Join the Crowd!

Want to hear what some people are saying about my course?

"After reading your advice and following your instructions I have discovered that I used to know absolutely NOTHING about women. You are my god .. seriously! Well not quite seriously;) I have learnt so much valuable stuff from you, I love the way you look at things. You have provided me with a new perspective on how to approach and treat women that I so desperately needed - even though I didn't know it. I have made so many female friends these last few weeks and had some awesome dates, but best of all, I feel so much better about my self and optimistic about what is going to happen from now on. Thank you so much!!"
-- John Little (Austin, TX, USA)
"I was worried when I purchased your book that you would be teaching me to be someone I'm not. My main problem was that I was not able to be myself whenever women that I liked were around. I would get shy and self conscious. Your book has changed my whole outlook on how I see women and by knowing them better and how they think and feel about things I feel so much more comfortable being myself around them. This is a big change for me and I thank you for that."
-- Peter Sullivan (Boise, ID, USA)
"...I had been having terrible women problems since I got divorced 5 years ago. However after applying your techniques, I get dates with great looking women now any time I want!"
-- Ian Bowton, Queensland, AUSTRALIA

Hey, why not be the next one to have success? Visit my website for amazing attraction secrets. Because it's YOUR turn!

Meet Your Sweet: Supreme Self-Confidence in Dating, Personal and Social Situations

Monday, October 29, 2007

posted by james

Are you ready?  It’s almost here – Supreme Self-Confidence in Dating, Personal and Social Situations – the newest course from the 000 Relationships Network (more on our exciting new brand below).

This course has been in the making for months, and it’s packed with 184 pages of highly-researched, proven tips and techniques to build your confidence across a range of situations, from the personal to the social to the sexual.

The author is my man Slade Shaw, one of the amazing team members here and the top expert that I’ve come across when it comes to self-confidence.  This guy has years of counseling advice taking guys and gals through confidence-testing situations.  Do you depend too much on other people’s approval?  Do you doubt yourself and feel unable to stick to what you set out to do?  Do you ever get embarrassed or angry at yourself? Well, don’t worry, because you’re about to become more personally confident, socially confident, and sexually confident, all with Slade Shaw’s advice!

I was also involved in the development and production of the course, as were other members of the 000 Relationships Team.  To show off our collaborative effort, we’ve created a new look and new location for future dating & relationships products.  Check out for a preview of our new look!

Now, here’s some news that you’re really going to like.

We are offering Supreme Self-Confidence for only $29.95 (it includes a 184-page ebook, plus some superb bonus audio tracks).  Not only is this course darn good value for money, but we’re also going to let you have it FREE for 7 days!

That’s right: we’re so confident that you’re going to love this course that we’re giving it to you up front with no charge for 7 days.  Download it, read it, and put the tips into practice.  If you find that Supreme Self-Confidence is NOT for you, you simply have to cancel your order before the 7-Day Trial Period is up.  That means that you can enjoy the benefits of Supreme Self-Confidence with NO money down … and nothing to pay for 7 Days!

That’s our "Better Than Moneyback Guarantee"!

Watch this space for more information.  Supreme Self-Confidence will launch this Wednesday, October 31st.  (You can find out more details by visiting

I strongly recommend that you get your copy as soon as it comes out, if you’re really serious about getting that area of your life sorted.

There you have it – that’s the latest here from me.  And remember – less than 3 days until launch, so stay tuned!

Competition Winners!

Friday, October 26, 2007

posted by james

Wow, it seems like a lot of you out there really know your stuff! There were some really great answers.

BRUCE tells us that it’s:

"Confidence, A sense of self, and a sense of Humor. But also being comfortable and protected with a sense of sexual value that is what I have seen with most women.”

In VINCE’S view it’s:

"Yeah, confidence, really.  It’s not about trying to get the women either, it’s all about enjoying yourself cuz ur the most important person, the man who will stand up for what he believes in."

And KEVIN is easy to please:

"Someone confident with a nice pair of shoes"

And it shouldn’t surprise you that the correct answer (at least according to our research) is Self Confidence.

Sure, looks and money can draw a woman’s eye, but self-confidence — the way you move and hold yourself — is what makes the biggest difference as to how attractive to women you are.

Yes, there are other factors, but we’re looking at the most significant factor.

It’s that whole notion of people wanting what they can’t have. A self-confident guy finds it easy to be the alpha male.  He knows the kind of girl he wants and won’t settle for just any babe who’s interested.  He’s at the top of the heap, status-speaking.

Here’s what the winners of our competition had to say:

SAM says:

"i think the single most important quality girls look for in a man is confidence and charisma!! With confidence they feel comfortable around the guy.  Women love guys with confidence cos it`s sexy to them and they like that."

HUNTER B has this to say:

"Well this is actually quite simple more often than not women are attracted to confidence in a man. Most successful guys have this down and when they approach women they make it seem as if they don’t need the women but that they are good enough by themselves and women eat that up."

TYLER is looking for confidence.

"Confidence in who you are and where you are going is number one. If you can show a woman that you know who you are and have a plan they see a guy who is strong. It shows you can support them without needing a kick in the ass. Confidence is the number one key to impressing anyone. A fumbling idiot who hates himself is never going to sell me a car, but a confident energetic salesman can sell anything. Lots of money works until they see the arrogance, looks work until they see nothing else, and game works for the first little bit until they want to know more. Confidence leads all else."

DAVE says:

“Self confidence is the most sought after quality in men, from a woman’s perspective.”

And DC echoes:


So, if you are one of the above winners, an email has been sent to the email address you provided when you posted your comment, containing your prize!

For everyone else who is wondering what was the prize? And what is our upcoming new product… All will be revealed very shortly!!

What is the Single Most Attractive Quality Women Look for in Guys?

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

posted by james

So you think you know what it takes to attract women?

Looks?  Brains?  Personality?  Money?

Hold that thought, because I’ll ask you again in a second.

I’ve got 5 copies sitting here of our brand-new e-book. It’s nearly 200 pages and JAM-PACKED with some of the greatest stuff I’ve seen regarding getting better with women.

Now, I’m not going to tell you what it’s specifically about just yet.  But I AM going to tell you that you can get one of these copies for yourself, absolutely FREE.

All you have to do is answer the question below correctly, and you’ll go into the draw to be one of the 5 lucky guys to get it BEFORE the course has even been launched!

The question is:

"What do you think is the single most attractive quality that women look for in a guy  … and why?"

You got the answer?  If so, post your comment below if you want to win.

I’ll list the winners shortly AND the coveted answer, and, if you’re one of the 5 winners, the free prize will be yours!

Good luck!

How to Be Irresistible to Women MASTERY Course Is Here!

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

posted by james

Big news!

My How to Be Irresistible to Women MASTERY Series is finally available! 

My Mastery Series features interviews with 11 top-ranked dating EXPERTS ranging from Carlos Xuma and Dr. Alex Benzer, to Joseph Matthews and Zan!  You’ll get the high-powered, expert advice you need, straight from my interview guests!

On top of that, I offer you 2 video lessons with three gorgeous girls who outline what to do in specific situations: how to read female body language, what to do on a date, specific approach techniques, dazzling seduction maneuvers, and so much more.

As if that’s not enough, you also get seven bonus audio lessons, covering everything from overcoming shyness and anxiety, to supercharged body language that will take you through the 12 steps of attraction, from the approach to the bedroom! 

It’s over 15 hours of expert attraction advice you really can’t afford to miss.  And it’s all available RIGHT NOW!

If you’re truly serious about success, go and learn the secrets of seduction from the Masters themselves.

Because it’s YOUR turn!


Thanks For Your Input on “What Women Really Think: Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs, Straight From the Girls Who Know!”

Monday, February 19, 2007

posted by james

Just a quick thank you to everyone for giving us some truly outstanding questions for the soon-to-be-released "How to Be Irresistible to Women Mastery Series" video interview, What Women REALLY Think!: Turn-Ons and Turn-Offs, Straight From the Girls Who Know.

We took your questions, and asked them STRAIGHT to our panel of three lovely, hot girls.  Let me assure you: the answers they gave me, are REALLY good and something you absolutely don’t want to miss!

Stay tuned for more: "How to Be Irresistible to Women: The MASTERY Series" is only a few weeks away!  And thanks again.

Renegade Rapport Review

Monday, February 5, 2007

posted by james

Have you taken advantage of Renegade Rapport ?

If not, you’re seriously missing out. 

Listen up:  Your life is about to change for the better–IF you decide to take advantage of the latest and best seduction system!

Remember all those times you saw a woman you liked, met her, got along well, but then she never bothered to return your phone calls?  Remember when you met a girl, began making out with her, but couldn’t quite "close the deal?"  Remember all those times a girl flat out REJECTED you after you approached her?


Joseph Matthews’ new course, Renegade Rapport, is designed to get rid of those problems once and for all.This is a 10 CD audio course that’s shipped to you in the mail, with 300 pages of text, all designed to teach you how to create powerful emotional connections with women.

Remember how everyone always tells you "Just Be Yourself," but nothing ever happens?

Well guess what?  Once you learn the dating secrets of Renegade Rapport, you CAN just be yourself, only now, you’ll be getting RESULTS!

When you know Renegade Rapport…

  • You never have to worry about getting rejected.
  • You never have to worry about getting flaked on.
  • You never have to worry about your phone calls not being returned.
  • You never have to worry about not being able to "close the deal."

Seriously, this is POWERFUL stuff!

If you want to discover the secrets right now, click the link below:

Renegade Rapport

And best of all, if you find this stuff doesn’t work for you, Joseph will actually BUY THE COURSE BACK FROM YOU.

Remember: the burden is on me to deliver.  If you don’t see results, I WANT YOU to ask for your money back!

But I must warn you: once the stock is gone, he’ll stop offering the course.

Take advantage of this now and click the link below to reserve your course:

Renegade Rapport

If you miss out on this one, you’ll be missing out on a lot.

And who wants to live life with regrets? 

Go renegade on your life, and watch it change forever! 

Can’t Get Enough of How to Be Irresistible to Women?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

posted by james

Looking for more expert advice and insight?

No problem!

I’ve gained "Expert Author" status on, a free articles website that features ten thousand new articles on a range of topics every month.

You can read my articles by going to my Author Page on their website:

James – Expert Author

Plus you can read my "Extended Author Bio" and learn a little more about me!

Hope you enjoy it.  Remember, you can never know enough about the arts of impressing, attracting, and seducing women!

To your dating and attraction success,

James Bradley

Social Studies: The Top 5 Social Skills You Need to Succeed with Women

Monday, January 8, 2007

posted by james

It’s a fact: If you want to score with hot babes, you’ve gotta be the master of your domain.  You have to master your social skills.

It’s easy to believe that looks are all-important, but it’s WRONG.  As Joseph Matthews, author of "The Art of Approaching Women," says, "The single biggest, most limiting belief guys have that keeps them from succeeding is the belief that LOOKS MATTER." 

Much more important to women is how well you interact with others—men AND women alike.  You can be the best-looking guy in the world, but if you can’t muster anything to say to a group of people, or don’t know how to hold their interest and make them WANT to get to know you, then you’re not going to attract women.  Period. 

The good news is, if you do know how to socially interact with people, nothing can stop you from attracting the gorgeous, high-quality women you desire!  Even if you’re short, bald, fat, ugly, or all four, if you know HOW to make people laugh, HOW to captivate an audience’s interest, and HOW to build and share connections and relationships with people…then you’ll have no problem attracting gorgeous women! 

With that said, let’s look now at the Top 5 social skills for impressing and attracting women everywhere:

1. Cocky Comedy–specifically, busting someone’s balls and teasing. 

As I describe in great detail in my 30-lesson attraction audio course, humor is one of the most powerful weapons around for building attraction.  But the purpose of humor isn’t to make people laugh; it’s to show you have control and an ability to make people feel better in your presence.  A guy who makes people laugh improves people’s moods and makes them want him to hang around–a truly awesome power to hold.

As David DeAngelo says,

"If you want to be funny, get a joke book.  If you want to learn how to make a woman feel attraction for you by the way you talk to her and communicate with her, then focus what you’re going to learn on CREATING AND AMPLIFYING ATTRACTION." 

This can be done in several ways, but the best are the funny ways that show that you are ABOVE her and don’t NEED her.  Generally this means being a bit of a jerk and breaking a girl’s balls, especially in front of her friends. 

One example is teasing a girl in front of her friends.  A guy who has the balls to say, "Man, does this girl EVER shut up?" or "Is she always this annoying?" to a girl’s group of friends, commands awesome power.  He will quickly fit into the group, make them laugh, and come off as a very cool, attractive guy, all in one. 

Why?  Because doing something ballsy and somewhat rude makes people remember you.  People are bored everyday: in the morning they wake up, have a boring breakfast, drive their monotonous commute to work, get bored at work, drive the same monotonous commute back home, eat their boring dinner, watch their boring television, hang out with the same boring people, go to bed, wake up, and do it all over again. 

They’re looking for something new…so it’s YOUR job to break their state!  Give them something different, something funny, something that makes them say, "I can’t believe he just said that!"  Breaking a girl’s balls–pointing out her ridiculous skirt, or some weird personality trait–takes people out of their element, makes them laugh, and creates an emotional connection to you.  They remember you, and want to see you again. 

Most importantly, they want their girlfriends to see you again!  So if you can impress one girl in a group, you can impress them all!  And that’s the quickest way to the sexual intimacy and attraction you so desire. 

For more detailed information on how to use these skills for social mastery–and high-powered, sexual attraction–check out "How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM." 

2. Story-Telling

Work on your story-telling as much as possible.  A guy who can captivate an audience with awesome stories that draw listeners in impresses the HELL out of women and makes himself very attractive.  It’s a combination of power, intelligence, and social maneuvering, all in one: a very attractive combination.

For more great information on how to tell stories, I recommend checking out Joseph Matthews’ "The Art of Approaching Women".  He has an awesome chapter on how to impress women with the art of storytelling, as well as how to improve your storytelling skills.

But you don’t have to have travelled around the world or scaled Mt. Everest to have an impressive story; what it all comes down to is how you present your story.  That means your tonality, pitch, volume: all kinds of ways in which you talk.  Great story-tellers take an otherwise boring tale and make it spell-binding. 

For more great information on how to tell a compelling story, check out Renee Grant-Williams’ excellent book, Voice Power.

3. Being the Center of People’s Universe

Girls don’t want someone who kisses people’s asses.  They want a guy in control, a guy whose universe only revolves around one person: HIMSELF.  An attractive guy doesn’t need other people for happiness and validation; he only needs himself

As David DeAngelo says,

"A woman wants a man who is strong enough to attract her, hold her in his orbit, and keep her there…but the thing that really keeps her ‘attracted’ (feeling attraction) is the tension that comes from not quite being ‘all the way there.’" 

That is, you have to be able to bring a group of people closer…but not too close.  Keep a girl curious, keep her wanting more.  This can be done through teasing and pushing her away–slap her wrist or make jokes about her in front of her friends.  Tell her to stop following you: "Man, stop stalking me, you’re weirding me out!" 

Even better, walk away just when things are getting good.  Say you have to go check on your friends or go somewhere else.

For example, if you’ve told a great story that has everyone laughing, leave just when they’re all cracking up.  Show that your universe is so big that you have bigger things to do.  This will give people–particularly your target–time to reflect on what a cool guy you are, and make them come chasing to hear more.  They’ll beg you to stay, but insist that you have to go.  This will make them want you all the more, and have your target chasing after you and throwing herself at you.  Attraction gold!

4. Vocal Celibacy

This is an excellent, oft-overlooked skill that relationship expert, Carlos Xuma, recommends in "Secrets of Becoming the Alpha Man."

Believe it or not, sometimes the best skill is actually just to shut up.  That’s right: a man who listens draws people in.  Ever notice how women, and even men, flock to the guys who sympathize and listen to them?

Well, you don’t have be a soft, Dr. Phil type to be a good listener.  In fact, listening brings with it a large amount of POWER.  By pausing for a few seconds after someone says something, making them wait for you to respond, you make them feel uneasy, expecting…and, in the case of women, more attracted to you.  Because you show you have the upper hand.  You have control.

As Xuma writes,

"The next time a woman asks you a question, PAUSE for a little bit.  Keep pushing the limit until you cannot answer the question at all.  She’ll try to make you feel uncomfortable, but if you can handle that it’ll increase your confidence immeasurably." 

More importantly, it will make HER more confident in you…she can’t help but want to be drawn into your universe.  You’re unlike anyone she’s ever met before!

What is the fifth social skill you need to attract women? 

Well, I can’t tell you it all here.  This last one is so good that it would be a crime for me to only write a few paragraphs about it on a blog!  This is the real deal, the make or break, the skill that all the naturals, all the gurus, all the pick-up masters MUST use to get into a woman’s heart.  It will make not only your target attracted to you, but her whole group of friends, as well!

You can find out all about this vitally important social skill in the "Projecting Value" and "How to Impress the Hell Out of Every Woman You Meet" lessons, available on my spectacular "How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM" interactive audio course.  Along with these lessons you’ll learn the essentials of story-telling, cocky comedy, listening power, body language, and the other essential social skills YOU need to sexually attract women everywhere

This is great stuff that you can’t miss out on.  So why not get started today?  Become a master of social skills, and see your popularity and attraction soar.

Start 2007 Out Right

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

posted by james

As you know, the New Year is a time of resolutions.  Whether it’s to give up bad habits or to develop good ones, 2007 represents an opportunity to become the "you" you always wanted to be.

Who do YOU want to be this year?  What kind of man do YOU want women to see?

  • Do you want to be the man who continues to strike out with women…or the man who heads into a bar, club, party or even workplace with a CONFIDENCE in how to interact with them?
  • Do you want to fail miserably to get dates with beautiful women…or do you want to get dates with ease, and know how to make every date a special, successful one that always ends on a good note?
  • Do you want to be overwhelmed by anxiety and fear when it comes to sex…or learn how to MASTER it, and exude sexuality and competence to even the most gorgeous of babes?
  • And finally, do you want to continue DOUBTING yourself and your ability to attract and socialize with women…or do you want to feel like a naturally attractive man who women enjoy being around, and look forward to meeting?

If you’re serious about becoming the "you" you always wanted to be, let "How to Be Irresistible to Women" help.  With expert advice covering every topic from how to overcome shyness and anxiety, to how to give fantastic female orgasms, to what kinds of social skills you need to interact with men and women alike, we cover EVERYTHING that will help you become the "you" you desire.  We even give you a free, personalized e-mail consultation so you get customized solutions to the problems and issues affecting YOU.

If you want to start the New Year out right, with the resources to make sure your resolutions come true, then get started today by clicking on the link below:

You can even get started within seconds by going right here.

And the best part is: It won’t cost you more than a tank of gas to achieve the goals you want.  And to become the YOU you always wanted to be.

Get started now.  Because it’s YOUR turn!

Home for the Holidays?

Thursday, December 28, 2006

posted by james

It sucks being alone on the holidays.  I’ve been there, perhaps you’ve been there (or are there now), and you probably know someone else who’s been there.  More than any other time in the year, it’s when you want to have someone special by your side.  It’s when you want to share the festive holiday spirit with someone you care about.  And it’s when a little physical intimacy will keep you both warm from the chilly night air…

Not there yet?  Well, it’s never too late to kick-start your romantic life.  If you’re serious about finding the girl of your dreams TODAY, then why not take advantage of the festive holiday spirit?  There are so many women out there who want a man by their side for Christmas and New Year’s.  YOU can be that man, if you’re willing to do what it takes to up your attraction meter.

The question then, is, What can you do to attract women in such a short amount of time?  How can you ensure that you find someone in time for the big celebrations December 25th and 31st?  Here are five great places to go to find women–and what to do when you meet them:

1. Throw a Holiday Party. This is a great way of attracting women. If there’s one thing that gets women emotionally and physically excited during the season of good cheer, it’s a man who surrounds himself with people during a festive time. It gives them the security that this man will show them a good time, and surround her with people so that she’s never alone.

An important lesson to remember with women: They need to have someone for special times like Christmas–even more than you! No woman wants to be alone, so by asserting yourself as the man who has lots of people around him, you automatically establish yourself as a desirable candidate. You tell her that if she hangs around you, she’ll never be alone.  Additionally, by throwing a fun, happy party, women automatically associate the positive vibes from the holiday season with YOU, and when you create that kind of emotional arousal, anything can happen.  It’s all about creating emotions in women, which I go into much detail in in my audio course.

So invite everyone you can think of–your friends, family, co-workers, acquaintances–to a holiday get-together. Make sure they invite someone.  Play some festive holiday music, have some holiday treats ready (cookies, eggnog, candy canes, etc.), and even dress up as Santa. Even better, REQUIRE women to wear a Christmas costume.  The naughtier they are, the better!

Have a "Naughty" and "Nice" list, and promise the girls a good spanking if they’re naughty. It may sound sexist, but believe me, women LOVE this: it allows them to be loose and have fun, something they’ll forever connect with you. Mix charm and attitude, and you surely won’t be alone that night or any other.  If things go well, you can always invite the girl to be "Santa’s Little Helper"…

2. At Stores and Malls. Hey, unless you’re the type who buys all your presents online, chances are you’re going to have to visit some stores to buy your loved ones some gifts.  And when you go to the mall, the department store, or even the little boutique, chances are you’ll see some attractive females while you’re there.  So take advantage of this!  It’s the one time in the year when you can get away with talking to complete strangers: women are in a festive mood and much more open to conversations with people they don’t know.  So take advantage!

Possible openers include: "Man, do you hate Christmas shopping as much as I do?", or if you want to neg a little, "Oh no, please!  Don’t tell me you’re buying someone THAT!"  Challenge your target a little bit; make her have to defend herself.  This, again, gets her emotionally aroused–even if it’s a negative emotion–which she’ll forever connect with you.  By saying something more than a compliment, something that forces her to respond, you create a literal chemical attraction:the emotions swirl in her brain, and she forever has an imprint of you that matches her to those emotions. 

So be ballsy and show that you’re not too interested, even a bit offended by her: "Wow, that <item> would be a great present for somebody who’s blind" or "Phew, I’m glad I’M not the person you’re shopping for!"  She may act offended, even a little angry, but if you stick to your guns, you’ll be conversing in no time and offering her someone who’d be fun to hang around during the holidays.

3. Spread Some Holiday Cheer on the Dance Floor. Teasing is a great way to show you don’t take girls too seriously. Dancing is a great way of showing you don’t take life too seriously. Even if you suck at dancing, the fact that you go out there and have a good time will impress women big-time. They love a man who can have fun and enjoy the holiday season. Going out there and having the time of your life dancing shows a woman that you will show her a good time during the cheery season. And in the end, that’s what they really want. So have fun, loosen up, and ask a woman to dance. If she sees you’re having a good time, believe me, she’ll want to join you–in more ways than one. Seriously!

4. Talk to Miss Lonely. While at any party–your own, a work party, a club-hosted holiday party, whatever–be sure to take advantage of my old "Love Actually" lesson: NOBODY wants to be alone during the holidays! So if you see a girl standing/sitting by herself or looking miserable at a holiday party, be the "knight in shining armor" who goes up to her and cheers her up. Tell her a joke, comment on the party, even tease her with "C’mon, it’s the Christmas season, you can’t possibly be sitting here all by yourself!" Women love a man who cheers them up, and if you can take her from a negative state of mind to a positive one, believe me, she won’t forget that. Just be the man who lifts her mood, and you’ll be sure to see her again.

5. Use the Mistletoe/Midnight! Finally, never underestimate the power of the mistletoe and the strike of midnight on New Year’s. Both are amazing props for setting up a first kiss. They work especially well with women you’ve had at least a few minutes of quality chat with.

You won’t want to use the prop right away–build up the suspense for an especially good kiss–but once you sense things are going well, "conveniently" position yourselves under the Mistletoe. Don’t even hide the fact that it’s an obvious ploy; play it up: "WOW, we’ve somehow managed to land ourselves under the mistletoe. How did THAT happen?" or "Well, congratulations, you’ve managed to trap me under the mistletoe.  I knew you were trouble." Believe me, if you add enough humor and charm–and you don’t need a lot to succeed–then women will be glad to comply.

And more importantly, you’ll have a very happy holidays!

Of course, if you’re truly serious about making sure this New Year is better than all the other ones, make a commitment to changing your life NOW.  Don’t resolve to make just the first few weeks better…make EVERY day a winning, successful one.  Do it with my special "How to Attract Women" course, yours for less than the price of a night out on New Year’s!  It’s all available, for instant download, NOW.

A Final Thought from Me...

What if I said there was a way to always get the girls you want, just by picking up a book? You'd try that book, wouldn't you?

Well then, why haven't you gotten my How to Be Irresistible to Women e-book course yet? It's got all the answers to all your questions, such as: How do I approach a 10? How can I get a 10 to approach ME? How do I initiate physical contact? How do I blow a woman away in the first 5 minutes of meeting her? What do I do to build never-ending confidence?

Order my online course on attracting women now and get instant access to the information you want. Because it's your turn!

Get How to Be Irresistible to Women and start getting the success YOU want with women!

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