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Book Review of “Double Your Dating,” by David DeAngelo

Friday, September 22, 2006

posted by james

Ever heard of David DeAngelo?  If you’re familiar with the seduction community, then you’ve probably seen his name.  He’s the "guru" behind such phrases as "cocky funny," "attraction is not a choice," and one of my personal favorites, "Different in a preferential way."  He’s also the author of "Double Your Dating," and the host of the amazing  "Interviews with Dating Gurus" audio series.  Basically, he’s a guy who’s gone from "average chump who can’t get girls" to "relationship oracle."  The big question is, Should you buy his product?

Unlike a lot of other guys out there, DeAngelo didn’t become a seduction master overnight, just by throwing tips and tricks at the wall and seeing what sTriple 0 Book Club Reviewtuck.  DeAngelo actually took the time to get to the root of why he wasn’t attracting females, the same thing I say is the key to a man’s success with anything: INNER GAME.  As he writes, "When I made the decision to get this part of my life handled, I decided that instead of trying to start with an angle…that I would like to learn in a way that gave me power to act with just my personality and presentation.  In other words, I wanted to make this part of who I was rather than a ‘trick.’"

One thing you realized as you read DeAngelo’s book is that there is so much more to the art of attracting women than just techniques and gaming.  There’s a whole world of self-improvement and self-mastery that one needs to achieve to truly succeed with women and life.  There’s neurolinguistic programming, attitudes,
mindsets, frame control, inner states: fascinating, brilliant information that DeAngelo explains in detail.  He truly follows what I call "ABL": Always Be Learning.  By opening your mind to new things every day, you open doors to personal success and self-esteem you never knew possible.  In fact, by embracing inner game techniques, says DeAngelo, succeeding with women becomes natural for you, which is a sharp contrast to the products a lot of pick-up artists and other "experts" sell.  A lot of guys will tell you you just need to ACT alpha, or BE someone you’re not.  But that doesn’t really solve the problem, does it?  Because you’re still unhappy with who you are, and women notice that.  They’re turned off by your insecurity and fakeness.

But DeAngelo doesn’t recommend being someone you’re not; he recommends being the best person you can be.  DeAngelo dedicated himself to learning everything he can about mind frames, skills, and attitudes: the keys to success, and truly fascinating keys, at that.  He recommends every kind of motivational book from "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" to "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill.  This is important, because as he says, you can never know enough about success.  "Keep improving all the time, even if it’s the SMALLEST DETAIL."  There’s always something you can do better…how you respond to a female asking you for a light, how you walk into a bar, how you handle rejection–EVERYTHING.  In this book, DeAngelo takes you through some deep stuff that will truly set you up for success far beyond just female attraction, because it will be ingrained in you.  Flirting and approaching won’t be lines you have to remember; they’ll become natural extensions of your personality.

Of course, "Double Your Dating" isn’t just about mindsets and attitude: it’s really about what things turn women on, where to go, how to talk, how to react: in short, how to successfully interact with females.  DeAngelo takes you through common problems of insecurity, neediness, self-doubt, shyness, and other common problems, and specifically how to overturn them.  He tells you how to catch beautiful women’s attention by wearing the right clothes and positioning yourself the right way, what to say to bitchy women, how to reverse situations so that YOU look like the catch, and most interesting of all, the six things that attract women.

For example, one of the things women instinctually love is exclusivity: playing hard to get, already having a girlfriend, that sort of thing.  DeAngelo lists a number of ways to make yourself seem exclusive, including having snappy responses, pretending to not be interested, acting unpredictably, and really fascinating, "short-circuiting the all-annoying testing mechanism." Curious how that works?  Then definitely check out the book.

There are a lot of tips David gives that one wouldn’t normally think of.  For example, always ending conversations first.  This has two advantages: first, it says you’re not a needy guy, and you have things to do.  Secondly, it gives YOU control of every
situation.  As he writes: "If you start doing this with EVERY call, EVERY meeting, and EVERY conversation, you will be blown away by the responses you’ll get.  You’ll have women say, ‘What?  But we’re having so much fun…!’, ‘Well, when can I see you again?’, or ‘Don’t you like me?’"

It’s different stuff, but as DeAngelo says, "In the mating game, it pays to be different in an ATTRACTIVE way."  How do you do that?  DeAngelo explains in great detail how doing things like treating a bitchy women with attitude and control of the situation, instead of apologizing and obeying her commands, will set her heart on fire and instantly separate YOU from 99% of the other guys out there…even the tall, rich, and handsome ones!

Truly mind-blowing stuff.  But, is "Double Your Dating" right for you?

Besides the fascinating e-book and three free books on sex and attraction that will open your mind to areas of attraction and self-improvement you probably would have NEVER thought of before, you also get some really good audio CDs.  These are interviews with guys who have "made it," who understand the principles behind female attraction.  You get to hear big names like Style, Mystery, Carlos Xuma, and my personal favorite, Ken Kenny.  We’re talking the heavyweights of the seduction community here.  DeAngelo gives a forum for you to hear the best of the best information out there. He’s like an Oprah of the dating world!  To me, that’s a good thing that’s worth checking out for the amount of quality learning alone!

So you get the e-book, three bonus books, a free double "Interview with Dating Gurus" CD-set, as well as a free month’s subscription to the "Dating Gurus" interview series.  Not bad for just $19.97, isn’t it?

I mean, there are lots of dating books, seminars, and CDs out there. Why pick up DeAngelo’s?  Well, in the end I feel his groundbreaking self-mastery concepts and ability to provide you with fascinating advice from dozens of other gurus (even female ones!), to be the difference.  You can buy other products that will tell you what it means if a girl’s head leans to the left, and what it means if she leans to the right.  You can learn techniques that feel unnatural and forced; maybe they’ll work one or two nights.  That kind of stuff is okay, but you’ll quickly forget it and it will only really help you for, maybe, one good night.

What you really want is a resource that can change your attitudes and approaches to women FOREVER.  Not for one night of success, but for many.  You want a resource that will make your attraction skills and techniques a natural part of you, something that springs automatically from your powerful inner game.  I would say that "Double Your Dating" IS that resource.

So if you’re keen to learn more, find out how to attract women now at the Double Your Dating website.


The Art of the Approach…to Life

Sunday, July 9, 2006

posted by james

"The Approach" is one of the most popular subjects discussed in the online seduction scene.  It’s no wonder: How well you approach a girl, especially one you really like, will make or break the rest of the relationship.  In fact, a relationship doesn’t exist if you don’t know how to talk to a girl from the very beginning.  You can be the best guy in the world, a guy girls can only dream of—but if you don’t know how to make an impact and create a memorable impression, well, you’ll never talk to anyone. 

But there’s another approach that’s not discussed nearly as much by relationship experts and bloggers, and yet it’s just as important–maybe more important–as the step-by-step process of talking to a chick.  I’m talking about your approach to life–your mental handle on what comes your way, good or bad.  Because if you don’t know how to deal with rejection, anger, feelings of inferiority–all those negative feelings we all get at one stage or another–then your chances of dealing with women are going to be, well, nil.

Let me ask you something: What do you do when a woman doesn’t want to talk to you?  Do you go back to your friends, bitch about what a cow that girl was, what a crap bar this is, sulk all night?  Do you send out negative vibes to people, so they don’t even want to talk to you because you’re so pessimistic?  Do you vow never to talk to girls again?

Or do you take rejection in stride?  Do you look at the girl as a challenge, at acceptance as something that wasn’t meant to be?  Do you see the bright side in not talking to the girl, as an open door to talking to someone better?  Do you tell yourself, "Hey, it’s okay, her loss" and move on to the next girl, talking to her with energy and positivity?

Believe me, the second approach is a lot better than the first.  Not only for yourself personally, but for your chances…women will see a LOT more in someone who’s handled rejection well, who picks himself up and moves on to the next challenge, than in someone who quits, someone who bitches about life.  Girls don’t want quitters, they don’t want guys who air dirty laundry and complain about everything.  Doesn’t matter how good-looking or rich you are; eventually your negative approach to life is gonna cost you. 

What all girls want is a guy who’s determined.  He may have dealt with rejection, may have tasted defeat, even failed a number of times–but it doesn’t get to him.  He plows on.  He BELIEVES IN HIMSELF.  That’s the kind of attitude EVERYONE wants to be around.  It’s a tide that lifts all boats.

Next time you go out, try to present an approach to life that says, "I love a challenge, I love talking to girls, bring it on!"  Watch as your positive vibe is rubs off on people.  I always say, Enthusiasm is contagious, so if you’re making people feel better about themselves and improving thier approach to life, you’re gonna reap the rewards.  Your social network is gonna explode.  Guys are gonna wanna hang out with you, GIRLS are gonna wanna hang out with you.  And when you’ve got friends, even simple acquaintances, you’ve got people who really want to see you succeed.  They’re gonna be on the lookout for you; they’re gonna want to help you find a great woman. 

Give it a shot.  When you’re energetic and cheering people up, people want to hang around you.  GIRLS will want to hang around you; you’ll find you don’t even have to try!  It really can be that easy.

All it depends on is your approach to life.

Now…how are you gonna deal with a challenge?

A Final Thought from Me...

What if I said there was a way to always get the girls you want, just by picking up a book? You'd try that book, wouldn't you?

Well then, why haven't you gotten my How to Be Irresistible to Women e-book course yet? It's got all the answers to all your questions, such as: How do I approach a 10? How can I get a 10 to approach ME? How do I initiate physical contact? How do I blow a woman away in the first 5 minutes of meeting her? What do I do to build never-ending confidence?

Order my online course on attracting women now and get instant access to the information you want. Because it's your turn!

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