How to Attract and Seduce Women

How to Make Girls Laugh

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast How's it goin'? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, I'll teach you what you need to know about using laughter to expand your game. Join me as I discuss how to properly use laughter to help YOU with my co-host, relationship expert, Amy Waterman.

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Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


James: Welcome back to the How to be Irresistible to Women Newsletter Series, your source for tips and techniques to make you irresistible to women. I’m James, and I’m irresistible to women. Now it’s your turn!

Today I’m going to be talking about one of my favorite topics, just one of the best possible weapons you can have in your arsenal. I’ll be discussing Laughter, the Best Aphrodisiac. To help me talk about this is every guy’s favorite aphrodisiac, female expert, Amy Waterman. So what’s up, Amy?

Amy: Well, what’s down, actually. I was just standing in the studio a few minutes ago and thinking my pants are falling down. But I didn’t think I was going ask you to hold them up for me.

James: Is that supposed to be a problem?

Amy: Actually, I’m actually getting quite hot as well.

James: Oh, okay. Well maybe you should lift that shirt up while the pants go down.

Amy: Hey. That’s fantastic.

James: All right then. Before we get out of control, let’s talk about some stuff. I’d like to talk about a guy who knew the power of laughter. His name’s Brad. Brad … wasn’t that…?

Amy: That’s not Brad Pitt, is it?

James: No. Actually it’s not.

Amy: Ah, shoot.

James: He looks a little bit like him, but for some reason he’s not.

Amy: If Brad Pitt was in the studio, my pants would be around my ankles. Actually, that doesn’t sound very nice, does it?

James: Oh, it’s very nice. So Brad - not Brad Pitt, just Brad - wasn’t that good-looking, but he was full of charisma, energy, and the ability to make fun of himself. He had no problem letting it all hang out. Not that same way that you let it all hang out, Amy, but, you know, in the figurative sense.

Amy: I don’t have anything to hang out. At least down there.

James: Right. Anyway, so, for Brad, karaoke was a regular event for him on weekend nights. One night, Brad was having a great time. Not even looking for girls, just singing - badly I might add - at a karaoke bar on the east side of Manhattan, just entertaining his friends. This beautiful Latina friend of mine - a girl he normally wouldn’t think of picking up - noticed him and really enjoyed his horribly bad but also horribly funny singing.

She wasn’t blown away by Brad’s looks but loved the fact that he enjoyed making fun of himself on-stage. There’s just something about the energy he brought with him, how he made her laugh. Soon they started talking. One thing led to another, and before he knew it, Brad was in bed with this beautiful South American chick - and believe me, she’s pretty hot. Now they’re talking about getting married. By the way, this story’s entirely true. So, Amy, I think you would agree with me: laughter is a powerful aphrodisiac?

Amy: I think so, too. One reason why … it actually has a biological reason. When you laugh, your heart rate goes up. Blood rushes to your extremities, and you actually experience physiological arousal when you’re laughing.

Now the cool thing is this also works with fear. If you’re laughing, you get aroused, and, if you’re actually scared, you get aroused. But the interesting thing about your brain is that it can’t tell whether it’s actually aroused because of that hot guy next you or simply because you’re finding it so funny. So I may interpret my laughter and all this arousal I’m feeling simply due to being close to you, James.

James: I’ll have to remember that. So, karaoke or anything else that allows you to let loose and make fun of yourself is, to me, just a great way of meeting girls. I mean, hey, my last name is Brito. Sounds like burrito, right? And if you want to be like the little kids in high school, Doritos and Frito as well.

Growing up, I always got called, “Burrito.” Bothered me at first. But once I started joking about it myself, even embracing the monacre of “Burrito,” signing it in emails, just calling myself that, life got better. Schoolmates actually stopped calling me “Burrito” in a mocking way, but in a fun, buddy kind of way: “Hey, what’s up Burrito?” I realized that self deprecation has even greater rewards than that. By doing silly things, like the worst worm you’ll ever see on a dance floor or just karaoke on a stage, girls laugh and enjoy my company. I’d be invited out a lot more and meet a lot more women. Now that’s a winner’s game.

So, Amy, I heard you laughing a bit. What happens when a girl sees a guy who’s confident enough in himself to joke about himself?

Amy: Well, I think what happens is what exactly been happening in this studio. We’ve been making fun of one another and hopefully everybody out there is laughing with us. They’re having a great time. And, I have to admit, I think it is more attractive in men (self deprecation) than in women. Because I just tend to love that style of humor, personally, like the pants falling down. And it is funny. Men do seem to laugh, whether or not it’s the woman or the guy who’s doing it. But the great thing about self-deprecating humor is that you know the guy doesn’t have an ego. If he can laugh like that with you … you can make fun of him, he can make fun of you. And there’s nothing more fun than making fun of one another.

James: Exactly. The barriers just come down. It’s like, “Hey let’s just have fun. Let’s not be all wooden. Let’s just have fun.”

Amy: And the great thing is - I’ll tell you a secret James - guy who can just let loose, be silly, make fun of himself, is probably not going to be that bad in bed, either, because sex is one of the funniest things out there. It can be so silly.

James: Right.

Amy: And you know if a guy’s not tense and stiff and has to keep his pride, he’s going to be experimental and crazy and just losing himself in bed.

James: It’s really no secret. So you talked about what sort of humor you like. I think most girls will appreciate self-deprecation but not all of them. The great thing is there’re other types of humor that you can use. I found the following styles to be useful for almost any type of girl.

Number one is observational humor. Strange and funny things always happen. You might see a guy whose face looks just like his dog’s, or a ridiculous looking cat staring right at you. If you can point out the funny things in life, you’ll come off as sharp, witty, and full of fun.

Number two is wit. Amy, I think you’ll agree with me, nothing looks stronger than a guy who can just cut his opponent to pieces, especially using his opponent’s own remarks against him.

Amy: That’s so, so true. One of the things I’m thinking about right now is, of course, David De Angelo has this whole theory of “cocky funny.”

James: Yes.

Amy: And part of David D’s stuff is that you use your humor to almost belittle the other person, especially if the other person is a beautiful woman. I’m not so sure about that. But some guys say it works.

James: I was going to talk about cocky-funny little bit later, but let’s talk about it now. The premise, as you said, by doing cocky and funny acts, like making fun of a girl or slapping her hands in disapproval, is you show that you can live without her. You show the girls that they need you more than you need them. Now, I personally don’t recommend this method because, like you said, it just kind of makes you look like a jerk. But I guess it does work with certain types of girls, right, Amy?

Amy: Go back to junior high, when you were thirteen, fourteen. You teased girls to get their attention.

James: Yes.

Amy: I know, as a girl back then, I honestly believed that if a boy teased me, he was showing me that he liked me. And so, when you’re an adult and you go back into that cocky-funny mode, women get transported back to those juvenile years. And, if the woman’s pretty immature, she’ll love it. But mature women may find that you’re acting like a juvenile and say, “That just isn’t for me.”

James: Right. Like I said, this humor doesn’t work on everyone. You did mention something very interesting. I think so much of the attraction game is about going back to your childhood, sort of regressing. Would you agree with that?

Amy: It’s definitely.

James: Just having fun.

Amy: It’s relaxing and, oh, I would love to find a guy who could be a man in the real world. He’s a real adult. He’s responsible. But when he’s with me, he can just be that kid and we’re gonna play together and have a lot of fun. Sounds silly, doesn’t it? But…

James: No. Not at all. That’s the way it is. So remember that, guys.

The last method of humor I’d like to talk about is exaggeration. Sort of what we’ve been doing for the last ten minutes. Just be ridiculous. I mean, I’ve gotten girls’ phone numbers just by walking around like a crab.

Amy: You don’t want to see this yourself, guys.

James: No, that’s why this is only an audio version. And, of course, karaoke really allows you to sing a note off key and just be ridiculous. But, Amy, should this method be used with all girls?

Amy: Probably not. I’m just having this vision of this real snobby woman looking at this guy making a fool of himself on karaoke. Sticking up her nose. Turning around and walking out because she wants to be with somebody who’s very serious and very … prideful. And never makes mistakes.

But listen, guys, do you want to be with a girl who sees you at your worst, laughs at it, and loves it? Or do you want to be with a girl who says, “You’re making a fool of me, because you’re acting silly!” Give me a break. If you can act silly and attract women, those are the sort of women you want to be with.

James: Exactly. And I think this goes back to something we’ve been talking about for quite a bit, your life purpose. Sort of know what you want. Right?

Amy: Yes.

James: If you enjoy being funny, enjoy being silly. You don’t want to be with an ice queen. You want to be with someone who can appreciate that sort of humor. Just know what you like and then you’ll find it.

There you go. Just like laughter is the best medicine, it’s also one of the best aphrodisiacs. So use it and have fun.

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

Triple O Relationships. Now it’s your turn!


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