How to Attract and Seduce Women

How to Get Girls' Attention

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, you'll learn what YOU need to do to get women's attention...and to keep it! Join me as I talk to relationship expert, Amy Waterman, about how there's no such bad publicity.

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You can get her attention and turn it into attraction if you have the necessary skills. Slade Shaw can share his skills with you and turn you into an attraction master at:

Don't have eight minutes? Get all the great info in today's lesson by reading through the transcript below.

Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


James: Welcome back to the How to Be Irresistible to Women Newsletter Series, your source for tips and techniques to make you irresistible to women. I’m James and I’m irresistible to women. Now it’s your turn! Joining me as always is my wondrous woman of wow, female expert, Amy Waterman.

In today’s portion of our program, we’ll teach you about ADD - not Attention Deficit Disorder - but how to break it with our own trusted method of ADD, Attention Deficit Destroyer. We’ll be talking about how you can gain attention and only profit from it. These methods include: #1 – Peacocking, #2 – Energy, and #3 -Popularity.

Now let’s talk about the Peacock method first. Now, Amy, we’re not talking about the size of your last boyfriend’s … whatever. It’s actually an interesting, to say the leas,t method. If you’ve ever read Neal Strauss’ The Game, you’ll know all about it.

Basically as you know, Amy, these guys dress up in the most ridiculous and outlandish getup you can think of. It could be a space suit and a fedora with six-inch platform shoes, or a red polyester suit with ski goggles. The fun part about it is you get to use your imagination. Now, Amy, judging by that crazy Cleopatra outfit I saw you in, looks like you’ve peacocked yourself.

Amy: Oh, I’m just shocked, James! I’m so offended! I thought that I was just creating something I had seen on the catwalk. And, honestly, if you’ve ever looked at fashions on the catwalk, that’s peacocking taken to the limit…

James: That’s true.

Amy: … because, honestly, if I wore catwalk couture down the center of my main street, people would stare at me thinking, “What in the world is going on with her?” Really, think about it. Maybe we’re not outlandish so much as just thinking a little bit further than everyone else.

James: Yeah, that’s true. And as you mentioned walking down the street, people are going to notice you, and that’s a good thing, isn’t it?

Amy: They do, but it only works if you like being noticed. So, shy guys, if you’re going to try and peacock and you’re too shy to get looked at, don’t try it: you’re not man enough. You have to love being looked at, you have to love the attention, and you have to play it up, be a little bit of an actor about it.

James: Yes, you know you have to show confidence, and you just have to show: “I love doing this, I love being right here, so whatever you think, I don’t care, I’m just having the time of my life.”

Now let’s talk about our second awesome way of gaining positive attention: energy. Girls love guys who bring excitement to the table whether it’s in the club or in the bedroom. If you’re bursting with energy…

Amy: Ooh, excitement in the bedroom, I like that.

James: Yeah, I know you do.

Amy: James, you don’t know that I like that.

James: Oh, I kind of have an idea.

Amy: Who have you been talking to anyway?

James: Everyone.

Amy: What are you saying, James?

James: All right, as I think Amy will testify, if you’re bursting with energy, bursting with optimism, and hope girls will just be mesmerized by you.

So, Amy, I think you’ll agree, energy - whether it’s in the club or in this place that you don’t know anything about -

Amy: Exactly.

James: Got the better of me. I know you don’t know anything about that.

Amy: No, I’m innocent.

James: But I think somehow you have an idea that energy is a good thing.

Amy: Energy is fantastic, even when it’s silly energy. Even when the energy comes from just poking fun at one another and saying silly things and making a fool of yourself. And banter creates energy. Why? Because when you’re talking at me and I’m listening, and then I talk at you and you listen, that’s not energy, is it?

James: No. No. that’s not energy. Let’s talk about enthusiasm. I know you’ve talked about guys you’ve seen at not just a bar but in a park. You just see them having a good time and just jabbing each other having a great time.

Amy: Yes.

James: You just notice that don’t you?

Amy: Part of it is is the love of life. I think there’s this perception based off from current fashions that you have to apathetic and bored and act like you’re disinterested. Well, let me tell you, I want passion. I want that guy who’s humming because he’s lovin’ it. He’s absolutely lovin’ it, because that makes my life so much better.

James: Yes, guys’ enthusiasm is contagious, so spread it.

Finally, let’s talk about our third method, popularity. Of course, in order to be popular, you have to bring what we talked about before - energy and enthusiasm - to the table. It all begins with people enjoying and looking forward to being around you. Once you show that friends love your company, girls will want in. They’ll be curious.

Amy, I know you’re familiar with the method of influence called social proof. Please explain this to our listeners, who, I’m sure, want to prove that they’re popular.

Amy: This you can so see. You can see a guy walk into a room, and everybody knows him, and people are coming up to him, and they say, “Hey, how are you doing?” And you think, “I want to know him because everybody else knows him.”

I have a great example about this. I met a guy, and we hung out just one on one a couple of times, and I thought, “He’s a bit of a geek, not really sure about this.”

Then he said, “Hey, I’m throwing a party. Why don’t you come?” I thought, “Okay, that sounds great.”

I went there, and all of these beautiful women were there, and they were laughing with him and flirting with him. When I walked away that night, I though this guy must have something. And nothing changed - he’s still the same guy - but he had social proof.

James: Social proof. I think every guy is familiar with this: when you have a girl, that’s when girls want you more. So, to be surrounded by beautiful women, there’s no better proof than that.

This concludes ADD, Attention Deficit Destroyer, on’s How to Be Irresistible to Women audio series.

You’ve heard Amy and I discuss with you three great methods for gaining attention and gaining dates: Peacocking, Energy, and Popularity. They may not come to you naturally, but I guarantee that if you do each with conviction you’ll have all kinds of girls noticing you right away. And who doesn’t like being irresistible? That’s a winner’s game.

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website

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