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Filming 2006 Edition

Wednesday, May 17, 2006

posted by amy

Wow … we’ve just spent the last week filming the 2006 Edition of How to Be Irresistible to MenIt’s going to be fantastic!  Andrew Rusbatch from Save My Marriage Today! and a motivational speaker/success coach joined me for several hours of discussion on topics ranging from living in love to making a relationship work this time around.  We also discussed how to awaken your femininity in such a way that men will be irresistibly drawn to your inner glow.

I’m simply amazed at what we accomplished.  What we’ve created is different from anything out there on the market right now.  What the 2006 Edition is about is not strategies for capturing a man, but rather the truth about love and letting love in.

As for me, I’m tired of playing by The Rules.  I want to understand my love life in a way that honors and respects me as a person who is complete with or without a man.

I find it rather embarassing when I am asked how to go about "getting" a man or "catching" a man.  I don’t want to get a man (or any man, for that matter).  I want the right man to be drawn to me naturally.  I don’t need to capture him, either.  I want him to feel that he can freely choose to be in my life if we’re suited for one another.  If we’re not, we’ll let one another go with grace.

In my opinion, setting out traps to catch a man and playing by The Rules so that he’ll be convinced to stay with you even if you’re not the best match is simply silly.

A mature relationship requires a foundation of authenticity, but many of us are scared that being genuine, open, and honest with our love will scare men away.

If what you truly want is an immature relationship (and there are lots of immature guys out there who will respond eagerly to a woman who plays games), then, yes, learning to become more open and expressive with your love will scare the lesser men away.

The great men, however, will recognize you as one of the rare women who truly allows herself to be herself … and who allows him to be him.  You’ll create a mesmerizing sexual energy based on your masculine and feminine polarities, NOT based on your ability to wear the latest fashions or style your hair in an attractive way.

As you examine your beliefs about men, love, relationships, and femininity, you’ll find that you don’t have to do anything to attract a man.  All you have to do is understand how your own beliefs are either limiting you or creating possibilities for you.

And that’s what the 2006 Edition of How to Be Irresistible to Men will teach you.

As for me, I find it a breath of fresh air to realize that I don’t have to be losing weight, mastering dating protocol, or flirting seductively to attract men.  All I have to do is unlock my own inner radiance that I have by virtue of simply being me.

Of course, being oneself is a lot harder than it sounds!  You have to learn to forgive yourself and let go of the voice in your head that keeps criticizing you for not being good enough or for driving him away.  You have to learn to place less importance on what happened to you in the past and be present in the here and now.  You have to understand how men respond to your feminine energy and use it wisely.

I’m sure that the 2006 Edition of How to Be Irresistible to Men has a message for all women out there who want a genuine, real relationship based on deepening love and intimacy.  I can’t wait for you to experience the transformative powers of these ideas for yourself.

I’ll be keeping you posted! 



Comment by Marina

May 18, 2006 @ 1:55 am

I can really relate to this article. I decided to take the recommendations at the end and state them to myself as declarations. It is very empowering.

Thank you.


Comment by Lore

May 18, 2006 @ 2:08 am

I loved this article!. The diffucult thing is that not all women find easy to let go the past, a 20 year relationship, a cheating husband who one was in love with… But… We have to find a way to love ourselves, put our boundaries, find our core, and start one day at a time being truly ourselves. I am trying everyday to find peace in my mind and heart, I have received many blessings from God which are helping me to realize that a new life on my own, being myself, without playing games, could be good!


Comment by beverley

May 18, 2006 @ 2:49 am

How true this article is . You took the words right out of my mouth.


Comment by Gianna

May 18, 2006 @ 11:32 am

Is the 2006 edition a book? Or a DVD or both? Is it online, or a physical product?? This sounds like just what I’ve been looking for.


Comment by amy

May 18, 2006 @ 2:29 pm

The 2006 Edition is a Video Series that will be available online in the 000Relationships.com Members Area as streaming video. (This means that anyone who’s already bought “How to Be Irresistible to Men” will get it free!) Additionally, there will be a workbook for each of the topics that reviews the concepts and presents exercises. Plus, the 2006 Edition will include an exciting audio program designed to help you through the hard experience of getting over a breakup and getting on with life.

In addition, you’ll also get all of the great stuff that’s already in the current “How to Be Irresistible to Men” package. That includes Sarah Paul’s landmark book, numerous bonus books on topics ranging from online dating to overcoming shyness, audio courses, and an entire video section on how to create a healthy relationship and attain true self-confidence.

It’s a massive course, so no matter where you are in relationship, I am sure you’ll find SOMETHING that speaks to you! 🙂


Comment by Crystal

June 17, 2006 @ 12:30 pm

Thanks Amy, but I still have no budget to buy the wonderful book “How to be irrisistible to Men” Is it sold in New Zealand? I am only learning from tips through Christian,you and now reading some other kind souls encouraging stories. Thanks once again.

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