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Wise Words from Sarah

Friday, July 21, 2006

posted by amy

Sarah shared this with me the other day, and I'd like to reprint it here.  If you're struggling with accepting being out of a relationship, or if you're looking for ways to change yourself so that you'll become more attractive to men, then this message might just come at the right time.

The first key to finding love is to believe that it will happen. Believe that you are single at the moment for a reason, and that destiny is trying to teach you something about yourself at this time. It might be to feel comfortable within your own company, or to celebrate being an individual and having control over what happens in your everyday life. But now that you are looking for more, the belief that it will happen will enable you to start to attract your reality.

You may be looking for things in your life to change so that you can attract a man. This is perhaps a misguided way of looking at finding love. The key to finding genuine love is to identify what the person inside you really is, and to celebrate being it. Don’t be the version of you that you think you need to be in order to find the man of your dreams. If you are able to be yourself and love being that person, your genuine nature will attract genuine men to you.

Remember that like attracts like, so if you are looking for genuine love you need to celebrate the genuine you. That way the men who are drawn to you are attracted to the real you.

If Sarah's message spoke to you, you'll love the 2006 Edition of "How to Be Irresistible to Men" (available August 1).  It's an incredible program that will bring out your inner, genuine irresistibility without making you into someone false that you're not.



Comment by Lola

July 26, 2006 @ 2:39 am

Thank you for submitting that bit of information.. it was just what I needed to hear.
I am 65-years “young’,divorced for 6 years, and have been struggling with the fact that something must be wrong with me, my looks or my personality,since no one seems to be attracted to me, or I to them. Your article really helped. Again, thanks!


Comment by Renee

July 26, 2006 @ 4:22 am

You know, for a long time I thought something was wrong with me. Men would always compliment me, but I just brushed them off. I was always wondering why I could never meet anyone decent and who didn’t just want one thing. I was raised a little bit old-fashioned, and I was looking for “some” romance. But I realized that I was pushing the men away with my attitude. I had to really look at myself and love myself first. I never even looked at men because I stereotyped them all. But after I looked differently at myself, I saw men differently. I actually gave them a chance and didn’t push them away. Don’t get me wrong, there are still alot of men who only want one thing. But, there are men who are looking for a genuine relationship, all you have to do is have an open mind and look inside them. That means it takes time to get to know them. I had to learn all of this, but thanks to your articles I finally get the picture.


Comment by Carol

July 26, 2006 @ 7:43 am

Sorry Renee

I’m still of the notion, that men are looking for one thing. I’m 49 years old, extremely attractive and never found the one. Look at Christy Brinkley.


Comment by Carolyn

July 26, 2006 @ 9:11 am

I almost didnt read the article “Getting Over the Ghosts” so glad I did as it actually happened to me last week. I almost lost the man that has taken better care of me (and my son) than anyone including my former husband. I realized that I held things against him that werent his fault. We are building things back up now, still a little shakey, wish me luck…


Comment by Tina

July 26, 2006 @ 12:31 pm

I am 48 and single for 3 years now. I would like to find someone but it seems I only attract married men.I thought the article ” wise words from sarah” was a wonderful article. I sure hope all men do not cheat if the oportunity is there. My last relationship of 25 years ended due to infidelity on his part. So I will do some soul searching and try to see if there is something in me that only attracts unavailable men.Oh yeah I’ll work on the beleiving it will happen. Maybe thats the key to the whole thing.I enjoy your e-mails Thanks for all the inspiration. Later T


Comment by Rose

July 26, 2006 @ 5:31 pm

Hi Thank you so much Sarah for the informative artcles you keep sending to us! I also can relate to Renee where I would stereotype men in general despite their compliments. This article puts this perspective in a positive light. It makes me think how much time I have wasted!!!


Comment by kate

July 26, 2006 @ 6:30 pm

thanks for the message i really needed, it, i have been in a relationship for the last five months but during that time i have only been on a date with him once, though he has come to my place twice. he only calls me once a week and we are supposed to be in a relationship. we are both doctoral students and very busy but hey i thought love makes you want to be together more often? at least my understanding of love. everytime we agree to meet something comes up and he cancels. i believe he is not really into me, last nite i sent him a message to end the relationship and he argues that am giving up too soon. after reading your mail, i really think i should leave him and find a man who trully has time for me. what do you think?


Comment by lola

July 28, 2006 @ 2:01 am

heyy thx so much for dat u very nice ladies might think im kind of stupid for signing up as well since im 14 but it cnt hurt to know all this before right?well i just wanna thank you sooo much for all this information especially since i feel da pressure to change myself


Comment by Ruth

July 31, 2006 @ 10:44 pm

Great words sisters
i am 24 and have been out of a relationship for 2years now i don’t know whether i don’t attract men or men don’t attract me but after falling out with the best guy i ever knew because he cheated on me, i move around carrying shadows of our past.i hope the wise words sink into my skull. whenever i want to date it seems like i’m cheating on the god forsaken guy. last nite he sent me a mail saying he is thinking alot about me but i have the feeling that once a cheat always a cheat. Do men really change? why has he not bothered for up to 2 years where is he coming from to wake a sleeping dog. i hope i can change SOMEONE HELP


Comment by Christal

August 1, 2006 @ 12:24 pm

I also received that advice from Sarah in one of her newsletters… and I do believe that it is the best words of wisdom I had ever read about singlehood. For the first time in my life, I didn’t feel sorry for myself about being single. I’m 19 years old, and I have not yet been in a real relationship. But now, I don’t feel like I SHOULD be in a relationship. I feel okay with my single status. Now that I think about it, I did have some things to sort out before I got involved in a relationship. I’m just glad I could stumble upon those encourageing words so that I could stop thinking negatively about myself and start taking control of my life. Thanks Sarah for the wise words, and thanks Amy for the reminder. It never hurts to be reminded that we are all beautiful, wonderful women.

Comment by Marie Jacquelyne

August 30, 2006 @ 6:00 am

Me too, I thought something was wrong with me that I couldn’t last in a relationship until I realized that I was letting myself be chosen and accepting the fact that “he” wanted me and not looking if “he” was right for me.
I have changed all that and feel much better now that “I” wait and see, if “he” is one I would chose to be my mate forever.

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