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The Power of Positivity

Tuesday, June 13, 2006

posted by james

Sometimes it’s hard to see the positive side of things gone bad.  Whether it’s with a girl who dumped you, a relationship gone astray, or just one of those dating draughts we go through, we tend to see those times as the glass-half-empty.  The good news is, The "bad news", if viewed through optimistic eyes, can truly be seen as good news.

My good friend Steve, for example, went years without a girl.  It was a shock, because before he always had someone–usually a hot foreign girl.  In fact, the hottest girl he had been with, who asked him to live in Eastern Europe with her, for free, he dumped for greener pastures.  But those hot girls he expected to come across, never came.  And when he went crawling back to his East European girl, it was too late.  She was with someone else.  He instantly regretted it, and became miserable–so miserable and grumpy, in fact, that we had a big fight and didn’t talk to each other for over a year.  On top of that, he was forced to live with his mother, which drove him crazy, and the only person who hadn’t been turned off by Steve’s negative attitude was this girl Lisa, who always had dramas of her own.

Now, viewed through pessimistic eyes, some pretty rotten things happened to Steve.  No girls, fight with best friend, had to live with his mom, and miserable friend to hang around.  What good could possibly come out of this?  It seemed like everything was lost.

But a funny thing happened to Steve.  He changed his attitude.  He started to see the positives in life; he didn’t look at what he lost, but what he gained.  Sure enough he started to re-gain his friends–and make new ones.  In fact, because of the events that happened through all his negative experiences, he was led to some really fantastic people–including his current girlfriend, Alex.  He’s actually grateful that the negative experiences he dealt with happened, because it allowed him to grow and become attractive to Alex, who herself is a very positive person.  Instead of LOOKING for girls, Steve accepted whatever came his way.  As you know from "How to Be Irresistible to Women", the more you expect good things to come your way…the less chance you have of getting them.  But when you stop looking, women start looking.  Sure enough, when Steve least expected it, his dream girl came his way.  No surprise, Alex was drawn by Steve’s energy and positive outlook.  This girl was much better than his previous girlfriend; in fact, he always talks about how glad he is that he did dump her, because if he hadn’t he would have never met his girlfriend; he’d probably be miserable, and single, in Eastern Europe now.  Instead, a better thing happened: Steve and Alex instantly clicked, and now they’re talking about getting married. 

So remember, always see the positive side in things.  Not only will it make you a better person to be around, but you’ll also be able to deal with the things in life that come your way.  The so-called "bad news" that Steve was dealt, allowed him to grow and meet the woman of his dreams.  As Winston Churchill, ever an optimist, once said, "A pessimist sees the difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees the opportunity in every difficulty."



Comment by josh

July 28, 2006 @ 2:43 pm

great stuff james, youre a legend. i like your whole ‘life can be positive’ approach to this stuff, it’s really different than the other guys out there. they should take a page or two out of your book. maybe than the seduction society wouldnt have such a bad name. well, will try to be more positive. wont be easy all the time, but worth it in the end. thanks james.


Comment by dundas

July 31, 2006 @ 9:28 am

good stuff, but it can be hard to change your attitude just like that. any of you guys have advice on how to do that?


Comment by Xavier

August 3, 2006 @ 2:29 pm

I’ve found this stuff really works. It’s pretty good for things outside of girls: for example I always think I’m gonna lose at basketball (I’m fairly short), but since I tried forming a more positive attitude, I’m more relaxed and generally play better. Have even won some one-on-one games against some tall guys! Well done James, keep ’em coming.



Comment by jay

August 18, 2006 @ 4:20 pm

If you believe that women will be attracted to you then they will be

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