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Whose Game Is It, Anyway?

Monday, May 29, 2006

posted by James

I’d be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy fantasy baseball.  In fact, I’d be lying if I said didn’t LOVE fantasy baseball.

But the truth is, I’m hooked.  I’m on my ESPN Fantasy League team page every day, analyzing performances, devouring stats, reading score sheets.  I can’t get enough of the experts’ columns, the latest reports about who’s hot and who’s not, and browsing the free agent list to see who my competitors may not have been wise enough to pick up. 

I love the whole competitive feel of it.  It’s great to know when you’re winning, especially with the subtle, little victories such as a trade that goes your way, or a free agent pick-up that turns out to be one of your best players.  You may be in the bottom of the standings one day, but after a couple of shrewd moves, right up there at the front of the pack.  It’s exhilirating.

All in all, it’s an addiction that I truly love—and that my fiancee truly HATES.

But what’s interesting about this story is what it can show us about winning.  Just like fantasy baseball victories are sometimes too subtle to immediately recognize, so it goes with victories in relationships.

As I said before, my girlfriend hates that I spend so much time on my fantasy baseball habit.  She would NAG me about doing other things, like spending more time talking with her.  Yeah, NAGGING, a sometimes daily nightmare that all of us guys have had to deal with.  It’s not fun, and often drives a man away from the prescribed task more than it gets him to do it.


Unless your girlfriend actually learned how to achieve what she wanted WITHOUT nagging. 

At first, when I would sneak off during a movie or during a "How was your day?" session to check how my beloved fantasy team was performing, she would complain.  And nag.  And complain and nag.  Her biggest thing would be that I don’t spend enough time talking to her.  And the total effect would be to just make me more MORE inclined to check my team, to show that *I* was the man in control.  Why couldn’t she just respect the hobby I so adore?  I never asked her to like it.  Just to deal with it.

Then a funny thing happened.  She DID learn to deal with it.  And in the process, I got hoodwinked by her subtle way of winning.

As most women know, the moment she begins to nag, men just tune out.  We’re gone.  We’re off in another place.  I call my place James World.  Maybe you have a name for your partner's alternate reality.

But there’s the flip side.  Sometimes, instead of nagging, a girl starts to IGNORE you.  And then we don’t know what’s happening!

This happened with Jen.  I was so used to her routine of criticizing me for spending so much time on my fantasy league, that when it stopped, I thought something was wrong.  There HAD to be something wrong.  I mean, this wasn’t part of the routine!  All of a sudden, when I went off to check the latest results, she wouldn’t say a thing.  She’d go off somewhere.  Then I’d be done checking, and she’d still be doing something else.  I’d ask her what was up, and she’d say she was busy.  "Huh", I would think to myself.  "That’s unusual."  So a few minutes later I went to check on her again.  And she would brush me off again: "I gotta call someone", or "Give me 10 minutes." 

Okay, now it was REALLY getting weird.  Instead of automatically defending my habits, I was gaining some form of acceptance.  Not routine.  And as we men know, when things aren’t routine, SOMETHING’S not right.

So in the process of Jen being busy herself, I somehow began to change my habits.  I wasn’t so eager to check my team, because it all of a sudden wasn’t prohibited.  And that made it less fun.  Now all of a sudden I found myself spending more time talking with her.  And less time checking my fantasy league.

Then I realized it….

That was her plan all along.  She didn’t stop nagging so much to let me do what I wanted.  She stopped nagging so that I would do what SHE wanted! 

I’d been had!  I thought I was pretty good at the intricacies of fantasy baseball.  But I’ve got a lot to learn about the intricacies of relationships.

Damn, women are good!



Comment by Elizabeth II

June 10, 2006 @ 7:58 pm

really? hmm that gives me an idea. thanks for posting your story. i like this one.


Comment by beverley

June 14, 2006 @ 4:09 am

yeah we re good aren t we lol


Comment by TJ

June 14, 2006 @ 5:27 am

I have had a similar problem, except it is cards. Most of our social activities are with his card buddies and their wives. While the men play we talk and sometimes some of the women play. This is ok. But we no longer spend time with our friends who do not play cards and I long for a date with my boyfriend or to occassionally do something other. I feel like a relationship is about comprimise and if I am willing to participate in something that is not that enjoyable. ( I might enjoy it more if it wasn’t so often) Is it unreasonable to expect him to occassionally see a movie or go to dinner? Help, he is a great guy I would hate to have this come between us. When ever I try to talk to him about this he become defensive or tells me that he won’t be molded into something I want.


Comment by Debbie Cole

June 14, 2006 @ 8:24 pm

Relationships are about change. Love is about change. I get tired of men saying we’re trying to change them. Tell him that love is about growth when he uses that excuse towards you.

And James, I’ll bet Jen was very frustrated with your Fantasy Football. I’ll bet she went to her mother and asked all her girlfriends what to do, then probably found a few couples to ask advice for on this topic too. That’s where she must have learned that she cared enough about you to know you should spend time on interests other than her. That’s probably what that’s about. Either that or someone taught her the trick of reverse psychology, which, does that ever really work with men? Men catch onto those tricks pretty quickly, so it’s not like you can use that technique multiple times.

Us women try and use all our resources to fix the situation rather than blow up in the man’s face all the time. We like to analyze it, sit back, and see if we can do something differently with additional information we have collected. That is why we usually say, “Everything’s fine.” when you men ask us if something’s wrong. We don’t want to blow things out of proportion unnecessarily. Instead, we will go home and ask a few friends if we were right or wrong about being upset. Unfortunately, if enough people agree we were right about being upset, that’s when we will bring up that subject again months later and state that topic as an example. I know it’s not fair, but it’s usually what happens.



Comment by Stephanie Jo

June 17, 2006 @ 8:11 am

I'm very glad that I bumped into this post because my boyfriend does the exact same thing with his PS2 and his movies and television programmes. It drives me up the wall when he sits up all night with "insomnia" he calls it, and does those things just to make me mad or because he's been stuck in that routine for so many years he can't change and it's really starting to make a bad toal on our relationship with both ourselves and the two kids. We have one 4 yr old girl Kaitlin, and one 10 mnth old girl Chloe and he bearly has time to spend with them because he sits up all night and then sleeps all day and I'm left to work out bills, get shopping, take them to nursery and back, clean the house, do a washing, and then try to get time to myself at the end of the day when the kids are in bed. I'm sooooo tired at the end of the day I dont see him and I just go to sleep and start the same thing the next day and this continues all the time. I really dont know what to do about it because if things dont change I'm either going to have a nervous breakdown or we are going to split up and I dont want that to happen because we've been engaged for many years and we have two beautiful children together. I anyone has any advice please leave a comment I could sure use some advice, I'm going crazy. So into this sight of my life I can see why Jen was so upset about James checking his fantasy football all the time and getting no time to spend with him cuddling and talking about there relationship because to me the best things in a relationship are honesty, trust, love, and alot of communication. If you don't have them then you have nothing. Thanks, James I'm glad you realised where you were going wrong, I just hope my John does too. : )

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