How to Attract and Seduce Women

How to Talk to Women

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In How to Talk to Women, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, I discuss in detail my proven techniques for starting a conversation with any girl, any where--and how to use them lead to bigger and better things! In Part 2, you learn not only what are some great topics of conversation, but also how to approach women and tease--great ways of upping the attracting meter! Check it out now.

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Don't have eight and a half minutes? Get all the great info in today's lesson by reading through the transcript below.

Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson

Today’s lesson is “Talk the Talk: Knowing What to Say on the Approach, the Date, and Beyond, Part 2”.

In my previous lesson I talked about conversation topics to avoid with a girl you’re just meeting or getting to know. In today’s lesson, I’ll discuss these 3 topics:

  • Great Topics to Talk About, Before and During the First Date
  • How to Approach A Girl, and What to Say
  • Setting Up Further Conversations

Only here, on Triple 0’s How to Be Irresistible to Women.

Now, it can be hard deciding what to talk about when you first lay your eyes on a girl, especially at a bar. When you’re at a house party, it’s easy to say things like, “So what’s your connection here?” or something simple like that. But in a bar, or a coffee shop, or any environment where you don’t really have any connection to the girl, it can be tough. That’s why you often have to CREATE a relationship with the girl. Get to know her friends, before you get to know her. I talk more about that in Les son 19: Setting Up The First Date and Beyond.

Often, when we decide we want to talk to one girl in particular, our inner “Chatterbox” gets going. All you hear are voices like, “Oh, she won’t talk to me,” or “I’m too boring,” or, “What the hell should I talk about?”

So first thing: RELAX. Remember, the girl is lucky to talk to YOU, not you to her. That’s key in going into any situation with women. Communicate HIGHER STATUS and they’ll not only respect you, but actually WANT to talk to you.

Secondly, be yourself. When it comes to seeing through people, girls are like Superman. They have X-Ray vision, and it can spot a guy who’s full of crap a mile away. So spend less time thinking about what you think she WANTS to talk about, and more time just going out and talking about you and your surroundings—genuine, honest things.

Thirdly, don’t worry about what to talk about. You don’t have to DECIDE what’s a suitable topic. You can start with a game, a quiz, or a joking comment like, “Wow, y’all look like BEYONCE!” It’s all about making impressions, and nothing works quite like humor. Curiosity is also very effective—telling a girl you read palms or need her help cuz your friend has a problem, is an AWESOME way of getting a conversation going.

For more tips, I highly recommend you listen to Les sons 12 & 13: Meet Eaters: Developing Your Social Skills, Making Great Impressions, Parts 1 & 2.

Next we’ll talk about some great topics to discuss on a first date.

Now, once you’ve gotten your girl isolated, there are a number of ways to go. Obviously you want to establish another time for meeting. This has to be done in a care-free manner that shows YOU have control, not the girl. For more on this, listen to Les son 1, Always Be in Control, and Les son 19: The Art of the Approach.

Okay, so you’re on the first date. Guys often feel a LOT of pressure to impress a girl. But like I’ve said before, that’s the wrong attitude. Believe me, there’s just as much pressure on the woman. And if you treat her like SHE has to IMPRESS you, you’re guaranteed to do well. How do you do this? By open, relaxed body language. No matter how you’re feeling, try to sit back, with your arm on the chair and your legs wide open. Make it look like you’ve got all the time in the world, like nothing fazes you. If you do it convincingly, you’ll hear HER sputtering and babbling—signs that SHE feels like she has to impress YOU. Finally, be a good listener, and talking won’t be such a big deal. Don’t be afraid to ask her questions about her, even an opening, “So tell me about your job,” or something like it. Les son 16: Listening, is a great place to start so you can understand how to not only make your date do most of the work, but also impress her in the process.

I’ve found some other ways that can help relieve the pressure of the first date. The best of these, is SURPRISE. What do I mean by surprise? Well, when you meet her, shock her with something random, something funny, that will get her curiosity flowing. I once went on a first date with this girl and greeted her with, “I hope you don’t mind; I brought someone else along?” Naturally she was taken aback, and a bit curious. Noticing this, I added, “You’ll meet her a little bit later.” So of course she was REALLY curious now. I established her interest right away, and this continued throughout the date. Finally, after ordering drinks, I was like, “Would you like to meet my friend?” And of course she was like, “Yes!” So I decided to make her REALLY curious, and said, “Close your eyes.” By this point my date was off the wall with interest. But she complied, which showed that I had control over her. A double benefit: curiosity, and submissiveness. When she opened her eyes, there was a Princess Leia pez dispenser on the table. She laughed out loud, and said, “That’s her, is it?” The night went great, as I immediately established that I was a funny, relaxed guy—great traits that make girls’ blood hot. It ended about as good as I could ask for, so clearly surprise, and humor, are ingredients to sex-cess!

So I discussed with you the element of surprise and humor, which not only increase a girl’s attraction for you immediately, but also establish your control, AND remove the necessity to talk about more serious stuff. Think of something funny that you can surprise your date with, and you’re guaranteed to have fun that night. If you need more ideas, check out the Members Area for more tips and suggestions.

Okay, but eventually you’ll have to talk. I told you in the previous lessons what AREN’T good things to talk about. Here are some topics that are great for steering the conversation where you want it—more dates, and more excitement. The key in all of these is to BE GENUINE. Remember, dating isn’t about who you aren’t—it’s about who you ARE! So show what moves, what drives you, in full detail. Don’t worry about “not being good enough.” If you show that you believe you’re good enough—you are!

  • Your dreams. Without exaggerating, let the girl know that you have dreams for a better future. Don’t make them up; be honest. If your dream is nothing more than to settle into a nice house with a good dog in the suburbs, tell her that. But do it with a passion; let her know that you’re a PASSIONATE PERSON. As I described with life purpose, girls LOVE to go on adventures. If you let her know that you’re on one, she’ll want to come along for the ride!
  • Funny stories. Rather than talking all about yourself, present something interesting in the form of a story. Ask your date, “Would you like to hear something funny?” Of course she will. So tell her, but present it in a humorous way. Humor is such a great aphrodisiac. It’s been proven to be tops on things girls want in a guy. So give it to them!
  • Her. Yup, can’t emphasize enough how important it is to LISTEN to a girl. So ask questions about HER dreams and HER goals. She’ll become a lot more interested in you if you show that you’re interested, and actively listen.
  • Teasing. Girls LOVE teasing, so the way you talk, and the way you move, are GREAT ways to get her excited about passion. If you’re playing pool, for example, NOTHING quite communicates sexual tension like getting behind her and showing her how to shoot. Guaranteed gold.
  • Last but not least, sex. No, you don’t want to talk directly about how much you love it, or about how great sex was with your last partner (ALWAYS, ALWAYS, ALWAYS a no-no!), but sexual innuendo is GREAT. As relationship guru brilliantly says, “TALKING about sex is the first step towards having it.” Ask her if she’s a bad girl, or what’s the craziest thing she’s ever done in her life—with a bit of innuendo added into your voice. She’ll know what you mean, and get excited thinking about it.

You’ve been listening to “Talk the Talk: Knowing What to Say On the Date, Approach, and Beyond, Part 2.” Today I reviewed great topics to talk about to a girl when you’re first meeting her, and when you’re first dating her. Remember that surprise is one of the best ways of creating a favorable impression. Some great topics to talk about on a date are:

  • Your dreams and goals.
  • Funny anecdotes
  • Ask the girl about herself
  • Teasing
  • Sexual innuendo

Good luck, and have fun!

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

Triple O Relationships. Now it’s your turn!


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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

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