How to Attract and Seduce Women

How to Dress to Impress

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, you learn about the importance of dressing well: what you wear largely determines the women you get. What are good clothes to wear? How do your hair and accessories affect the way beautiful women view you? How can you dress to best fit your own identity? And what can good clothes do to make your game dynamite? Learn the answers to these questions, and many more, in today's edition of my newsletter. I'll show YOU how to dress successfully.Enjoy!

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>> Remember though, absolute success with women is about more than just what you wear. It's also about the right attitude and convincing women that you are a man of VALUE. You can find out more about being a man of value by checking out Meet Your Sweet's attraction course:

Don't have eight and a half minutes? Get all the great info in today's lesson by reading through the transcript below.

Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


Welcome to Dress for Success: The Metrosexual Revolution and You

In this lesson, I cover three topics:

  • The importance of a great wardrobe and great hair
  • How to find great clothes and great hair
  • Dressing to fit you

Right here, on How to Be Irresistible to Women!

Now, what does it mean to be a metrosexual? Well, there are about a million definitions out there, but I like this one: An urban male with a heterosexual orientation who rejects many macho attributes often linked to masculinity. He adopts many traits often associated with heterosexual females and gay males -- eg expensive hair care, stylish clothes.” Okay, so it sounds…well, not heterosexual, but the fact is, great hair and a stylish wardrobe have quickly become the norm for straight men. In fact, it’s almost as if being metrosexual IS being alpha-male now. Keep in mind that you don’t have to act like someone you’re not; it’s just about presenting yourself better. L et’s take a brief look at some of the benefits of dressing well:

  • Looking better to women . Hey, this one’s obvious, but it needs to be emphasized. Girls love to dress well themselves, so when they see a guy who shows he took time to dress himself well too, they’ll have automatic respect for him. It will make the approach so much easier. Note: girls also look closely at shoes—female expert Maria Forleo has said that she’s talked to a guy just because she admired his shoes!
  • Looking and feeling better about yourself. Dressing well will automatically make you feel better about yourself, and about your chances when going out. Improved self esteem will translate into a more enjoyable time on the prowl. Even if nothing happens when you go out, you can at least say that it wasn’t because of what you wore. Who wants to have the regret of dressing like a slob? You don’t want your attire to be your downfall. You want it to be your elevation.
  • Gaining respect from other people. People, especially girls, will compliment you on a snazzy outfit or a sweet hairdo, and believe me, it feels great to get that kind of acclaim. You’ll feel a lot better going out wearing great clothes and cool hair than going out with messy, just-got-out-of-bed hair and a two-bit pair of jeans and shirt with holes in it. You’re just not commanding respect. And respect is a good thing.

So you know WHY it’s good to dress and style well. Now let’s look at where to get the clothes that will make you look great!

I could take up five lessons just reviewing all the clothing stores out there--and I wouldn’t even be able to include all the boutiques and shops unique to your area. So let’s look at what works, and what doesn’t. As fashion is a fickle thing, I recommend you find a friend—a female friend especially—who is reasonably up to date with the latest trends in clothes and hair styles. Make sure this person knows what he or she is talking about—if he’s saying to go for a 90’s flat-top, you might want to move on!

As you know from previous lessons, asking girls for advice is a GREAT way to approach them. So if you want to have fun and learn a thing or two, you can go up to girls and ask them what you think about the clothes someone ELSE is wearing. You’ll see that if it doesn’t work for him, it won’t work for you If she comments on your clothing, don’t take any criticism too harshly. Just the fact that you’re asking will probably lead to positive comments. Asking girls for their opinions is a great way to show that YOU make good looks a priority in your life.

If you have a female friend, you can win BIG points with her by asking her to help you shop for new clothes and a good hairstyle. Not only will she be THRILLED to help you, but you’ll also score big points with her—she’ll be sure to recommend you to her hot friends, and say what a great style you have. Now THAT’S a true friend!

If you’re still not sure how to dress, the easiest way to learn is by simple observation. Go to a bar and see who’s wearing what. See what the guys who are popular with girls are wearing, and see what the guy’s who are striking out are wearing. You’ll start to see consistencies after a few rounds observing the nightlife crowds. Seeing what guys at parties and other social conventions are wearing is another great idea for finding the look that works.

So you know WHY it’s good to dress and style well. And you know how to find out what’s in style. But it’s not gonna work if you’re wearing something you feel uncomfortable in. Let’s look at how to customize it—for you.

Decide what type of clothes you do like to wear. Do you enjoy jeans? Then go for the jeans that are currently in fashion.

If you’re more into cargo pants or corduroy, that’s fine—find a style, perhaps an urban one, that conforms to lots of loose-fitting, comfortable clothes.

There are lots of styles out there—casual, skater, sophisticated, metro stylish, etc. Find one that conforms to your personality, to who you are. If you’re a snowboarder/skater type of guy, you probably want to dress loosely. But if you’re a hard-nosed banker type, a sophisticated, formal attire may work best.

What kind of hair do you have? If it’s long and thick, then you definitely want to invest in some strong hair care products and style it so it stands out. If it’s thin, sometimes the simple styles are all you need.

If you’re balding or just have short hair, never despair! Now is the best time to have a crew cut or no hair at all. Bald is in style—look at Vin Diesel, Billy Zane, even Neil Strauss, the kingpin of the seduction community. Don’t be embarrassed to show off your head.

The most important thing with all of this is to HAVE FUN. Fashion’s meant to be about showcasing the best qualities of a person. Wearing clothes that you love, can describe in passion to girls, and just enjoy, will make shopping for your new wardrobe exciting, instead of a drag. You may even get to the point where you enjoy shopping with your girl. If you can invite her to go shopping with you, she’ll not only be flattered, but feel she’s GOTTA stay with you. And that’s a winner’s game!

In today’s lesson, “Dress for Success: The Metrosexual Revolution and You”, I covered three topics:

  • The importance of a great wardrobe and great hair, including respect from others, respect for yourself, and more dates!
  • How to find great clothes and great hair, through friends with fashion sense, female friends, and observing what’s popular
  • Dressing to fit you, and making it fun

So remember, don’t underestimate the power of good dress. It can change your dating game forever!

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

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