How to Attract and Seduce Women

First Date Tip Secrets

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women WebcastWhat's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, I share my dynamic tips on how to make your first date, an awesome one. Learn what you need to know about what women want, the 3 things to make YOU a catch, and how to handle any personality you encounter. Also learn how to reverse a bad situation with a bitchy girl...into an exciting, physically intimate one!

Don't miss it! Just click on the Play button below to listen in on my exclusive first date tips.

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Don't have thirteen minutes? Get all the great info in today's lesson by reading through the transcript below.

Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


Welcome to today's lesson, "Keys to First Date Success."

The First Date. We make a big deal of it, but it doesn't have to be the be-all and end-all. In this lesson, you'll learn specific strategies to making sure you can succeed on the first date and set up many successful future ones.

One book I highly recommend for learning how to do a first date right is How to Make Anyone Fall in Love With You, by Leil Lowndes. It's a great read that scientifically analyzes the evolution of love in the human mind: what kinds of behaviors, characteristics, and signals make men and women scientifically attracted to each other, and what behaviors, characteristics, and signals don't. It covers a number of topics that we men--or "hunters" as Lowndes calls us--can relate to: the approach, conversations, making love to women, and more.

One of the areas Lowndes addresses is my favorite topic, the topic of choice. You have to first ask yourself if the woman you want to go on a first date with is ACTUALLY WORTH YOUR TIME. Are you asking a girl for a date just because she's hot and you want to get underneath her skirt...or because you two actually have a vested interest in seeing one another again, a convincing reason to want to go on a date? Because as a "hunter," if you don't give a girl a good reason to want to see you again, you can't expect her to say yes to your request. And you DEFINITELY can't expect to get under her skirt, if there is no date!

So how do you give a woman a valid reason to want to see you on a first date? The most common way is to be physically or emotionally attracted to one another; either her looks or her personality interest you. But believe it or not, that isn't always enough, and it's a big reason why a lot of guys don't get dates with girls, or why their first dates fall flat. If all you're after are her looks, chances are the woman won't want to give you a date unless she too wants nothing more than a one-night stand. According to Lowndes, the best way to get a woman to agree to a date is this: "let the attractive women tell you of her extradorinary business acumen before you suggest lunch to talk about collaboration...Let your quarry feel she earned your interest or attentions through her brililance, fascinating personality, her talents, her wonderful uniqueness. Then she'll value your company all the more. Because she got it the old-fashioned way...she earned it."

Recognize this from an earlier lesson? You have to make girls EARN your attraction, not just give it away. Girls don't want to have all the power, and they don't want a man that easy. They want to feel like they successfully earned a first date with you, NOT that you just offered it to them with no conditions. I'ts a fundamental rule of attraction:

The harder it is for her to get a first date with you, the more she'll enjoy it.

In my How to Be Irresistible to Women Premium course, you can refer to my lessons on attention and the approach to learn how to make your target chase you. The build to earning a date with you will automatically establish rapport, and make your date eager to find out more about you...including the naughty stuff. So get Premium now at

In setting up a first date with a woman, remember that if you act like a catch, then she'll treat you like one, too.

How do you become a catch? Do it by challenging the woman of interest. Don't let her slide with everything she says or does, especially if it's bitchy. Instead, show YOU have the power, which will not only put her in her place, but also attract her to you because you show yourself to be a MAN OF CONTROL.

The following are three of my five killer ways for turning a woman on by being a catch. For the other two, and more strategies and tips on how to make a woman irresistibly attracted to you, check out my How to Be Irresistible to Women Premium interactive audio course. I gurantee you won't be disappointed with the information you'll learn on how to get hte women YOU WANT. It's all availabe at

Now, let's look at 3 ways to attract women on each and every date you go on:

  1. Be Hard to Get. Don't show interest in a girl just because she's a girl. Look at all the romance novels and films: women love the thrill of the chase, the hunt for true passion, getting a man despite the odds. Danielle Steele does NOT write novels about women going for the first man who comes her way. Romance novels always work on the same formula: the WOMAN falling in love with the man, NOT the man falling in love with the woman. Guys, women do not want to be easy. They want a challenge.

    You can be a challenge by showing class and showing status. Do the things the men who can get any women they want do. Lean away from your target, be relaxed, be calm in her presence. Don't act overly interested to be talking to her, even if she's the most gorgeous girl you've ever met. That is, don't smile and sound fascinated by everything the woman says; listen to her, but don't treat her like a goddess. This especially applies to beautiful or career-driven women who are used to flattery and praise. Giving a yawn, acting unimpressed, saying things like, "A model, huh? That's nice, I guess." These things assert your dominance and signify that SHE has to impress YOU, not the other way around. In the process, you'll develop a greater confidence in yourself, because you'll realize you can choose who you want, and that you don't HAVE to kiss the butts of every girl you meet. In fact, the opposite--being a challenge, breaking her balls--is much more attractive. And fun!
  2. Believing in yourself. Never talk about anything as if it's nothing special, or stupid, or boring. The way you treat yourself is the way SHE will treat yourself. If you talk about yourself in a negative, boring way, thenhow is she to believe you're anything different than that? She'll hate being around you, not enjoy the date, and most likely never want to see you again. Don't make your date a disaster! Talk about yourself in positive, confident terms, and she will, too - even if she initially felt otherwise. You see, people are affected by your mood and vibe, so if you give them a bad one, they'll reflect that by not being happy and friendly in your presence. But show her you're fun, comfortable in your skin, and in control of your emotions and fears, and she'll reward you for it. You'll have a great date and maybe some great fun afterwards.
  3. Social proof. Show a women you're a catch by showing her how popular you are with people. If you're going to a restaurant, take the time to get to know the owner. Go somewhere where you know the manager, or the bouncer, even the bartender. It pays to do your homework ahead of time. Do this EVERYWHERE you go. You never know if you'll want to take a date there. Networking pays trememendous dividends: By showing you've got social influence and that people appreciate being around you, SHE'LL be influenced into enjoying your company -- and appreciate you, as well. It opens up whole new doorways to adventure and intimacy.

Remember, for the good, killer strategies you NEED to make dates successful, check out my "How to Be Irresistible to Women Premium" course. It's over 5 hours of quality audio education, in 30 individual, step-by-step lessons, wtih a handy workbook companion for each lesson. More resources, more strategies, mroe exercises for becoming the attraction magnet you always wanted to be. Get it at

Now, back to dating strategies. We talked about how women have to earn your respect, and that's important to keep in mind. Never settle for bad behavior; if, during the date, the girl is bitchy, demanding, or whiny, put her in her place. Tease her or ignore her. Show her you're not a man who can be walked all over. I guarantee you, you'll save yourself a lot of trouble that way, and when you show you're in CONTROL, she'll fix her act and try hard to impress you, bringing closer to what you really want. And if she doesn't change her act, then you weren't meant to be with her. Move on.

Finally, le'ts talk about the importance of dressng well. Here's a fascinating study Leil Lowndes cites in How to Make Anyone Fall in Love with You. In this study, women were asked six hypothetical questions ranging from, "Whom would you choose to marry?" to, "Whom would you choose for a one-night stand?" For every question, the men who dressed the best got the highest scores. It's important, because, as you know, women instinctively search for status, ambition, and financial resources. What you wear says a lot about what you can provide.

So remember, if you dress in nice, formal, expensive clothes, YOU might just score well with women as well.

For more great information, check out my "How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM" course. In my lesson on presentation, I give you great tips on how to dress, to impress. I also share in my lesson on Body Language, the tips you need to understand what a woman is thinking, and how to let your BODY do all the talking on your first, second, third dates, and BEYOND, til you get the great relationship--and sexual intimacy--you ALWAYS wanted.

Find those lessons, and TWENTY-EIGHT more with my How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM interactive audio course. It's all available for you, right now, for easy downloading to your computer or I-Pod. Listen anytime, anywhere, and become a woman magnetizing MACHINE. It's all available for you at the click of a button at

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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

The "How To Be Irresistible To Women" system begins with my PREMIUM Course, a groundbreaking audio series that will lead you step-by-step through a complete revolution in seduction skills, inner game, and the art of the approach. And that's not all. You'll also get the latest edition of my online book, access to the 000Relationships Video Library, Your Guide to Overcoming Shyness in Dating, The Essential Guide to Online Dating, Kissing 101, a 16-part audio bonus on "How To Eliminate Shyness, Nervousness, and Anxiety and Be Totally Confident With Beautiful Women!" plus self-hypnosis tracks to train yourself for unstoppable self-confidence and irresistible attractiveness.

"How To Be Irresistible To Women" offers guys like you a dynamic and comprehensive toolkit to attract the kind of woman you never thought you could get. Just talk to any of my thousands of customers worldwide!

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