How to Attract and Seduce Women

Dating Tips 2: How to Transform Your Relationship

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women WebcastWhat's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, I give you more free dating tips. You learn how to build from your relationships, past and present. I also teach you how to grow from relationships past and present, and how to improve existing and future relationships with four essential couple skills. Enjoy!

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Today’s lesson is“Growth Through Dating, Part 3”.

In today’s lesson, you’ll continue to learn how YOU can develop yourself from your past dating experiences, into stronger future relationships. In the first two lessons, we talked about to do this, you first have to educate yourself about relationships, then educate yourself ABOUT yourself.

In today’s lesson, we’ll follow the third rule relationship expert Dr. Harville A. Hendrix recommends for keeping love: Training yourself in the SKILLS of relationships.

Let’s take a look at the third method for keeping the love you find: Train Yourself in the Skills of Relationships.

The best way to become the best in anything, is to imitate the best. If you know a couple that is madly in love, then go ahead and ask them why it works. Find out what makes their relationship so strong. There’s never a perfect recipe for lasting love, but there certainly are some skills that all strong couples have. Some of these include:


1. Being Honest With Each Other

You have to be honest with your partner in how you feel. If she’s worth your time, she’ll respect your opinions and emotions. Likewise, you have to respect hers. This doesn’t mean, of course, that you should be shouting at each other every time you find something wrong with the other. In fact, one of the most difficult skills is telling your partner in the RIGHT WAY . Not by shouting, but not by meekly stating your objections, either. You have to state your complaints firmly, but also respectfully. Finding the balance requires true skill that comes with time.


2. Showing Trust In Each Other

A solid relationship doesn’t exist without trust. But trust comes with time. If you have a reason to be suspicious of infidelity, you should certainly act on it. But always suspecting someone of doing bad things does NOT lead to trust. In fact, it often leads to the opposite. One of my female friends was always loyal to her boyfriend, but he never believed her. So the constant accusations actually led her to finally say, Screw it! I might as well cheat on him.

Always give your partner the benefit of the doubt. That way, if she is actually screwing around behind your back, you’re in the clear. YOU’RE the victim.


3. Loving Every Part of Your Partner

It may not be easy loving someone who has the opposite political views, or who loves country when you love rock ‘n roll, but strong couples accept EVERYTHING about the person. There are no conditions for their love; they just deal with who they are. At the same time, there’s skill #4, which is…


4. Looking Out For Your Partner

Sometimes your partner has traits that aren’t good for anyone. I’ve got a cousin whose husband, Mack, is a vehement drinker. When Mack gets drunk, he’s a danger to everyone, including himself. Even though she loves him, that doesn’t mean she has to let Mack continue to hurt himself by constantly drinking. So a truly loving person looks out for his partner, when she’s too weak to look out for herself. But he also respects that change is not easy, and doesn’t expect instant transformation. That’s a winner’s game!

In today’s lesson I discussed with you the third method relationship expert Dr. Harville A. Hendrix suggests towards making yourself ready for a lasting relationship. You have to train yourself in the skills of relationships. There are countless skills that go into building, and maintaining, a strong relationship. But some of the most important include: Being honest with each other, Showing Trust In Each Other, Loving Every Part of Your Partner, and Looking Out For Your Partner. Why lose the love you have when it’s already there? Good skills make good relationships. Now that’s a winner’s game!

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

Triple O Relationships. Now it’s your turn!


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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

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