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Getting What You Want

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

posted by amy

I've been looking for a new place to move.  A week ago I thought I had found the perfect place on paper, a amazingly-priced apartment right in the heart of the city next to the gardens, only to walk through it and discover that it was cold, dank, and had paint peeling off the walls.

Then, towards the end of the week, I found an ad for another fantastic-sounding place.  A friend and I drove past to check it out, and he recognized the apartment.  He'd spent quite a bit of time there with a former fling.  It was incredible, he told me.  Huge, sunny, recently painted, with a marble fireplace.  I wouldn't find a better deal in the entire city.  He even drew me a map of the floor layout.  I had to take it.

"Don't get me too excited!" I told him, laughing.  "I don't want to get my hopes up."  I called the rental management agency and made an appointment the following Monday to see it.   For the rest of the afternoon, my friend gushed about the apartment, how it would be perfect for me, how he could see me living there, how he'd help me move.

Monday came around.  I hadn't been able to sleep the night before, and my friend was more excited than I was.  Then, early that afternoon, the rental agent called up.

"I have bad news.  The current tenant has decided not to leave."

And that was that.

What does this have to do with relationships?

Not much, at first glance.  It has more to do with how we act when we don't get what we want.

When we decide we want something – a boyfriend, a new apartment, a new job – we feel so excited.  We embark on the hunt with energy and enthusiasm.  We pursue all leads, we don't dismiss any possibility out of hand, and we solicit other people's advice.  We're fired up with the vision of getting our dream.

But then one promising lead after another pans out.  We get our hopes up about a particular man/house/job, and then get our hopes dashed again.  Friends aren't much help with their reassurances.  "That's such a shame; that would have been perfect for you."  "Keep trying."  "Things will get better."

What happens?  We fall back into the trap of feeling bitter, or feeling like it will never happen for us, or feeling like we're destined for the doldrums.  Everyone else seems to get what they want with a modicum of effort; why not us?  Maybe we're just unlucky.  Maybe the universe has something against us.

And then we stop looking … or we look out of a sense of duty, without any real sense that we'll find something.

People who are truly successful in life know one thing to be true: when life knocks you down, get up again.  That's all there is to it.

If you've been looking for a relationship, or for some highly anticipated change in your life that doesn't seem to be materializing, remember that each missed opportunity doesn't doom your search to failure.

So what if you found a guy that seemed to be great but ended up having some major flaws?  At least you know what to avoid next time!

So what if you found what appeared to be "the perfect guy" and he wasn't interested?  At least you know guys like him are out there!

I have to admit … I did feel really discouraged yesterday.  I'd allowed my imagination to run wild about what I would do if I got the apartment before I actually got it.

But now I know better.  I know that apartments like that are out there.  Now, I just have to find one for myself.



Comment by Rita Massey

July 12, 2006 @ 3:38 am

It’s great to be optimistic and to think positive. I do believe that when one door closes in our face, God has something better awaiting us just around the bend. We just have to keep the faith, and keep pressing on. Good luck!


Comment by dee

July 12, 2006 @ 4:48 am

What a great e-mail!! I have been knocked back so many times over the last few years. Relationships, houses, jobs and sometimes I feel like giving up. Each time your knocked back, you emerge stronger and more wise. I wondered how many times I could pick myself up, but I have done, and dusted myself down and got back on track. We do tend to think other peoples lives are better than ours, everyone has knock backs, it’s up to you if your going to be a victim or a survivor!!!


Comment by Renee

July 12, 2006 @ 6:13 am

I guess I really needed to read this. I have been looking for a job for awhile now. I went yesterday to apply and things looked good. But, after reading your article I realized that I shouldn’t get my hopes up about it. If it is truly what God has for me, then it will all bo okay. But as Rita said, if God closes the door, then He will have something better for me. He can open doors of opportuniy that no man can close. And I guess that’s the same in relationships and with a home/apartment. Thank you for your words of inspiration.


Comment by Vivian Perez

July 12, 2006 @ 8:29 am

Iam so happy I read this. It brings back lots of memories. You do need to keep looking. What you want is out there somewhere, you just need to find it no matter what you looking for. I’ve been looking for 2 years now, Iam not giving up. I know when I find it, it will be worth while.


Comment by Cecile

July 12, 2006 @ 12:45 pm

Wow! I was just thinking of this very topic today! How many times have I been fired up by happening on a ‘good’ man only to be disappointed. I was just thinking of the ‘jerk’ and the ‘nice guy’ who I met since this year who just fizzled to nothing. The former I dropped, the latter is still my ‘friend’. However, everytime we make an arrangement to hang out together he calls at the last minute with an excuse. Last week was a case in point….on the appointed day (I was so fired up about how we would have such a great time hanging out) he called at the last minute to say he had to have dinner with his parents. I thought the excuse lame but this time I was determined to let it roll off my back. Now I have another guy in my sights and just today I was thinking….don’t get excited, it will end the way all the others have…crushing disappointment. So I was so glad to read your article which reminded me I should never give up hope. Yes indeed God is in control and true love is just around the corner…..How is that for optimism!


Comment by jumoke shoge

July 13, 2006 @ 1:54 am

Thanks sarah i love the msg .but i want u to advise me on what am about to say now .i a have a b/friend and he always want me to buy him one thing or the other and he has never buy me anything before .but i just know him 2weeks now .is this love or what? pls advise me .


Comment by Monica

July 13, 2006 @ 4:25 am

just wanted to say,
A quitter never wins and a winner never quits 🙂
Stay strong to all. Miracles and blessings.


Comment by Manda

July 13, 2006 @ 12:24 pm

Yes, this is indeed a great article. It is SOOOO very easy to get discouraged once your high hopes aren’t met. I’ve been through that negative mindset of thinking, “Well, this is just the way things will always be for me. Might as well get used to it. I just have bad luck.” But no, this kind of thinking only leads to defeat. The way I see it, someone who really wants change in their life will go that extra mile until they attain what it is they want. No matter how many letdowns or lost opportunities, it’s important to know that you will find something/someone you like eventually. And the really positive aspect of continuously going through the search and taking risks is that you’re gaining practice and experience until you find what’s perfect for you. Thanks for writing this article and reminding us how important it is to stay positive and persistent. This is something helpful and relatable for practically everyone.

Comment by olajumoke shoge

March 5, 2007 @ 1:43 pm

i just want to say life is a lesson the more we live, the more we learn . so don,t plan to fail,plan to win.

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