How to Attract and Seduce Women

How to Talk to Girls, Part 1

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In How to Talk to Girls, Part 1, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, I discuss in detail my proven techniques for starting a conversation with any girl, any where--and how to use them lead to bigger and better things! In Part 1, you first learn the topics you shouldn't talk about, the conversation-killers that will make your attraction to women sink. You don't want to mess with these topics, so make sure you give a good listen and avoid the mistakes so many other men make.

Once you learn that, you'll be ready for Part 2, where I detail 5 more great ways on how to talk to girls. You'll build up your attraction meter to unseen heights. Enjoy!

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lesson1020.mp3 (8:20 minutes, 7.64 MB)


Don't have eight and a half minutes? Get all the great info in today's lesson by reading through the transcript below.

Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


Today’s lesson is “Talk the Talk: Knowing What to Say on the Approach, the Date, and Beyond, Part 1.”

It sucks not knowing what to say. You can have all your inner game together—a great attitude, belief in yourself, a great sense of humor—but if you don’t know how to put them all together and talk the talk, not much of it matters, does it?

I hear all the time from guys who feel good about themselves, but just don’t know what to say. Sometimes their mouths just fuddle up and out comes…garbage. Or worse, nothing at all.

In the next two lessons, I’m going to help you overcome not only your fears, but also your loss of voice when you need it most. I’ll be discussing great topics to discuss, including:

  • When you’re first meeting a girl
  • When you’re on a first date

I’ll also be discussing topics you SHOULDN’T talk about when first meeting a chick, or on a first date with her. Because before you know WHAT to say, it’s good to know what NOT to say. So today’s lesson will talk about the DON’Ts, before we talk about the do’s. Only here on!

So if there’s one thing I’ve learned from all my years in the field—and even today, as I talk to female friends—it’s that guys often talk about the wrong things when they’re getting to know a girl. One of the most common mistakes they make is to talk only about THEMSELVES. If you’ve heard my lesson on Listening—which I highly recommend you do—then you know that girls LOVE to talk about themselves. It’s part of their genetic makeup; females have been shown to have superior verbal and communication skills than men. So you have to allow THEM to talk about themselves before going on and on about yourself. Even if you have some great skill or lots of money, girls won’t care if that’s all they hear. It’ll actually have the opposite effect of attracting them; it will just drive them away. So learn to listen before you go on and on about yourself.

There are also some things you just never talk about in the beginning stages. When you’re deeply settled into a relationship, fine, but when you’re first meeting a girl or going on the first few dates, do NOT talk about:

  • Offensive humor
  • Politics
  • Past girlfriends (more on this one below!)
  • Inside jokes between you and your friends
  • Anything that could be interpreted as geeky or dorky, such as science-fiction

Let’s talk first about offensive humor—or anything offensive for that matter. It’s just a no-no. Most girls get pretty offended when you bring racial and sexual jokes into a conversation. Now, there’s nothing wrong with sexual innuendo—it’s actually a great way of moving things on—but making jokes about women and anatomy is NOT gonna win you any points. The same goes for racist humor. Hey, I love Chris Rock’s jokes, but I would NEVER talk about them when I’m first meeting a girl. ESPECIALLY since you never know exactly what her background is. I’ve talked to girls who looked Italian but were actually half-black. You DON’T want to offend those girls!

Politics is just a no-win situation. Even if you two actually agree politically, the chances of you getting into an argument that goes nowhere is just too high. It’s an easy topic to fall back on if you have nothing to say, but it’s also an easy way to lose her favor. Don’t even bother; there are better things to talk about, which I’ll get to below.

Inside jokes are just that—inside jokes. They’re between you and some friends, so keep it there. If you have to explain a joke—it’s not funny!

Geeky and dorky things: Okay, unless you absolutely KNOW that the girl is a Trekky and a diehard Star Wars fan, don’t bring up ANYTHING that has to do with science fiction, comic books, video games, or anything else that attracts geeks and nerds. You always want to communicate higher status than a girl, and talking about these subjects—even if you’re a huge fan—does nothing but bury your status.

Last but certainly not least, past girlfriends and lovers—NEVER a good subject to talk about. The risk of coming across as whiny and bitter are just too high. And I know, it can be an easy topic to talk about. Sex and relationships are two things girls ALWAYS have time to talk about it. So they will try to test you by asking you about your past relationships. But the truth is, you have MUCH better things to talk about—or to listen to HER talk about. The best thing to say is to either tease her, with something like, “Why? Are you jealous?”, which will put her in her place; or to say, “I have nothing against my past girlfriend, but we were just not meant to be together. I wish her the best, but it was time to move on.” Simple, precise, honest. She’ll respect you more for those things, and get the cue that there are better things to talk about. And that’s a winner’s game!

In today’s lesson you learned about some great subjects to talk about—and some bad ones to avoid. Let’s recap: Never talk about:

  • Offensive humor
  • Politics
  • Past girlfriends
  • Inside jokes between you and your friends
  • Anything that could be interpreted as geeky or dorky, such as science-fiction
  • All the great stuff you have

And never talk too much about yourself! It communicates that you’re arrogant and insecure about yourself. Never good traits to display.

Stay tuned for our next lesson, when I’ll tell you some great topics that you SHOULD discuss throughout the course of you relationship, from the time you first meet, to the first date, to when you’re going steady. Right here, on How to Be Irresistible to Women!

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

Triple O Relationships. Now it’s your turn!


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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

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