How to Attract and Seduce Women

Dating Tips Part 1

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women WebcastWhat's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, you'll learn great dating tips and more. First you'll learn relationship skills and how to GROW from your dating experiences (or lack thereof). You'll finish the lesson with a better understanding of why things happen--and how to make the most of what DOES happen. That will make you...irrresistible!

Enjoy the free dating tips here:


And if you want more quality dating experiences, my buddy Slade Shaw can help you. His 'Fireworks With Females' course is the real deal on maximizing your chances with women, and its worth a look at:

Don't have eight and a half minutes? Get all the great info in today's lesson by reading through the transcript below.

Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


Today's lesson is "Growth Through Dating", Part 1.  Only on Triple 0

Believe it or not, there’s a book out there called “I Kissed Dating Goodbye.”

It’s written from a Christian perspective, arguing that we should approach the whole game of dating from a Godly perspective of everything building up towards marriage, rather than as a secular act of convenience and sexuality.

Now, as a Christian myself, I certainly see some advantages to this perspective. After all, dating DOES often cause lots of heartbreak and sadness. The effects of a relationship gone bad can be crippling, even driving people to suicide.

But as I’ve said numerous times before, IT DOESN’T HAVE TO BE THAT WAY.

That’s right. Dating, and marriage for that matter, don’t have to be viewed in purely negative tones. In fact, they shouldn’t be. Relationships should be viewed as a JOURNEY, a road of personal improvement, rather than as a glass that’s either half-empty or half-full. The fact is, no matter how badly you get your heart broken, there's always a positive to it.  Even if your break-up was messy, even if you lost your mind with that one crazy girl, you still GROW from the experience.  Losing one girl opens the path to a better one. Look at the murky past simply as a bridge to a better future. 

As Drs. Henry Cloud and John Townsend, writers of the “Boundaries” series, write, there are several advantages to dating, including “a context to work through issues”, and to “heal and repair” ourselves. Most importantly, “Dating gives people a place to grow and learn in the safety of people who can help them develop.” You hear that? Dating helps you develop.

But if you never date, you’ll never develop. You’ll never see yourself grow, never advance as a person. That’s why I disagree with Harris. Just like a person who’s afraid of heights has to face his fear head-on by climbing up a mountain, or jumping out of a plane, so it goes with dating. The only way to conquer your relationship woes, is by getting over your fear of getting hurt.

That being said, today’s lesson is called “Growth Through Dating, Part 1”. Because relationships shouldn’t make you shrink, they should only make you GROW. I’m going to show YOU how to turn your past dating failures, into future relationship SUCCESS. And why more dating is NOT a bad thing! Only here, on How to Be Irresistible to Women.

Relationship expert, Dr. Harville A. Hendrix, author of Keeping the Love You Find, puts it best: “It is not your fault that you have not found lasting love, but it IS your responsibility to do what needs to be done to find it. If you have had repeated problems with relationships, it’s not something to feel bad about; it’s something to understand and to do something constructive about.”

Guys, no matter what happened in your dating past, you can’t keep feeling sorry for yourself. You have to be proactive, understand what you did wrong, and work to make it right. Remember, through dating, you’re DEVELOPING. Dr. Hendrix, author of the excellent “Keeping the Love You Find”, suggests doing this by following four steps. In today’s lesson, we’ll be taking a look at the first step, Educate yourself about relationships.

In learning about relationships, you learn about yourself. If you haven’t listened in to some of the other lessons covering relationship fundamentals yet, I suggest you do so now. I particularly recommend you go to the Members Area and listen to lessons “It’s All About Control” and “Absolute Power”. Both of these stress that relationships are NOT the most important thing in life. They’re just a bonus. Let’s review the fundamental rules:

  • ABC—Always Be in Control

This rule applies to so much of the relationship journey. It covers the approach—keeping your cool, projecting confidence, having a Plan B when Plan A’s pickup approach doesn’t work. It covers the relationship—showing your women you know how to handle difficulties, resolving disputes without losing your cool, enjoying great sex by showing competence and not losing control. And the ABC rule also covers when a relationship ENDS—some guys just don’t know how to deal with it. They lose their minds, and in the process, everything else in their life suffers: their jobs, their friendships, and most of all, their overall happiness. But when you have control over yourself, girls and relationships won’t determine your happiness. YOU will.

Connected to the concept of control is the idea of POWER, and it’s just as important in handling the relationship world. Do you give women all the power? Do you give them control over how you live? Not just in a relationship, but before and after it. Are you the kind of guy who gives deference to girls, like some sort of goddess? As if they’re somehow better than you? Do you make having—or not having—a female partner the centerpiece of your life? Forget about what a woman gets you to DO. If you give them the power to control what you THINK, then you’ve already lost out. Power comes from within, so if you don’t possess it inside, a woman won’t give you the power to possess her on the outside.

A successful man has the power to enjoy life without a woman. It doesn’t matter whether he’s in a relationship or not; he can sustain himself without one. That doesn’t mean he doesn’t want one; it just means he doesn’t NEED one. And as you know from before, when you show you don’t need a girl, that’s when you’re more likely to get one. Girls have a way of entering your life when you’re not expecting it.

So if you want to enjoy life more, you have to maintain control over your feelings. Even if you’ve been hurt, BADLY, by a woman, you still have to get on with your life. Remember, being in a relationship is NOT the most important thing in life! You can’t let that one girl determine how you live. Give your power up to a woman, and she won’t respect you. But if power is divided properly, the results can be fantastic. As Dr. Hendrix writes, if a relationship moves beyond a power struggle, “the relationship becomes one in which partners can move on to genuine concern for each other’s welfare and a deep intimacy that evolves into real love…”

In today’s lesson I discussed with you the first KEY way relationship expert Dr. Harville A. Hendrix suggests towards making yourself ready for a lasting relationship. You have to educate yourself about relationships, and what they mean, before you can do anything else. This includes being in control of yourself through all phases of the relationship: before, during, and, as the case may be, after. Then you’ll be ready for our next lesson, where I’ll discuss Dr. Hendrix’s next way of keeping love, Educating Yourself About Yourself. Only here, on How to Be Irresistible to Women!

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

Triple O Relationships. Now it’s your turn!


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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

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