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Getting a Proposal

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

posted by amy

Sometimes it is easy to find a man that meets our criteria for being a suitable marriage partner.  We can convince ourselves that he is perfect for us simply by his qualifications on paper: handsome, wealthy, honorable … and, of course, highly interested in wooing us.  What can we do to not mess it up?

Today's question from a reader tackles this very issue.

I'm 33 years old, beautiful, and always attract men.  I'm divorced and have a daughter.  The problem is all the men I know are not serious.  I mean they don't want any kind of commitment.  Lately I have met a guy and as usual he likes me sooooo much. He is as old as me, successful, he has a very very strong character and he is very rich.  I'm trying to follow some of your rules of not being so available.  How can I marry him?….help me please I think it is my last chance.

Name Withheld, Saudi Arabia

This is such a wonderful question, especially because it reveals the challenge of turning attraction into a committed relationship.

Women who don't believe they're particularly gifted in beauty or charm often despair of ever "capturing" a man to marry.  They believe that it is their lack of skills that keeps them from getting the man they desire.  Yet what they don't realize is that all women – even women who are gifted with beauty, charm, and attractiveness – feel self-doubt when faced with an attraction that they want to transform into marriage.

Making the decision that you want to marry someone is no light matter.  Often we are more in love with the idea of marriage than with the person we want to marry.  For example, in an article in the Washington Post ("How cell phones changed courting in Saudi Arabia," Kevin Sullivan, August 13, 2006), a young Saudi man explains:

"It's really rare to meet girls here in Saudi Arabia …  And to feel great in this country, you have to be married. We all want to be married. It makes you comfortable, it makes you happy. I want to be in love."

Those are a lot of expectations to place on marriage.  Yet we often make them unthinkingly.  We believe that marriage (like more money, or a better figure, or more expensive clothes) will make our lives better than ever before. 

Leaving aside for a moment the issue of whether or not marriage can make life better, be aware that marriage-minded women often turn off men.  Why?  Because the man can sense that the only thing the woman wants is a diamond ring.  Some men use this expectation to their advantage and lead you on with the promise of a proposal until they've had all they wanted of you.  Other men feel pressured or used and end the relationship.  They prefer to be with a woman who's truly into them rather than their status or potential as a husband.

Worst of all, the minute you turn away from the pleasure of courtship into the expectation of a proposal, you hinge your happiness on whether or not he marries you.  You stop being happy with your interactions such as they are.  You forget to focus on what should be the most important thing for you during the courtship phase: whether or not he's right for you. 

A man can never be right for you "on paper" alone.  No matter how wealthy, successful, or compatible he is, if he doesn't make you feel fantastic when you're with him, then he's not right.

Any man can behave like a perfect gentleman during the courtship phase.  That's why I recommend knowing a man for a while before plunging into marriage.  The more comfortable he becomes around you, the more he'll show his true colors.  It is this real man that you want to get to know.  Remember that you have a lifetime of happiness or unhappiness at stake.  If you choose a marriage partner based on admirable qualities alone – rather than how he makes you feel – you may end up in an empty marriage where you both respect and care for another but do not truly love one another.

So why you want to marry this man?  Is it because of how he makes you feel, or is it because he's such a catch?

Any decision made from a place of lacking (e.g., "This is my last chance," "I'll never meet someone like him again," "I'm getting older and need to get married now") is likely to backfire.  If you want to marry a man because you think that it's your last chance at love, pull back.  Take a good hard look at him.  Take a good hard look at yourself.  Ask yourself if this man can add anything to your life, or whether he's simply filling a hole.

Once you've found the right man, the man who adds so much to your life that your joy is overflowing, the man that you know you want to spend the rest of your life with, you can be overcome by your wanting.  Normally you're perfectly able to play cool and let things develop, but – you think – this man is special.  I can't lose him.  All those characteristics that worked on men in the past may not work on this man.  How can I prevent the unthinkable: the loss of his interest?

Here are some techniques that I've found to be successful.

  1. Let him set the pace of the relationship.  As women we have a tendency to want to push everything faster and faster until we reach our wedding day.  But if you make a vow to yourself to go at his pace, you never push him further than he's willing to go.  This may even mean holding off talking about your feelings or teling him that you love him before he introduces the subject.  But one thing that I learned from Greg Behrendt (author of He's Just Not That Into You) is that when a man is truly interested in you, he'll have marriage on his mind.  If he's not proposing according to your timetable, or if you suspect that he enjoys the situation too much as it is to want to marry you, then thank him politely and lovingly for the time you have shared together, let him know that you're seeking a husband rather than a boyfriend, and move on.  Losing you may be the kick-in-the-pants that he needs to confess his love.  But if he doesn't come running after you, then you know that he wasn't that into you.  It's really that simple.  (Although, admittedly, it can be terribly hard to accept.)
  2. Enjoy being with him.  I know it sounds obvious.  But the one thing that men want to know is that they will enjoy a woman's company for the rest of their lives.  If you are often unhappy, aloof, or complaining around him, he may feel the interest of pursuit, but he won't be as keen on marriage.
  3. Keep cultivating your own life.  Never drop your own activities for him.  If you move to accommodate him in everything, he'll see you as a doormat with no life of your own.  Don't be afraid to turn him down a time or two if you have other things going on.  Cultivating new hobbies or attending exciting social events will give you something to talk about with him when you meet.
  4. Listen to the hidden messages.  Men aren't good at hiding what they're thinking … at least, not in a way that any aware woman can't read!  The problem is that many of us only hear what we want to hear.  Listen to his hidden messages.  He may be telling you through his chance comments, gestures, or behaviors that he's not ready for a relationship – or he may be telling you that he's interested in you purely because you seem unavailable and therefore a challenge.  Hone your ability to read his intentions, and don't lie to yourself.  Better that this man passes you by than that you're locked into a relationship with a man who can't reciprocate your love.

All the best to you, and remember that you will have a wonderful and fulfilling life whether or not you marry this man.  It's up to you to stake your happiness on the chance of a future with him or make your own happiness now in the present.


Comment by Ester

August 16, 2006 @ 2:46 am

Hey Amy,

I just finished reading the article on Getting a Proposal,the whole content sounds great to me,even though my language- understanding is low and making it difcult to catch things up so easily.Thanks that you were born into this modern and full-of-obstacles world.

I just can’t wait for more!!


Comment by sara

August 16, 2006 @ 3:32 am

hi ,

i just read the artical and its really helpful,but the problem that im facing is that i can c things so clearly for others and advice them …but when it comes to me i know nothing and i feel that im so dumb in reading my mans signes??

i apeared ton every one around me as a highly confident girl and i always tried to reflect it this way ,while im so not >

so,what i got from the artical is that its better to enjoy his company without thinking about marreige and it will happen?


dissparate to know


Comment by Jane

August 16, 2006 @ 4:32 am

Hi Amy,

I read your article and am sort of captivated by the write up. Thanks for bring such topic up, I totally agree with you. I see it as eye an opener to most of we ladies on actually getting the man we need in our lives. Most times we need to sit down and do our home work correctly before going into an inimate relationship or even marriage with any man.

Thanks once again Amy for the write up. I can’t wait to read more of such inspireing and motivating articles from you.

Comment by cj pooka

August 16, 2006 @ 7:42 am

Hi Amy,
I just read your article on proposals and I really liked it, but it seems that the guys I know just tell me what they think I want to hear… that they want me in their life full time and exclusive but then I dont hear from them for several weeks afterwards. Oh, they might call just wanting to stop by for sex but I decline that. I want more than just casual sex, too many diseases out there to worry about! Why do guys do this? Even when I was married, he told my relatives of the things he would do for them (fixing cars, yard work, etc) with NO intention of following through. Then just a couple of hours later told me he was leaving me for someone else. Oh, i should add that before he dumped me, he brought me a card and roses, telling me how much he loves me. Should we take what guys say with a grain of salt? Or that actions speak louder than words?

Comment by enya

August 16, 2006 @ 6:34 pm

Hi Amy,

tempted to agree with you (coz everything sounds so easy in the article), but I cant do that. Indeed the topic is exteremly intersting and the general insights are correct, however, talking about a society the westener has little (or no) knowledge about – is a bit risky.
I am a european, living for years in UAE and i know exactly the issues that this woman faces. Unfortunately none of your advises is applicable here (read again the article about mobiles in KSA you are citing:).
And one more thing – I have asked men from different cultures (a european, an arab, an asian)”When did you know that the woman you are dating is going to be your wife?” and they ALL answer the same: “As soon as i laid my eyes on her for the first time”.
Ladies, just make sure you know what YOU want. Then (as Amy says) step back and observe. it will take you just a few days to find out what the guy has in mind about you and possible development of the relationship.

good luck

Comment by Lydia

August 17, 2006 @ 3:02 am

Hi Amy,

I agree with you…One thing I learnt from my folks is that, ‘you can’t give something that you don’t have’. To me, the lady in UEA sounds like she’s looking for fill avoid inside of her by marrying this guy, who she believes will make everything alright. This void, (emptiness) could be lack of self love, or confidence, etc…and she can see clearly, these qualities in the object of her desires, but I think unless, she cultivates her own qualities, she won’t what she wants…

And I know she believes that she’s got alot of love to give…(and I don’t doubt that), but what kind of love does she have to give? You see, I believe that relationships should be ‘added value’ Into our lives. Our cups (of life) Should be full already, (not expecting to be full, when you meet the guy). Then, when such love is complete, the cup will just overflow…..and I think that’s why you here people say ‘Oooh am so blessed!’ or ‘Am sooo lucky!’

Yes, I know, things are easier said than done. But a wonderful write once said, that excellence is a habit, you get to achieve it, when you seek it and learn or cultivate it.

I think every relationship you’ve gone through, had some lessons to be learnt. When we look hard enough, they are indeed blessings in disguise….we become better people, more loving….in preparation for the ‘one’.

In a nutshell, I agree with Amy.



Comment by Marie Jacquelyne

August 30, 2006 @ 5:38 am

Hi, I really enjoyed this, what I do to find out if the man is serious, I tell him right at the begining that I do not have sex before marriage and am not into “trying it out before marriage”.
It works for me because it really weeds the non-serious, the one-night stands and suprisingly many man are into having sex on their wedding night!
I was quite shocked to see how many young men,are keeping themselves for the right woman. They are fed up of the one nite stands, women not being serious and are using this same technique I am doing to weed out the money hungry etc women.

I also wait 3-4 months before really getting involved with a relationship because in that period of time, the guy shows his “true colors”. So I say, thanks but you are not what I am searching for and move on.

I am 63,(no ones believes me when I say that) good looking woman and more demands of marriage than I can count, but waiting those 3-4 months and hold the no sex before marriage really works for me.

So no disappointments for me. Because giving yourself to a man is no guarantee you will keep him. So rather break up with the satisfaction that I didn’t give it and feel I had been used just for sex.

Well, my girlfriends are doing it too and saying that it sure weeds out the players.

Love to read you…:)


Comment by Stana

September 20, 2006 @ 4:35 am

Awesome article….think most if not all of we girls can relate to the info hear in! I found it helpful and informative…reading it is one thing and putting it into practice is quite another! I have been humming rt along for a yr and one half nursing a relationship at his pace…got in a hurry and spilled the beans…he has now pulled back,,,but of course! from the article i see it as my only HOPE if it is to go any where is to really pull back and see if he cares e-nuff to find me and “catch and keep me” so that is what i feel led to do next if it is now not too late? delicate balance this crazy thing called love!….thanks once again Stana

Comment by Fatema

September 20, 2006 @ 8:56 pm

Hi Amy,

This is an eye opener but a tough one. I’m sailing in the same boat as this KSA one but I’m playing it safe, I’m not desperate… I had a very loving childhood and can’t seem to understand where this void of love in me could have erupted from?
However, patience is a virtue and we all are destined to meet our soul mates – so we will. On the way we might just come across a few bumps – meeting the wrong people – to apprecaite the ‘ultimate one’

All I have to say is Amy please be with us in this.


Trackback by Linwood

July 7, 2007 @ 7:14 am

I think your information maybe a little outdated, but you have a very exciting writing style…

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