You'll discover techniques for small talk, how to project confidence - even when you're not, how to control nervousness, how to avoid the mistake that many shy people make...and so much more that we couldn't possibly fit it all in here!
BONUS #3: Kissing 101: Your Complete Guide to Kissing Tips & Techniques ($19.95 VALUE)
you've met the man of your dreams, and now you
want to dazzle him with your
amazing kissing style. You want your kiss to
remain in his thoughts and on his mind. You
want him to remember your first kiss and to
long for a second, third and fourth kiss. You
want him to think of your kisses as both pleasurable
and exciting.
The only problem is that you need a little help on how to deliver a mind-blowing kiss. This exclusive book includes over 70 photos and detailed step by step instructions. Follow these proven tips and you will certainly make sure that each and every kiss lingers in his thoughts.
This ebook by Michelle Penney is sold on her website for $19.95, but you get it FREE as a Member of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"!
#4: Surviving a Breakup Audio Series - over
1 hour of inspiring listening! (Amazing Value)
If you've recently gone through a hard breakup or divorce, don't let the grief and bitterness of your separation create walls that turn away men. My "Surviving a Breakup" 11-part audio series is filled with comforting, inspiring, and healthy messages for anyone who needs a little help getting through the rough period after a breakup. It's like having a best friend who is there for you when you need her. Listen online, download the audio articles to your iPod, or burn them to a CD to listen anytime. With these motivational messages from my heart to yours, you'll feel stronger, more powerful, and in control of your destiny again.
BONUS #5: 000Relationships Video Library - 160 minutes (Amazing Value!)
You can't miss these seminars by the team and special guests. Learn how to achieve unstoppable confidence, have a healthy relationship, and understand your own sexuality. Well over 2 hours of video, this bonus is nearly worth the price of the course!
Here's a sample of what you'll discover:
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Understand the life cycle of a relationship and what to do when conflict hits! |
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Does he pull away at the moment you feel closest to him? Do you find yourself pulling back right when he shows his interest? Discover why! |
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Why are women attracted to bad boys, and what can we do about it? |
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What role does sex play in a relationship, and how can you ensure that the experience satisfied BOTH of you? |
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Does sleeping with a man within the first month of dating hurt your chances of marriage? I tell you the shocking answer! |
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What are the two things that EVERY man desires from a relationship? |
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Discover the best dating & relationship resources available to you! |
![]() -- Dawn Yerger |
BONUS #6: Secrets of Self Hypnosis (Amazing Value)
If you purchase How to Be Irresistible to Men right now, I'll throw in a special added bonus: The Secrets of Self Hyponosis.
subconcious is a powerful force controlling your
behavior and affecting whether or not you reach
your goals. If you want to fundamentally
change your outlook on life, then self-hypnosis
can be an extremely effective tool.
This comprehensive step-by-step course includes audio tracks in MP3 format (20-30 minutes in length) that you can listen to online, download to your iPod, or burn to a CD to listen anytime! The programs are.designed to help you achieve:
Total Unstoppable Confidence! Experience total unstoppable confidence and freed from anxiety, nervousness or shyness.
No Effort Weight Loss! Find yourself eating healthfully and liking it, and regularly exercising like you've done it all your life!
Become Irresistibly Attractive! This audio program turns you into a human magnet that draws health, wealth, love and abundance into your life.
The Ultimate Stress Reliever! If you want to instantly eliminate stress, self-hypnosis can help you feel as totally relaxed and refreshed as if you've just come back from a week-long tropical vacation.
Stop Smoking Forever This is perfect for those of you who want to permanently stop smoking, enjoy better breath, and free yourself from stained teeth and smelly clothes...not to mention the high price of a cigarette habit!
Double Your Memory Power Hypnotize yourself into having a nearly photographic memory, remembering everyone's name who you meet, eliminating making endless written lists, and having a total laser-like concentration.
Non-stop Motivation If you want to have nonstop, unlimited motivation, you have to use the 'Nonstop Motivation' hypnosis audio program.
And if you order "How to Be Irresistible to Men" right now, you'll get the Secrets of Self-Hypnosis audio course and e-book thrown in for free!
BONUS #7: The 6 Fitness Secrets for the Busy Woman (Amazing Value)
Women’s 30+ Metabolic Specialist &
Motivational Coach
Do you want to make more money,
have more energy, and look and feel younger?
If you follow these 6 Fitness Secrets by Personal
Trainer and Nutritionist Heather Picken of "I
Feel Like a Million Bucks!", you will be
well on your way!
That's the Multimedia Course, Workbook, Original Ebook, and 7 Bonuses, Crazy Value for only $49.95!
You get the benefit of years of research and wisdom, valued at hundreds of dollars, all for the price of one night out at a bar with your friends, looking for men! You can't afford to let this opportunity pass!
Something as small as the money spent on drinks and cab fares for one night out with your friends could forever change your success in irresistibly attracting the right man and relationship of your dreams. Instead of investing in a night out using methods that haven't given you success so far, you could be working towards a genuine and lasting relationship with a man who takes your breath away.
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P.S. Remember, YOU can be an attraction success story, like the thousands of women worldwide who have found amazing success using my course, including these women who have shared their success stories with me:
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