How to Attract and Seduce Women

How to Kiss Girls with Ease

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, you'll learn how to kiss for affection, for intimacy, and much more.

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Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


Welcome to today’s lesson: The Art of the Kiss. In today’s lesson I discuss 3 points:

  • How to make kissing easy and enjoyable
  • How to kiss for intimacy, and
  • How to kiss for affection.

Right here, on the How to Be Irresistible to Women Newsletter Series.

Kissing girls: It's meant to be fun. If you're nervous about kissing women, or see it as only a gateway towards sex, you're missing out. In fact, the more you take your time with kissing and truly enjoy it, instead of just rushing it to get sex, the more chances you have of actually enjoying physical intimacy with a girl. Women don’t treat kissing like it’s just a prelude to sex. It’s more to them: it’s emotion, it’s passion, it’s intimacy. And it can also be really fun. If you really want to enjoy physical intimacy with them, you have to adopt this attitude, as well. It’s not a bad one: Kissing really can be enjoyable! So let me show you how to kiss girls romantically--and enjoy it!

If you've never kissed before, the best thing you can possibly do is RELAX. As I’ve said on many of my lessons, whether it’s asking a girl on a date or initiating a first kiss, if it isn’t a big deal to you, it won’t be such a big deal to the girl. Girls match your mood, confidence, and body language, so if you show a nervous, unconfident disposition, they won’t feel comfortable. They’ll feel nervous and unconfident in you as well. But open up your body, look her straight in the eye, take it slow and easy, and act like kissing her NATURAL and to be expected: well, then they’ll do the same!

If the first kiss---or any kiss, for that matter—isn’t treated like a big deal by you, then your date or “target” won’t make a big deal out of it either. It’ll put her at ease and make her more open to the whole idea. Maybe she’ll be open to a lot more!

On top of that, it isn't a big deal if you muck up your first kiss! Girls are very understanding, and you can actually laugh about it. This is especially true if you don’t apologize for your behavior. Play it cool, joke about it and laugh. I know so many couples who joke about their first kiss. It’s normal for the first kiss people have to be an awkward one, so girls will forgive you if it's not perfect! In fact, as they are often nervous themselves, it will really just put them more at ease if it doesn’t go perfectly. They’ll realize YOUR expectations of them aren’t so high and untenable, either.

Of course, you still want to kiss well. A great kiss means the door opens even more to further possibilities, including passion and a great relationship. So it pays to learn proper kissing technique. That means knowing how to move in for the kiss, controlling your tempo, kissing for affection, and kissing for intimacy. There are lots of websites out there, but I particularly like the one I write for, You'll get pictures and everything about what's right and what's wrong. Check it out at You’ll find more of my articles and some truly excellent stuff on kissing. It’s a very comprehensive website.

For now, I'm going to cover two particular areas of kissing techniques: kissing for affection, and kissing for intimacy. First let's talk about kissing for intimacy. Say you're on a date and want to move things to the next level. The best way to do it is to talk about how you'd like to kiss her. As one guru, Craig, says, "Talking about sex is the first step towards having it." Likewise, talking about kissing is the first step towards actual kissing. It will relax both of you and, if said in a relaxed, confident, NOT desperate tone, can really excite a girl. Once you do get to kissing, kiss with passion: don't half-job it! Use your arms, your body: press into her, touch her face with your hands, stroke her hair. All these things show you're serious about intimacy and want her in the worst way.

If she pulls in, you're doing great. Pulls back, just slow it down. Just because she doesn't do it with the same passion as you doesn't mean she wants it. A lot of times girls want to take things slower than guys. That's fine: match her tempo. Kiss her on the neck, the cheeks, all over. Eventually that will warm her up. When she starts to get into it (moaning, moving closer to you, grabbing you back), you can start kissing her in her erogenous zones all over the body. Remember, kissing isn't just on the lips! If you really want to get intimate, kiss her below the neck--on her thighs, on her hips (very sensitive area!) and even on her feet. Not to mention the obvious areas. :) This should guarantee you a great night.

But kissing doesn't end with sex! Too many guys make that mistake. Sex is only the BEGINNING of the kissing stage! As you're performing, remember to kiss her all over her body, particularly on the neck and breasts. Show that you're not interested just in a quick act--you want to be passionate and intimate, as well. Kissing achieves this purpose, and will make the girl eager to do it again!

Now let’s talk about kissing for affection. If you want to show a girl you really love her, sex and words won’t do enough. KISSING, especially if it’s done spontaneously and emphatically, is the best. As I say in my e-book and Premium Audio Course, women LOVE surprises. Nohing shows you love your girlfriend (or wife) like a surprise, spontaneous kiss out of nowhere! She'll love it, and thank you for it. She'll also reward you for it, by staying with you, WANTING to kiss you, and treating you great. Happy wife, happy life! The same goes with girlfriends. Don't be surprised if she starts bringing you breakfast in bed, buying you presents, acting a lot nicer. When you give her lots of kisses out of nowhere, just to remind her that you love her, she’ll respond in kind. Guys, this works!

In conclusion, remember the 3 points:

  • Put your date at ease . Don’t treat kissing like a big deal. Open, confident body language and an attitude that it’s natural and no big deal will make it easier for both you and your date!
  • For kissing with intimacy, use emphatic body language . Explore her body; don’t let your hands sit idly by at your side!
  • To kiss for affection, do it with SURPRISE and out of nowhere. Show a girl that at any moment, you can splatter her with a big fat kiss that says you love her. Women love surprises, and a surprise kiss will yield great rewards.

Finally, remember that kissing is meant to be FUN. Once you see the fun and enjoyable side of kissing, as opposed to the nervous, pressure-filled side of it, you'll surely want more and more. More importantly, so will your date or girlfriend! As an old Chinese proverb goes, "Kissing is like drinking tea with a tea strainer: you can never get enough."

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

Triple O Relationships. Now it’s your turn!


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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

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