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It’s a fact: If you want to score with hot babes, you’ve gotta be the master of your domain. You have to master your social skills.
It’s easy to believe that looks are all-important, but it’s WRONG. As Joseph Matthews, author of "The Art of Approaching Women," says, "The single biggest, most limiting belief guys have that keeps them from succeeding is the belief that LOOKS MATTER."
Much more important to women is how well you interact with others—men AND women alike. You can be the best-looking guy in the world, but if you can’t muster anything to say to a group of people, or don’t know how to hold their interest and make them WANT to get to know you, then you’re not going to attract women. Period.
The good news is, if you do know how to socially interact with people, nothing can stop you from attracting the gorgeous, high-quality women you desire! Even if you’re short, bald, fat, ugly, or all four, if you know HOW to make people laugh, HOW to captivate an audience’s interest, and HOW to build and share connections and relationships with people…then you’ll have no problem attracting gorgeous women!
With that said, let’s look now at the Top 5 social skills for impressing and attracting women everywhere:
1. Cocky Comedy–specifically, busting someone’s balls and teasing.
As I describe in great detail in my 30-lesson attraction audio course, humor is one of the most powerful weapons around for building attraction. But the purpose of humor isn’t to make people laugh; it’s to show you have control and an ability to make people feel better in your presence. A guy who makes people laugh improves people’s moods and makes them want him to hang around–a truly awesome power to hold.
As David DeAngelo says,
"If you want to be funny, get a joke book. If you want to learn how to make a woman feel attraction for you by the way you talk to her and communicate with her, then focus what you’re going to learn on CREATING AND AMPLIFYING ATTRACTION."
This can be done in several ways, but the best are the funny ways that show that you are ABOVE her and don’t NEED her. Generally this means being a bit of a jerk and breaking a girl’s balls, especially in front of her friends.
One example is teasing a girl in front of her friends. A guy who has the balls to say, "Man, does this girl EVER shut up?" or "Is she always this annoying?" to a girl’s group of friends, commands awesome power. He will quickly fit into the group, make them laugh, and come off as a very cool, attractive guy, all in one.
Why? Because doing something ballsy and somewhat rude makes people remember you. People are bored everyday: in the morning they wake up, have a boring breakfast, drive their monotonous commute to work, get bored at work, drive the same monotonous commute back home, eat their boring dinner, watch their boring television, hang out with the same boring people, go to bed, wake up, and do it all over again.
They’re looking for something new…so it’s YOUR job to break their state! Give them something different, something funny, something that makes them say, "I can’t believe he just said that!" Breaking a girl’s balls–pointing out her ridiculous skirt, or some weird personality trait–takes people out of their element, makes them laugh, and creates an emotional connection to you. They remember you, and want to see you again.
Most importantly, they want their girlfriends to see you again! So if you can impress one girl in a group, you can impress them all! And that’s the quickest way to the sexual intimacy and attraction you so desire.
For more detailed information on how to use these skills for social mastery–and high-powered, sexual attraction–check out "How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM."
2. Story-Telling
Work on your story-telling as much as possible. A guy who can captivate an audience with awesome stories that draw listeners in impresses the HELL out of women and makes himself very attractive. It’s a combination of power, intelligence, and social maneuvering, all in one: a very attractive combination.
For more great information on how to tell stories, I recommend checking out Joseph Matthews’ "The Art of Approaching Women". He has an awesome chapter on how to impress women with the art of storytelling, as well as how to improve your storytelling skills.
But you don’t have to have travelled around the world or scaled Mt. Everest to have an impressive story; what it all comes down to is how you present your story. That means your tonality, pitch, volume: all kinds of ways in which you talk. Great story-tellers take an otherwise boring tale and make it spell-binding.
For more great information on how to tell a compelling story, check out Renee Grant-Williams’ excellent book, Voice Power.
3. Being the Center of People’s Universe
Girls don’t want someone who kisses people’s asses. They want a guy in control, a guy whose universe only revolves around one person: HIMSELF. An attractive guy doesn’t need other people for happiness and validation; he only needs himself.
As David DeAngelo says,
"A woman wants a man who is strong enough to attract her, hold her in his orbit, and keep her there…but the thing that really keeps her ‘attracted’ (feeling attraction) is the tension that comes from not quite being ‘all the way there.’"
That is, you have to be able to bring a group of people closer…but not too close. Keep a girl curious, keep her wanting more. This can be done through teasing and pushing her away–slap her wrist or make jokes about her in front of her friends. Tell her to stop following you: "Man, stop stalking me, you’re weirding me out!"
Even better, walk away just when things are getting good. Say you have to go check on your friends or go somewhere else.
For example, if you’ve told a great story that has everyone laughing, leave just when they’re all cracking up. Show that your universe is so big that you have bigger things to do. This will give people–particularly your target–time to reflect on what a cool guy you are, and make them come chasing to hear more. They’ll beg you to stay, but insist that you have to go. This will make them want you all the more, and have your target chasing after you and throwing herself at you. Attraction gold!
4. Vocal Celibacy
This is an excellent, oft-overlooked skill that relationship expert, Carlos Xuma, recommends in "Secrets of Becoming the Alpha Man."
Believe it or not, sometimes the best skill is actually just to shut up. That’s right: a man who listens draws people in. Ever notice how women, and even men, flock to the guys who sympathize and listen to them?
Well, you don’t have be a soft, Dr. Phil type to be a good listener. In fact, listening brings with it a large amount of POWER. By pausing for a few seconds after someone says something, making them wait for you to respond, you make them feel uneasy, expecting…and, in the case of women, more attracted to you. Because you show you have the upper hand. You have control.
As Xuma writes,
"The next time a woman asks you a question, PAUSE for a little bit. Keep pushing the limit until you cannot answer the question at all. She’ll try to make you feel uncomfortable, but if you can handle that it’ll increase your confidence immeasurably."
More importantly, it will make HER more confident in you…she can’t help but want to be drawn into your universe. You’re unlike anyone she’s ever met before!
What is the fifth social skill you need to attract women?
Well, I can’t tell you it all here. This last one is so good that it would be a crime for me to only write a few paragraphs about it on a blog! This is the real deal, the make or break, the skill that all the naturals, all the gurus, all the pick-up masters MUST use to get into a woman’s heart. It will make not only your target attracted to you, but her whole group of friends, as well!
You can find out all about this vitally important social skill in the "Projecting Value" and "How to Impress the Hell Out of Every Woman You Meet" lessons, available on my spectacular "How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM" interactive audio course. Along with these lessons you’ll learn the essentials of story-telling, cocky comedy, listening power, body language, and the other essential social skills YOU need to sexually attract women everywhere.
This is great stuff that you can’t miss out on. So why not get started today? Become a master of social skills, and see your popularity and attraction soar.
"Science is organized knowledge. Wisdom is organized life."
-Immanuel Kant
Welcome to the first edition of Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Seduction (But Were Afraid to Ask!). This series is designed to help you expand your wisdom in the world of attraction and seduction. As I said in a previous post, women love men with knowledge, so the more you know, the more powerful you become. Everything associated with wisdom and knowledge–wit, talents, special skills, knowing what women want, etc.–makes you a superior man.
It’s my mission to make you a magnet of information, attracting all the positive stuff, repelling all the negative stuff. There’s no sense wasting your time with information and emotions that don’t make you a superior man (example: the many, many pickup books that are an absolute waste of time). So I’m going to help you attract the information YOU need to know, to get the girls you want!
To do that, I’ll be sharing my favorite websites for quality information. Here you can learn all the things you should do…and all the things you shouldn’t!
The first website you need to know about is:
So much of the seduction community is centered around terms, initials, and euphemisms. There’s IOI, DHV, negging, cocky funny, inner wuss, ATC, frame control–you name it, there’s a term for it. Knowing these terms isn’t crucial, but the meaning of the terms themselves is very special knowledge. For example, you don’t necessarily need to know that ATC means Artificial Time Constraint, but understanding the concept of only spending a limited time around women before taking off, is invaluable.
Urbandictionary.com is a great website for sorting out all the terms. Enjoy, and remember: Knowledge is only as good as putting into action. Follow the lead of Kahlil Gibran:
"A little knowledge that acts is worth infinitely more than much knowledge that is idle."
Here’s just a sample of the informative (and often hilarious) terms found in this website:
UrbanDictionary.com Definition of…
"Often confused with infatuation by adolescents, college students and even supposedly mature people. Love is not the often associated chemical reaction which has similar effects on the brain as cocaine, nor is it the inability to be without that person for a day."
-OMG! I’m sooo in love with Brad Pitt!!
-No you’re not. You just want his small wang. You don’t even know him!
-*Cries* No, I will marry him! I’m going to go home and fantasize about him! *Cries and runs away*
UrbanDictionary.com Definition of…
"The act of making flirtatious physical contact with a person of sexual interest. Generally considered to be a vital tool in one’s ‘Game Belt.’"
Hopefully I can get some action by using a little kino on the ladies tonight.
UrbanDictionary.com Definition of…
"Often confused with love, this is the feeling that a particular woman is actually special. This is just an illusion; she is the same as the other three or so billion." ‘Go **** ten other women’ is the most commonly prescribed treatment for this "disease" (hence the "itis"), as it tends to show quite quickly how very alike people are.
In other words, get over yourself and your obsession with that girl, because it’s just an illusion. And when you get rejected, don’t be depressed. Because there’s really not much to worry about."
Dude, you definitely have oneitis for that girl. You’ve been talking about her nonstop for the past week. Don’t you realize she’s nothing special, and that you are just being fooled? Snap out of it so you won’t be so depressed when she rejects you!
UrbanDictionary.com Definition of…
"A light insult wrapped in the package of a complement. Used by pick-up artists to gain and maintain the attention of women who possess uncommon beauty (9+). These women are immune to standard complements."
The classic neg
pua – "you have beautiful nails, are they real?"
(9+) -"not really"
pua – "Oh, I guess thats still cool"
pua – "that’s really cute, your nose wiggles when you speak"
(9+) -"no it doesn’t"
pua – "ha ha, there it goes again, sorry, its just really cute"
"I just kept tossing neg after neg at that 10 standing by the bar, and she loved it, she was giving me crazy kino"
UrbanDictionary.com Definition of…
"Noun: Demonstration of Higher Value
Verb: Demonstrate Higer Value
Presentation that will increase your value in the opinion of your audience."
I related a funny and cocky joke as a DHV.
UrbanDictionary.com Definition of…
"Alpha Male Of the Group
A guy that everyone thinks is cool and is always the social center of the room."
Bob: Dude, why is everyone crowding arounding that bag of douche?
Me: Cause he’s a total AMOG
UrbanDictionary.com Definition of…
Beta Male
"An unremarkable, careful man who avoids risk and confrontation. Beta males lack the physical presence, charisma and confidence of the Alpha male."
Pete knew he was losing the girl he’d just met at the bar to the guy who bought her a drink, but he was too much of a beta male to do anything about it.
UrbanDictionary.com Definition of…
"Verb; to Sarge.
The act of engaging conversational rapport with a complete stranger.
Though tied to the seduction community as the official name for being "on the hunt," the term also applies in business and interpersonal relations, as the act of appearing as a socially versatile and competent person.
Credit to Ross Jeffries, who claims to have named the act after his cat."
in seduction:
"My wingman and I went sarging last night at club X."
"The goal in business is to sarge your coworkers as soon as you start working there. It’s a quick way to appear competent!"
UrbanDictionary.com Definition of…
"Master Pick Up Artist.
Used to refer to one who has attained legendary status within the ‘Pick Up Artist’ community. Originally used to refer solely to Neil Strauss, aka Style. Referenced in Strauss’s book ‘The Game’."
Man Style kept eight girls on the go, he truly is a mPUA.
And now, my personal favorite definition…
"A method of castrating men without using sharp objects."
From David DeAngelo’s article:
She looked at him with compassion in her eyes and said "Thank you… I really mean that… but I don’t want to mess up our friendship… you’re too important to me…"
Now that’s something you definitely want to avoid! And if you want to make sure the words "just friends" never enter your eardrums again, visit the place that turns men around the world from "just friends" to "seduction masters": Triple 0 Relationships.com!
Because it’s your turn!
Ever heard of David DeAngelo? If you’re familiar with the seduction community, then you’ve probably seen his name. He’s the "guru" behind such phrases as "cocky funny," "attraction is not a choice," and one of my personal favorites, "Different in a preferential way." He’s also the author of "Double Your Dating," and the host of the amazing "Interviews with Dating Gurus" audio series. Basically, he’s a guy who’s gone from "average chump who can’t get girls" to "relationship oracle." The big question is, Should you buy his product?
Unlike a lot of other guys out there, DeAngelo didn’t become a seduction master overnight, just by throwing tips and tricks at the wall and seeing what s
tuck. DeAngelo actually took the time to get to the root of why he wasn’t attracting females, the same thing I say is the key to a man’s success with anything: INNER GAME. As he writes, "When I made the decision to get this part of my life handled, I decided that instead of trying to start with an angle…that I would like to learn in a way that gave me power to act with just my personality and presentation. In other words, I wanted to make this part of who I was rather than a ‘trick.’"
One thing you realized as you read DeAngelo’s book is that there is so much more to the art of attracting women than just techniques and gaming. There’s a whole world of self-improvement and self-mastery that one needs to achieve to truly succeed with women and life. There’s neurolinguistic programming, attitudes,
mindsets, frame control, inner states: fascinating, brilliant information that DeAngelo explains in detail. He truly follows what I call "ABL": Always Be Learning. By opening your mind to new things every day, you open doors to personal success and self-esteem you never knew possible. In fact, by embracing inner game techniques, says DeAngelo, succeeding with women becomes natural for you, which is a sharp contrast to the products a lot of pick-up artists and other "experts" sell. A lot of guys will tell you you just need to ACT alpha, or BE someone you’re not. But that doesn’t really solve the problem, does it? Because you’re still unhappy with who you are, and women notice that. They’re turned off by your insecurity and fakeness.
But DeAngelo doesn’t recommend being someone you’re not; he recommends being the best person you can be. DeAngelo dedicated himself to learning everything he can about mind frames, skills, and attitudes: the keys to success, and truly fascinating keys, at that. He recommends every kind of motivational book from "Feel the Fear and Do It Anyway" to "Think and Grow Rich," by Napoleon Hill. This is important, because as he says, you can never know enough about success. "Keep improving all the time, even if it’s the SMALLEST DETAIL." There’s always something you can do better…how you respond to a female asking you for a light, how you walk into a bar, how you handle rejection–EVERYTHING. In this book, DeAngelo takes you through some deep stuff that will truly set you up for success far beyond just female attraction, because it will be ingrained in you. Flirting and approaching won’t be lines you have to remember; they’ll become natural extensions of your personality.
Of course, "Double Your Dating" isn’t just about mindsets and attitude: it’s really about what things turn women on, where to go, how to talk, how to react: in short, how to successfully interact with females. DeAngelo takes you through common problems of insecurity, neediness, self-doubt, shyness, and other common problems, and specifically how to overturn them. He tells you how to catch beautiful women’s attention by wearing the right clothes and positioning yourself the right way, what to say to bitchy women, how to reverse situations so that YOU look like the catch, and most interesting of all, the six things that attract women.
For example, one of the things women instinctually love is exclusivity: playing hard to get, already having a girlfriend, that sort of thing. DeAngelo lists a number of ways to make yourself seem exclusive, including having snappy responses, pretending to not be interested, acting unpredictably, and really fascinating, "short-circuiting the all-annoying testing mechanism." Curious how that works? Then definitely check out the book.
There are a lot of tips David gives that one wouldn’t normally think of. For example, always ending conversations first. This has two advantages: first, it says you’re not a needy guy, and you have things to do. Secondly, it gives YOU control of every
situation. As he writes: "If you start doing this with EVERY call, EVERY meeting, and EVERY conversation, you will be blown away by the responses you’ll get. You’ll have women say, ‘What? But we’re having so much fun…!’, ‘Well, when can I see you again?’, or ‘Don’t you like me?’"
It’s different stuff, but as DeAngelo says, "In the mating game, it pays to be different in an ATTRACTIVE way." How do you do that? DeAngelo explains in great detail how doing things like treating a bitchy women with attitude and control of the situation, instead of apologizing and obeying her commands, will set her heart on fire and instantly separate YOU from 99% of the other guys out there…even the tall, rich, and handsome ones!
Truly mind-blowing stuff. But, is "Double Your Dating" right for you?
Besides the fascinating e-book and three free books on sex and attraction that will open your mind to areas of attraction and self-improvement you probably would have NEVER thought of before, you also get some really good audio CDs. These are interviews with guys who have "made it," who understand the principles behind female attraction. You get to hear big names like Style, Mystery, Carlos Xuma, and my personal favorite, Ken Kenny. We’re talking the heavyweights of the seduction community here. DeAngelo gives a forum for you to hear the best of the best information out there. He’s like an Oprah of the dating world! To me, that’s a good thing that’s worth checking out for the amount of quality learning alone!
So you get the e-book, three bonus books, a free double "Interview with Dating Gurus" CD-set, as well as a free month’s subscription to the "Dating Gurus" interview series. Not bad for just $19.97, isn’t it?
I mean, there are lots of dating books, seminars, and CDs out there. Why pick up DeAngelo’s? Well, in the end I feel his groundbreaking self-mastery concepts and ability to provide you with fascinating advice from dozens of other gurus (even female ones!), to be the difference. You can buy other products that will tell you what it means if a girl’s head leans to the left, and what it means if she leans to the right. You can learn techniques that feel unnatural and forced; maybe they’ll work one or two nights. That kind of stuff is okay, but you’ll quickly forget it and it will only really help you for, maybe, one good night.
What you really want is a resource that can change your attitudes and approaches to women FOREVER. Not for one night of success, but for many. You want a resource that will make your attraction skills and techniques a natural part of you, something that springs automatically from your powerful inner game. I would say that "Double Your Dating" IS that resource.
So if you’re keen to learn more, find out how to attract women now at the Double Your Dating website.
When it comes to attracting women, sometimes you have to think like a marketer. You have to consider your "packaging," and the way you present your "product." That means you have to take the time to think like the "consumers"–women–and know what they want. Because when it comes to the world of female attraction, the customer is always right!
Remember that before they can get to know the "real" you, women only have visual cues on which to judge your worthiness: your clothes, your height, your demeanor, your status. We men are just like any other product: we are immediately judged by the packaging. Whereas evolutionary science suggests that men consider only youth and physical attractiveness to select a mate or sex partner, women need more than that. Their evolutionary hard-wiring, determined to find the best mate for them and their unborn children, requires them to look a little bit deeper for a worthy husband or sex partner. This is where we men have to put ourselves in the shoes of our "customers" if we want to sell our "product."
One evolutionary scientist, Dr. David Buss, did a study of over 10,000 people in 37 countries, on six continents, and found that women value men based on three big things: ambition, status, and financial resources. Similarly, relationship expert, Andrea P. Roberts, suggests that women determine a man’s worthiness based on 3 "T’s", or "takais," a Japanese word that represents good qualities: education level, physical height, and salary level. Quite a bit deeper than having a nice ass and big breasts, isn’t it?
Okay, some of you may be thinking: Well, I’m not tall, and I’m not rich. Now what?!?
The good news is, height and wealth are only things that women pre-qualify men on; it’s not the be-all and end-all of attraction. It’s similar to saying you want a really expensive car…but that doesn’t mean you’d never drive a Honda. As Roberts writes, "even an ordinary man doesn’t have to be exceptionally rich or powerful to make women want him. It’s all a matter of the women’s perspective if he ends up taller, smarter or wealthier than them."
Got that? It’s all about perspective: how you market yourself successfully to a woman. Hey, lots of people know that Apple computers are better than PC’s, but that doesn’t seem to stop Microsoft, does it? So if you’re short, or of average income, but present your positive traits in the right way, it won’t matter: you’ll become the Windows of the male market! As Roberts writes, "Think of Napoleon, Mickey Rooney or Groucho; they are humorous, artistic or politically powerful men who wooed women into their beds and, horizontally, the height issue wasn’t a factor. Polite and persuasive persistence is the best trait."
So what we have are five areas that we must appeal to if we want to spark an initial attraction from women. After that, it’s up to you to show what a great guy you are: let her know you’re special, unique, one of a kind. That’s what ultimately separates the haves from the have-nots. Even good-looking, tall guys will strike out if they lack other qualities women look for, such as humor, courage, and love.
So don your thinking caps, guys: It’s time to think like marketers and adopt the 5 things women immediately look for in men!
1. Ambition
From an evolutionary stand-point, this one makes complete sense. Think cavemen and cave women in the Stone Age, with some of the weaker cavemen seeking a higher station in the power hierarchy. Who do you think the cave women went for? The men who hobbled along meekly in the bottom of the order…or the men who strived for more and sought a higher place in the pack? Much of a woman’s desire to be with a man who is ambitious and seeks success, is based simply on survival: The more powerful the man, the more likely she’ll survive and live well. From a logical standpoint, going for a guy who has no ambition means she’s likely to live in poverty and struggle. Not too appealing, is it? You can’t really blame females for thinking like this; no one wants to stay at the bottom of the pack living in misery.
So you have to present yourself as a guy who’s not satisfied with his station in life. This is good for both you and her. If you’re making $7 an hour at the gas station and are content to stay there, not many women are going to be attracted to you. But if you’re making $7/hour and working your ass off to become an owner of a gas station, taking business classes at night so you can learn how to run a business: well, suddenly you’re not so bad-looking! Believe me, women will give men a chance, they want to–as long as they see potential. If you’re headed somewhere, they’ll deal with the short-term struggles knowing that you’re on a path to greatness. More importantly, by being ambitious and aiming for more, you’re helping yourself out. It’s a win-win situation.
2. Status
Again, evolutionary hardwiring makes women naturally attracted to men of high status; it’s very much a comfort and survival issue. High status=good living for herself and her children. Fortunately, projecting high status does not have to be difficult; according to Roberts, "Wearing the right clothes, especially nice shoes, can go a long way toward portraying wealth. Taking on the unshaken or unworried attitude of wealthy men can project affluence. Hesitant, irresolute, bland men come across as having lower incomes and being less reliable." Got that? You don’t have to be a powerful, articulate man yourself–you just have to project similar qualities.
Some of these qualities include:
* Not putting yourself down. Without being a braggart, talk positively about your accomplishments, job position, and possessions–even if they’re not much. If you treat things as a big deal, other people will, too. Conversely, if you downplay your accomplishments and character, women will, too. Your attitude is contagious, so remember to paint things in the right light.
* Act confidently around women. Don’t let women assume a higher status than you. Show them that YOU are the one with higher status. You can do this in a number of ways, including not acting impressed by a woman’s beauty or career (say, she’s a model); teasing her about her clothes or makeup; and asking her to buy you a drink. Chances are she won’t, but just by acting like you deserve it, you raise your status! She’s not such an untouchable goddess in the end.
Remember, as well, that women want to EARN a man; they relish the challenge of luring in a winning catch. So play hard to get: talk to other girls, say you’ve got to be leaving just when things are going well, don’t immediately ask for her phone number. If you act like a man who can have his pick of women, then chances are, you will!
* Knowing people of high status. This is a great one. Get to know the people of power: the club owners, bartenders, maitres’d. Position yourself as a sociable person who’s in the know. When a woman sees you getting special treatment and chatting with high-status people, she’ll see right away that you’re someone of importance. It will also reduce the importance of the other factors, such as height, money, and ambition; immediately you’ve proven yourself valuable.
* Wearing nice clothes. "When a man is well dressed," writes communications expert, Leil Lowndes, "it signifies his ability to provide for her offspring." You don’t have to be rich and powerful to wear nice clothes. You just have to show that you’re a man of quality, a man headed towards somewhere who pays attention to dress (something women cna never get enough of). Formal clothes, such as a suit, convey that you are serious about success; you desire good things. So just by wearing a nice sports jacket, dress shirt, and slacks, you let a woman know you’re a man with status. You’re a man who could provide for her and her children.
Colors in clothing and jewelry are vital: Studies show that red, burgundy, and black clothes convey high status. So get yourself some nice black suits or formal wear, a red shirt, and one of my favorites (and girls’!), a sleek burgundy button-down shirt. They all convey regality and strength. In the case of red, you have the added bonus of sexuality, power, and dominance: definitely good qualities to portray! Go and purchase a nice red polo shirt, or red tie for your suit.
If you enjoy white clothes–the color of purity and cleanliness–then make sure you work on your TAN. White clothes against a dark backdrop make you look exotic, sexy, and well-travelled. You don’t have to be an jet-setting playboy, to look like one!
* Winning body language. Women judge men by the way they move and position themselves; it’s part of their superior communication skills to know what a man is thinking or feeling based on his body language. So, position yourself in the right way: don’t slouch, sit upright, gaze at her knowingly, lean into her to initiate intimacy. I’ve got a great column on body language that will teach you the right ways–and the wrong ways–to project high status.
3. Financial Resources
According to Matthew Fitzgerald, author of "Sex-ploitation," "Studies with college coeds show that when shown photographs of men dressed in high-status uniforms (suits, ties, expensive watches, etc.) and low-status uniforms, these women would be significantly more willing to enter into relationships with the more expensively-attired males regardless of the man’s physical appearance. To a woman, attraction is simple: green is very good-looking."
Okay, so not every guy has money for expensive suits and watches, and materialism may not be part of your game. However, if you want to impress women, one of the fastest ways is by wearing snazzy clothes, sporting nice shoes (girls LOVE shoes!), and driving an expensive car. Especially when it comes to designer brands, women are VERY keen at spotting high-quality products. It’s just part of their nature; with expensive possessions come high status and ambition, and a more comfortable lifestyle. Again, this all comes from their instinctual drive for survival and prosperity for themselves and their children. By owning the best, you become the best. At least on the surface.
For guys who don’t want to live such a shallow existence, never fear. As Roberts writes, "Remember; money is just an energy that represents some emotion for women. Money is equivalent to affection, and perhaps gives them a sense of freedom, security and power. You can substitute money for feelings. For example, if she likes the freedom she gets from having money, you could ramble around in a motor home on hardly any cash and she’ll be happy." In the end, it’s comfort that women want, and money can only give so much of that. I know many women who passed up on pretentious, wealthy men for ones who weren’t rich on possessions but wealthy in love and care.
Ultimately, if you want true love it’s up to you to find women who share the same goals and values. If money and status aren’t the most important things in life for you, don’t chase the girls who do prioritize those things. Don’t go for the shallow, bitchy types who only judge a man by how much he can spend on her. Read my blog on choice to gain a greater understanding of the importance of choosing only women who fit YOUR purpose, direction, and values.
4. Educational Level
Knowledge really is power, and on top of that, it’s an aphrodisiac! Gone are the days when being smart was acquainted with being a nerd; now, knowledge and intelligence are your friends. It’s the easiest way to money, and the easiest way to success. So show it off a little. Let her know your TALENTS, your interests, your areas of special knowledge. As Roberts writes, "Women are drawn to experts like…Bill Gates and Chris Rock because they’re experts in their industries." Neither of those guys is particularly good-looking, but they’re good at what they do, and parlay their knowledge into success, which drives women wild.
A guy who’s an expert is one who is clearly successful and of higher status. At the very least, having a special knowledge means you have the TOOLS for success, and can provide intellectual stimulation for a girl (which, unless she’s a bimbo with an IQ of 70, is quite important for women). Additionally, just being in school is a great way to show off your knowledge: "If you’re in school, not only are there more women available, but you’ve already demonstrated to them that you’re getting educated. Otherwise, it’s up to you to come across as reliable and credible without making her feel dumb."
5. Physical Aptitude
Physical height alone is an easy way to catch a woman’s attention, but it’s not the only thing. Again, evolutionary mechanics come into play here. A man who is tall, strong, and athletic is more likely to fend off threats to the woman and her children. He is also more likely to have a strong immune system, which will further aid their chances of survival. So, you can’t blame women too much for valuing these things: in the world of female attraction, it really is a survival of the fittest. Those who show women they are in shape and healthy are much more likely to survive the dating game! Ergo, athletes, bouncers, firemen get the girls.
What does this mean for guys who aren’t very fit or tall? It means, for your benefit, you should get in shape. Build some muscles (you don’t have to be a bodybuilder to look good), improve your heart-rate, learn how to defend yourself with a martial arts class or boxing. A guy who women think can protect them and pass on good genes to their children, is an attractive one.
As for height, it’s all a matter of perspective. We’ve all seen short guys with tall beautiful women. Neil Strauss himself, the best of the best pickup artists, is just 5’6" yet gets more beautiful women than we can imagine. How? By believing in himself. By positioning himself as a man of high status. By not bowing down to women of greater height or beauty. And by being a guy women know is fun and energetic to be around. In short, he’s got INNER GAME, and when you have that down, nothing can stop you. You may even find yourself dating women who are taller than you!
But remember, presenting a man who’s healthy and strong, willing to stand up for himself and the girl in a fight: that’s the kind of guy who women will go for, regardless of height. Did you know that men with strong immune systems give off pheromone scents that women are instinctually attracted to? If you pay attention to what you eat and go to the gym on a regular basis, you’re going to build your immune system up, and attract women without even trying! So do it, and watch the number of dates you get, soar.
In the end, men are like books: women judge them by their covers, so it’s up to us to show them what’s really inside. Make your cover captivating, and you’ll become a "best-seller" in no time!
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