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From AFC to mPUA: Sorting out the Seduction Science

Tuesday, October 3, 2006

posted by james

"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life." 
-Immanuel Kant

Welcome to the first edition of Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Seduction (But Were Afraid to Ask!).  This series is designed to help you expand your wisdom in the world of attraction and seduction.  As I said in a previous post, women love men with knowledge, so the more you know, the more powerful you become.  Everything associated with wisdom and knowledge–wit, talents, special skills, knowing what women want, etc.–makes you a superior man. 

It’s my mission to make you a magnet of information, attracting all the positive stuff, repelling all the negative stuff.  There’s no sense wasting your time with information and emotions that don’t make you a superior man (example: the many, many pickup books that are an absolute waste of time).  So I’m going to help you attract the information YOU need to know, to get the girls you want! 

To do that, I’ll be sharing my favorite websites for quality information.  Here you can learn all the things you should do…and all the things you shouldn’t! 

The first website you need to know about is: 

So much of the seduction community is centered around terms, initials, and euphemisms.  There’s IOI, DHV, negging, cocky funny, inner wuss, ATC, frame control–you name it, there’s a term for it.  Knowing these terms isn’t crucial, but the meaning of the terms themselves is very special knowledge.  For example, you don’t necessarily need to know that ATC means Artificial Time Constraint, but understanding the concept of only spending a limited time around women before taking off, is invaluable. is a great website for sorting out all the terms.  Enjoy, and remember: Knowledge is only as good as putting into action.  Follow the lead of Kahlil Gibran:

"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle."

Here’s just a sample of the informative (and often hilarious) terms found in this website: Definition of…


"Often confused with infatuation by adolescents, college students and even supposedly mature people. Love is not the often associated chemical reaction which has similar effects on the brain as cocaine, nor is it the inability to be without that person for a day."

-OMG! I’m sooo in love with Brad Pitt!!
-No you’re not. You just want his small wang. You don’t even know him!
-*Cries* No, I will marry him! I’m going to go home and fantasize about him! *Cries and runs away* Definition of…


"The act of making flirtatious physical contact with a person of sexual interest. Generally considered to be a vital tool in one’s ‘Game Belt.’"

Hopefully I can get some action by using a little kino on the ladies tonight. Definition of…


"Often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special. This is just an illusion; she is the same as the other three or so billion."  ‘Go **** ten other women’ is the most commonly prescribed treatment for this "disease" (hence the "itis"), as it tends to show quite quickly how very alike people are.

In other words, get over yourself and your obsession with that girl, because it’s just an illusion. And when you get rejected, don’t be depressed. Because there’s really not much to worry about."

Dude, you definitely have oneitis for that girl. You’ve been talking about her nonstop for the past week. Don’t you realize she’s nothing special, and that you are just being fooled? Snap out of it so you won’t be so depressed when she rejects you! Definition of…


"A light insult wrapped in the package of a complement. Used by pick-up artists to gain and maintain the attention of women who possess uncommon beauty (9+). These women are immune to standard complements."

The classic neg

pua – "you have beautiful nails, are they real?"
(9+) -"not really"
pua – "Oh, I guess thats still cool"

pua – "that’s really cute, your nose wiggles when you speak"
(9+) -"no it doesn’t"
pua – "ha ha, there it goes again, sorry, its just really cute"

"I just kept tossing neg after neg at that 10 standing by the bar, and she loved it, she was giving me crazy kino" Definition of…


"Noun: Demonstration of Higher Value
Verb: Demonstrate Higer Value

Presentation that will increase your value in the opinion of your audience."

I related a funny and cocky joke as a DHV. Definition of…


"Alpha Male Of the Group

A guy that everyone thinks is cool and is always the social center of the room."

Bob: Dude, why is everyone crowding arounding that bag of douche?

Me: Cause he’s a total AMOG Definition of…

Beta Male

"An unremarkable, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma and confidence of the Alpha male."

Pete knew he was losing the girl he’d just met at the bar to the guy who bought her a drink, but he was too much of a beta male to do anything about it. Definition of…


"Verb; to Sarge.
The act of engaging conversational rapport with a complete stranger.
Though tied to the seduction community as the official name for being "on the hunt," the term also applies in business and interpersonal relations, as the act of appearing as a socially versatile and competent person.

Credit to Ross Jeffries, who claims to have named the act after his cat."

in seduction:
"My wingman and I went sarging last night at club X."

"The goal in business is to sarge your coworkers as soon as you start working there. It’s a quick way to appear competent!" Definition of…


"Master Pick Up Artist.
Used to refer to one who has attained legendary status within the ‘Pick Up Artist’ community. Originally used to refer solely to Neil Strauss, aka Style. Referenced in Strauss’s book ‘The Game’."

Man Style kept eight girls on the go, he truly is a mPUA.

And now, my personal favorite definition…


"A method of castrating men without using sharp objects."

From David DeAngelo’s article:

She looked at him with compassion in her eyes and said "Thank you… I really mean that… but I don’t want to mess up our friendship… you’re too important to me…"

Now that’s something you definitely want to avoid!  And if you want to make sure the words "just friends" never enter your eardrums again, visit the place that turns men around the world from "just friends" to "seduction masters": Triple 0!

Because it’s your turn!



Comment by Dmitri Kazinsky

October 4, 2006 @ 10:32 am

This is very funny James! I really like some of the defnitions this website has…love very funny! Thank you for this, I feel I always learn something valuable when I visit this website. Go James!!


Comment by Jacques

October 5, 2006 @ 10:13 am

James, I liked this article! You write clearly and entertaining…congratulations! Very good. I enjoy reading your articles. More svp.



Comment by Niekro

October 9, 2006 @ 7:59 am

Very funny! I looked at the definition of "just friends" and it is hilarious! thank you for bringing this site to my attention. I think all men should be aware of the lingo and the terms guys like mystery and David DeAngelo use. Good on ya, James.


Comment by Ritter99

October 20, 2006 @ 12:10 am

Most of the terms you mention were created by Mystery, and thus are also found in his book “The Venusian Arts Handbook”. All other people just copy from there. Credit to Style though, at least he always cites where he takes something from.


Comment by Jonathan

October 20, 2006 @ 7:42 am

Hmmm, you seem to have missed the point Ritter. Brito actually DOES credit where he got the terms…he cites This whole article is about the funny, beneficial use of this website, not stealing terms from PUAs. Obviously you’re just another close-minded Mystery mark who thinks he is god.

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