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Beautiful Babies

Thursday, May 11, 2006

posted by amy

By now, most of you know that my colleague Sarah Paul (author of "How to Be Irresistible to Men") is having a baby!  We've known in the office for quite some time.  🙂 She's just been glowing.  This is definitely where she's wanted to be in her life, and I know that she and Jason are going to be fantastic parents.

Many of my friends have been having babies recently.  It's that time in people's lives.  Five years ago, everyone was getting married except for me.  I was too busy traveling the world, having adventures, meeting tons of fantastic men, and enjoying every minute of it.  I didn't want to settle down; I had too much to do and see!

Now, I've finally reached the stage in my life where settling down appeals to me.  I've done most of what I wanted to do in my life, seen most of the places I've wanted to see, and staying in one place doesn't sound too shabby at all!

I'm not yet at the stage where Sarah's at.  She's been so happy with Jason that having a baby is the natural next step in her life.  All the inconveniences of being pregnant — who ever thought that buttoning up a winter coat could be such a chore! — are simply amusing events that she laughs off.  She keeps focused on the future.

The one part of it that saddens me — a purely selfish sorrow — is that when Sarah and Jason become new parents, they won't have time to do all the things we used to do together.  I'm not the only single woman who finds that as her friends have children, social events become less and less frequent.  Children change everything.  For my married friends, their lives are richer.  For me, I feel a small sense of loss for the time that we'll no longer spend together.

I went to a barbecue recently with another single friend.  We sat in the garden with paper plates balanced on our knees and watched as kids played recklessly with cardboard boxes, sitting in them, putting them over their heads, and falling over them.  Parents kept an eye out from the porch to make sure that no one hurt themselves.

Every so often some of the parents would detach themselves and come talk to us, shaking their heads in amusement.  I think they envied what they saw as our single, carefree lifestyle.  But as my friend said, "They've got the real prize.  They have partners who love them and children they love.  What they see in us is a false memory of their single days, without any of the loneliness or wasted nights in bars hoping to meet someone."

It is difficult being single and getting older … watching your friends marry, then have children.  But there's nothing wrong with being different from everyone else.  A male friend told me recently, "All of my friends are getting married.  I'm dating this girl that I really like, and I know that she wants to get married.  But I'm not ready yet.  Am I just being selfish?  Maybe I should just take the plunge and do 'the responsible thing.'  But then what if I regret it later?"

I hope that no matter where you are in life, love and romance isn't on your agenda simply because all of your friends have boyfriends, partners, or husbands.  Pressuring yourself to get married by a certain age or to have children by a certain age can cause havoc with your love life.  Give yourself a break and believe that the universe has great things in store for you.  There are so many men out there right now who will make great friends, even if they don't end up as boyfriends, so get out there and meet them for the pure joy of it, not because you expect something.

As for me, I know that Sarah's life is beautiful and perfect just as it is .. and so is my life.  We're both exactly where we're supposed to be. 



Comment by Jeanne

May 12, 2006 @ 2:25 am

Thanks for this encouraging message Amy. After most of my friends got married, i thot that was the end of the road, i felt as though there was something wrong with me that no man asked for my hand in marriage. Well, i guess marriage is a gift from God and will definitely come to each one of us, regardless of the age. Afterall, love has no age limit. Just hang in there ladies and know that one day, God will bring you out of singledom! Thumbs up to all the Singles! and marrieds!!!!!


Comment by Carol

May 12, 2006 @ 4:59 am

Do you wait forever or do you “settle”? I have had many relationships. My biggest mistake was staying in the wrong ones for too long. I’m 49 now. Babies are something I’ll never experience. Ive given up on the love of my my life. He’s not there. Good things don’t always come to those who wait or who wait too long. And for the last comment. God had nothing to do with it….


Comment by Monica

May 12, 2006 @ 5:49 am

i am 22 and eagerly trying to get into Medical School. a lot of my family believes that marriage and starting families is what happens when women get to my age. Most of my cousins are married, if not, they have babies. In the society i live in, younger women have babies, married or unmarried and honestly, esp for these teenagers, it almost seems like fashion, like its some cool thing 🙂 Please dont get me wrong, i believe in marriage and i adore babies esp, the cute ones :), well they all are :). but i also believe in the right time and right man.
But when is the right time? for me, its after Medical school, after i have fulfied MY dreams, am financially stable and with the right man.

I used to feel so bad going to family functions because its almost seemed like there was something wrong with me and i did almost change my mind so many times, and thought about finding a man, getting married and starting a family. That could mean putting my dreams on hold. I have seen and read about so many women who drop everything and only to regret, blame it on their husbands and do nothing about it but mostly live a sad life.

Ladies, they are beautiful things about marrage and they are beautifull things about single life and we both envy the other at times 🙂 Lets except what we have, make the most of it, wait for the right time, not fall to society pressure and do something we might regret for the rest of our lives :0


Comment by Ella

May 12, 2006 @ 7:01 pm

It blow my mind reading that our own Sarah will soon be having a baby, so happy for her and Jason and wishes them the best
Talking on marriage, am praying every single lady out there should keep their mind cross and not be too pushy on the guys cos God is the giver and knows just the right time to do that. so i belive at the right time for i wouldn’t envy the mothers of today cos they have got their own share of singlehood, i will get hook with mine and will be the most happy mother ever. so am wishing all mothers happy mothers day in advance while the single ladies should look ahead for theirs soon. cheers


Comment by diana

May 28, 2006 @ 3:33 pm

At 23 I became a manicurist and my clientel were women in their 50’s+. I had very few clients who at that time in their life were happy with having children.Only two of them said if they had it to over again they would. The others said if they had it to over again they wouldn’t have children. I listened to their stories and it made an impression on me. I am now 52 and never did have children. It was definately the right choice for me. And a concious choice. Even though in the 70’s it was odd if you said you didn’t want to have children, I stood by my conviction. I didn’t feel it. I guess there are some women who actually have strong feelings to have children, I was not one of them and I listened to myself. It would bother me when mothers of daughers would really want their girls to get married and have children so they could have grandchildren.That didn’t make sense to me and still doesn’t. Not even considering if their daughter had met the right man to be the father of the children. Which many weren’t and then the relationship ended in divorce and children without both parents. Instead I chose to travel and explore what life has to offer. I am a better person for it and feel now that if I did choose to have a child I would have something to teach that child. And as for the right man to come along. God, the universe or whatever one believes in, if anything, does things on their time frame and not when you want it. That much I have learned. You live life each moment and be a concious person, making concious choices, some work out and some don’t. Diana


Comment by Elizabeth II

June 10, 2006 @ 9:48 pm

Hi Amy! I married at the age of 24, am now turning 27. I have two amazing toddlers who have long made me focused and gave meaning to my life. I am happy and thankful of my life and of the loved ones I have but sometimes I looked back to the days when I was single, to the times when nothing was holding me back from hanging out with friends and wishing I could do this and that. I’ve been feeling a little regret about the things I could have done if only I were single. My husband once admitted the same.

I confessed this to a cousin who then reminded of my luck for having a husband and two beautiful children. I thought, yeah, how I have forgotten.

And here I am – moved, when I read this article especially by the statement your friend said in the 7th paragraph. I wish more married women including men could read this one. It’s truly very inspiring.

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