Feel Like You're Not Getting Anywhere with Men?

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Time Running Out

Tuesday, April 25, 2006

posted by amy

Is time running out for us?

So many women I talk to, no matter how young they are, have the sense of a ticking hourglass.  They feel, deep inside, that if they don't find the right man soon to marry and settle down, the bloom of their youth will have passed and all the single men will have been taken.

It is such a deep rooted fear for all of us.  In the most primal regions of our hearts, we believe that we will die if we don't find love.

It is only very recent in human history that men and women have been able to live alone.  In indigenous societies, complementary male and female roles are vital for survival.  Without a man to hunt, there is no food.  Without a woman to tend to the home, there is no safe place to return to.  A woman with no man has to rely on the goodwill of others to survive.

Even though we now eat take-out instead of deer, come home to houses instead of shelters, and wash our clothes with machines instead of river rocks, we are not that far removed from our ancestors.  Thousands of years of human history cannot be overwritten in a few generations.  We were meant to pair up.  It is such a strong conviction that mere sexual need cannot explain it.

For most of us today, marriage is a choice.  We make a living on our own without much difficulty.  We don't need men.  As a result, we can afford to be picky.  We can afford to wait until the perfect partner comes along.

Yet we still feel that ticking clock.  We feel the need to find love and partner with someone.  Even though marriage is a choice, even though the divorce rates are sky-high, we STILL get married in overwhelming numbers.  Most of us will marry at least once during our lifetime.

We need marriage.  Though some believe that marriage is merely a way to rein in promiscuous behavior and control reproduction, it is too widespread as a human behavior (in nearly all societies across history) to be merely a method of social control.

Harville Hendrix, author of Getting the Love You Want, believes that marriage has a crucial part to play in modern society.  Through marriage, he believes, we heal one another.  No other relationship teaches us so much about ourselves and being better human beings.  Commitment is not constriction or constraint: rather, it disciplines us to resolve our conflicts, express ourselves freely without fear of rejection, and increases intimacy beyond what is possible in a de facto relationship.

As much as we'd like to believe that we can live without men, we know we can't.  Masculine energy balances us.  Men need us to love them; we need them to love.

One of men's deep-seated fears is that women will decide they no longer need men.  Men cannot survive without women.  In fact, marriage is so healthy for men that they will live longer, stay healthier, and even earn more money as a husband than as a bachelor.

Men adore women who fully and warm-heartedly admit that they need men.  Although "needy" has become a dirty word, too many of us are tempted to the other extreme.  We try to be so independent that we don't leave the smallest space for a man in our lives.  When we do date, we suppress our needs so that we appear as un-needy as possible.  As a result, the men in our lives feel emasculated.  They feel that they can do nothing for us that we can't do for ourselves.  In many cases, they end up leaving us for a woman who is much more childlike and needy for his affections.

Can you admit to yourself that you need men without feeling ashamed or embarrassed?  I am not asking you to admit that you need "a man" — just that you need men.  It's not hard.  Yet it's amazing how that admission brings such a feeling of shame to the modern woman.

I love men.  I love them as friends and colleagues, as boys and old men, as strangers and lovers.  I am glad that men share our world with us.  Aren't you?



Comment by LorraineR

April 25, 2006 @ 1:31 pm

I think it is sad that so many young women feel that time is running out on them. I am fifty three and feel as though it is just beginning a new phase. I don’t have a man in my life but do love being with men and truly value them for their contributions to my life.

However, I don’t need a man as I am very independent and would now find it hard to start to depend on someone else let alone start to look after soemone else at my age. i do still have children at home so I am not lazy. I just don’t want to start picking up after someone else.

Many women I know living with men find it hard to connect on the emotional level with their partner. The support that they want from their man is often lacking. Women still tend to get this from other women.

I think the biological time bomb is scary for lots of younger women and I suppose it must be if they want to experience motherhood. Saying that we still need to have men in our lives is just supporting the fallacy that all men are good and supportive and generous. All men aren’t and neither are women. Yes every woman should have a great new age guy but don’t settle for less just because you want children or go along with the theory that you must have a partner to feel valued as a person. That is nonsense.


Comment by Emily

April 26, 2006 @ 1:53 am

Dear Sarah: yes we do need men and they need us, to love, share,care,etc., but I hardly think I should behave like a young depented,helpless person. Men want someone in their life who is also strong,nerturing,capable and understanding in time of crisis,and sickness and whatever. Women want also a confident man and not only someone who needs a woman to brush his masculine abilities.


Comment by Melissa

April 26, 2006 @ 1:56 am

That was a very impowering article that many women should read. I do believe that we are in a generation or “gender changing roles” Women wanting to act like men, and in return causing men to act more like women (just to create a balance) Why?. Women should embrass their femininity and love men for who they are naturally, stop trying to make men feel as if they should be thankful to have a women who has a job, home etc. If we supported men and helped them to be equipped with the tools needed in life, then we wouldn’t feel as if we had to do it ourself.
I am not saying to not have careers etc, but it should not define who we are as women or take away the role of men in our lives. Ladies, lets try to value our men and ourselves so we can all be the best that we can be.


Comment by Jackie

April 26, 2006 @ 1:58 am

Dear Sarah, I, and many of my female friends agree that any man who leaves a strong, independent, resourceful woman for a childlike creature, has some issues of his own. Why do men feel the need to be needed that strongly? Do we as women really want someone like that in our lives?!

Can I admit that I don’t need a man; a resounding yes! Why do we need them? Most men cannot meet the emotional needs that women have; we tend to find that support from our female friends, and the odd time, from a male friend. I can financially support myself, I have a great support system in place, I can swing a hammer, and change a tire along with any man. Would I like to share my life with a man, yes. Do I need to share my life with one, no. For me, and many of my single friends, it’s about the sharing of our lives, not needing a man to make our lives better. I have many, many male friends, and I love them dearly, but I do not need them. Of course I enjoy having men in my life, but to say that I need them in my life to make me happy or feel complete, is not true. It is not about shame, it is about being comfortable enough in my own skin, in my life, in my home, to admit that being alone, with out a partner, is ok. I find it sad that our younger counterparts feel the need to rush to the altar.

I was raised to believe that I had to be married, and have children in order for my life to be complete. So, I did; I got married, had 2 wonderful children, and realized that this is not what I wanted or needed. That everything I had been taught about happily ever after was just a Hallmark moment.


Comment by Monica

April 26, 2006 @ 2:09 am

i liked your article Amy, i think it was very profound. i completely agree with you, we do need our men :). I hadnt realsied it, until i said it to myself, “i need a man”, is almost embarassing.
I met a guy once, and i think he had been hurt. he was very particular on stressing to me that i shouldnt say i need a man because it shows that i am dependent. Ever since, i have felt shameful having to say that because i assumed men thought that i was the “needy” type. but the truth is, just because i need a man, doesnt mean i cant live without him. and we all need somebody. i think we are meant to be paired and no wonder why the world seems like a better place when one is in a happy relationship. On the other hand, i disagree with getting married for the wrong reasons. A lot of us women talk a lot about dependency when all it is,is a desperate need for a man but afraid of being hurt, possibly, again. I found the secret is learning to have my own life and being open to any possiblities. Appreciating men for who they are and not trying to change them. Men have a difficult time understanding us and we them, and i still think we can learn, explore, express ourselves just in relationships and well as we do in marriage.


Comment by KEMMY

April 26, 2006 @ 2:28 am

Thanks for this kind of article.

Yeah it a real fact for our days and not for us alone we pass to other generation that, women are born with potentials that can never fade way no matter the age. women are peculiar and marriage either late or early is not a barrier to our peculiarity.



Comment by Sherry

April 26, 2006 @ 2:47 am

My comment on the importance of men in my life.
” I find men to be quite significant contributors in society and in my life.” Some of my best friends are male and share openly with me aspects of their emotional selves.
I hope other women can open their minds and allow men the same respect that we women give to one another.

“Live and let live!!!” “Today it begins with me to make a positive choice in relationships.”


Comment by Dailia

April 26, 2006 @ 3:13 am

I love my man. There is nothing in this world more important to me than him. He is my lover and my best firend. He is loving faithful and true. I want to be with him and show him everyday just how much he means to me. There is no greater love on the face of this earth than the love that we share together. I want the whole world to know that he is now forever and always in my heart.


Comment by Laurie

April 26, 2006 @ 5:03 am

I am a woman who was the first woman in every position (college degreed) I took (these were jobs held by men traditionally). I have to say it took a very long time to deal with this, however, I grew and continue to do so.

My best friends were/are males. I am a very feminine woman all the same and men continue to find me attractive. I am fifty and still enjoy learning, living, growing and believing in myself.

I was married and have two grown children.

Given the above, I agree with Amy. Every person whether male or female make good friends as much as and to the same degree that we make good friends. We all have differences and all contribute to the spice in life.

I am by many women’s standards somewhat masculine (or in touch with my masculine side) and the fellow I am courting is somewhat effeminate (or in touch with his feminine side). His qualities are attractive to me in that I see him as a potential lifelong soulmate. My former spouse was not able, during our marriage, to see his feminine side.

Whoever we are…being honest with self, happy with self, content with our place in time have more to do with our relationships whether female or male. We make all the difference. Look to yourself not to others for changes.


Comment by DALLAS

April 26, 2006 @ 7:18 am

I have become so independent through out my life. Not that I wanted to become quite this strong, I had to to survive. Now if I am too independent for some men, I just don’t know what to do. I am what I am and sometimes I get so tired of being strong. I need men, but seems like men don’t need me. Which leaves me having to deal with lifes situations alone. What is a girl to do???


Comment by Kate

April 26, 2006 @ 8:02 am

First of all, men should be cherished as much as we want to be cherished.
I am an independent woman who, by the age of 26, had a career, a master’s degree, and my own home. I always “wanted” a man but I never could admit to myself that I “needed” a man. Because of that cold mentality, I have a horrendous history with distant, selfish, cheating men(shocker). Eventually I stopped fighting with myself and became comfortable in my shoes and with my needs. When I finally could admit to myself and everyone that I wanted a partner, I met the love of my life-in a bar no less. I later asked him why he was attracted to me and his answer was because I was independent and opinionated, yet warm and open.
The moral of the story: Let down the guard. Love men the way you want to be loved. They have strengths that we might never understand, but that doesn’t mean we shouldn’t appreciate that and be open to what they can offer us.


Comment by Kim

April 26, 2006 @ 12:09 pm

What a poignant read and how true. I had, from a very early age, mapped my life out for myself with very little after-thought of where the ‘male’ would fit in. I had always planned to be a Director of Nursing by the time I was 30 to have a child by the time I was 30yr however as I approached 30 I tried to push that out to 35. After going through the “ticking clock” my body ‘fell pregnant’ at 30 and I married the father enduring an 8 1/2yr living hell at trying to make something fit into the “white picket fence” idea that was never going to.
After divorcing, moving states and doing a lot of growth personally I am now a 42yr old happy woman.
As a result of my growth and getting to know myself, I am in a wonderful relationship with a man with whom we are almost mirrors of each other in a lot of ways, likes, dislikes etc.
Final thought on this topic – how many women were raised by new feminist females who taught their daughters that not only could they do anything (good) but that they don’t need a man for anything (bad). I was one of this generations’ offspring and have had to walk the tightrope and do a lot of soul searching to feel comfortable right here, right now.
Cheers, Kim


Comment by Sofia

April 26, 2006 @ 2:38 pm

Dallas..I feel the same way! I have had to learn to be independent..and I love it most of the time. But I also get tired of being so strong and would like a man in my life…but how do you show men that you need them when you have never done that before, and without looking needy? I have no idea!


Comment by Lalia

April 26, 2006 @ 8:21 pm

I too like Dallas and Sofia am this strong independent women which life has made me become. My friends and family admire me but it’s not always what people see from the outside which is really the case. I seem to attract men who need to be cared for, selfish and cheaters. I’ve been divorced for 4yrs now and long for a loving, strong, happy man and intimate relationship but how do I show who I really am inside without looking needy?


Comment by IRENE

April 27, 2006 @ 1:13 am

I had not realised it until i read your aricle. Thankyou so much. Actually women of integrity need men. I personally i have a man of my heart and since i started dating him, every body says im ever happy.Women need men not to depend on them.Personaly i became indepedent at the age 23 immediately after college and i still depend on my efforts not on the man i have. On the otherr side i do express my needs to him cos i cant be needless. Secondly,i have men in my life who are good friends, some have families and contribute much to my life by sharing openly with me especially emotional aspects.So unless women show that they need and love men, then let them not expect to be loved and needed.


Comment by smileyes

May 2, 2006 @ 8:21 pm

Psychology…interesting to read this: “They feel that they can do nothing for us that we can’t do for ourselves. In many cases, they end up leaving us for a woman who is much more childlike and needy for his affections.” Everyone loves to feel useful…so do men, or should it be ‘especially men’..
But whether man or woman…one can’t just be depending on others, can we? And the toughest part is when a whiner grumbles and needs help, people are at their service. When one who is normally independent asks for help…people hesitate. Well…it all boils down to attraction in the end.
The world needs balance…so it needs both men & women To answer your rhetorical question making up the last sentence…*count me in* =)

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