How to Attract and Seduce Women

How to Demonstrate Higher Value

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, I share with you my secrets to making girls think you're a catch: you've got to demonstrate higher value. That is, you have to show that women need you, more than you need them, and prove it. In this lesson, I teach you the ways to a woman's heart by showing her you're one of a kind. Check it out now.

And remember, if you want to find out more about what women want and how to give it to them, get my How to Be Irresistible to Women e-book and course. Now it's your turn!

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Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


Today’s lesson is called “Proving Your Worth: Projecting Higher Status.”

It’s not enough to know how to say smooth lines and act cool. If you want to be able to impress women well, you also have to be able to “project higher value”—to show the woman that you’re of high status and one guy she’d be wise to not let go.

In today’s lesson, I’ll be covering three topics:

  • Being choosy
  • Showing Women They Need You More than You Need Them
  • Projecting Great Qualities

Right here, on How to Be Irresistible to Women!

Relationship expert, Ken Kenny, says something every man should take to heart: “The more a man can come from a place of choice…two things happen: 1, The higher quality women he will attract, and #2, the more likely the relationship will last, because he won’t rush into something that isn’t ideal.”

You got that? When YOU yourself are choosy, you get better women—who tend to be choosy themselves--AND your relationship will last longer. Women respect the fact that you don’t go for just any woman; you seek quality. You’re someone unique who doesn’t settle for less than the best. And nobody wants a guy who accepts the worst. So in that sense, they’ll see quality in your pickiness.

Remember that women want to feel like they’re #1. If a woman feels like you’re treating her like leftovers, like second-best, like the only thing out there—which a lot of men project—then they’re just not gonna be attracted to you. It’s very simple: The LESS choosy you are, the lesser quality women you get. You also get less women, period, because girls can see that you’ll go for just about any woman out there. And how’s that gonna make them feel special?

You have to prove that you’re choosy, even if that means turning down a gorgeous woman. As Kenny says, “Don’t overlook flaws because she’s beautiful…” If a woman is hot but out of her mind nuts, eventually you’ll lose your mind, too, dealing with her. So don’t go for beautiful chicks, thinking they’re perfect. Cuz no woman is, and lots of times beautiful women aren’t really as fun to be around as the ones who aren’t so hot.

The key thing to project, then, in any situation with girls, is that THEY NEED YOU, MORE THAN YOU NEED THEM. Sounds funny, right? How can that be true? Well, look at the smooth guys who get any women they want. They KNOW they can get any women they want, so a girl has to prove herself worthy. Likewise, you have to do the same. You have to show a girl, no matter how hot she is, that SHE needs YOU—you’re #1, and she’d better prove herself worthy. In the process, you’ll prove YOURself worthy! That’s a winner’s game.

So how do high-quality men impress high-quality women? With high-quality moves. One, don’t treat a woman any differently just because she’s gorgeous. In fact, these women are so used to getting special treatment, that the minute a guy treats her badly or without worshipping her, something goes off in her head. She senses, “Hey, this guy is different. He’s not bowing down before me.” That’ll make HER recognize that you’re above the rest. It’s reverse psychology, and it works.

Second, make HER prove to you that she’s worth your time. Ask HER the questions, like what she does for a living, how much she earns, the standard questions all girls test guys with. And don’t look impressed; look at her sternly like she’s not good enough for you. Even say something like, “Oh, just a model, huh? That’s pretty boring.” The more she has to prove that she’s worth your time, the better you look in her eyes. Make the whole time with her one big, pressure-filled interview session.

Thirdly, and very importantly, call a girl out on unacceptable behavior. If all she does is rave about how beautiful she is, call her out on it. “Man, you really are in love with yourself! Stop it!” or “Wow, do you always talk this much about yourself?” The thing is, Girls love to be teased! They may act like you’re being rude, but secretly—or not so secretly—they love it. It makes them feel like they’re with a high-quality guy—which you are. Busting someone’s balls, if done correctly, is a very big aphrodisiac.

Why? Because you’re doing something no one else has done to her. You’ve got the balls to catch her on her bitchy behavior, which makes her feel like she’s with a guy who doesn’t NEED her. Ever notice how the high school jocks always treat girls as lesser than them? It’s because they know they can get away with it. They can command a girl to do something—and she’ll do it. So adding commands, like “Stop whining!” or “Get away from me!” will increase her attraction for you.

At the same time, you want to show a woman that you find her special. Teasing, asking her lots of questions, busting her balls—does just that. It’s treatment that makes her feel unique and wanted.

In the next section, I’ll be discussing tips on how to show women that you yourself are #1, the best they can get. Only here, on How to Be Irresistible to Women!

Now, Ken Kenny has some great advice on how to project great qualities in yourself. They include:

  • Momentum. Kenny says, “As soon as you get that phone number, move on to the next girl, to the next success.” Girls get jealous when they see a great guy like yourself with other girls, so if you’re able to have a great conversation, then show that you’re not dependent on her by moving on to another women, you project quality and uniqueness. You’re communicating, “I’m a high-value commodity. If you want me, come and GET me!”
  • Teasing. As I said before, teasing is a great way to “demonstrate confidence, humor, AND the fact that you’re a challenge.” Kenny suggests things like slapping a girl’s hand, saying, “You just lost a point” and make women keep track, and I personally suggest saying, “Oh, you’re no fun. I’m gonna have to find someone else.” This’ll make her jealous, and if you’ve done well, she’ll plead with you to stay.
  • Getting Physical. Interestingly, Kenny says, “women don’t respect” a lack of physicality. “The longer you wait, the harder it is.” Remember, you want to show that you’ve got balls, so doing things like slapping her hands (lightly), or saying, “You’ve got some gunk on your face” and brushing your hand on her neck, you’ll not only stimulate her, but show that you’ve got confidence. A winning combination to sexual success.
  • Finally, Sexual innuendos. Kenny says something brilliant, “Talking about sex is the first step towards having it.” Whether you want to talk about it after having just met a girl, or on the first date, is up to you, but either way it’s a great way of moving things ahead—and showing quality. Adding physical touch, a throathy voice, and sexual innuendo together, is an amazing move. If you say, “So <her name>” as you put your hand on your knee, “are you a bad girl?” Her stomach will flutter, and she won’t be seeing you in a bar or club anymore—she’ll be seeing you in a bed, next to her. Now that IS quality!

I’m back. In today’s lesson, “Proving Your Worth: Projecting Higher Status,” I covered three topics in making yourself a high-quality guy girls can’t resist:

  • Being choosy
  • Showing Women They Need You More than You Need Them
  • Projecting Great Qualities

Remember that the more choosy you are, the wider variety of girls you’ll get. And if you want to impress and attract high quality girls, you have to use high-quality moves, including teasing, sexual innuendo, and physical touch. That’s a winner’s game!

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

Triple O Relationships. Now it’s your turn!


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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

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