How to Attract and Seduce Women

Play Guitar! The Power of Talent

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, you'll learn the importance of talent towards attracting women. You'll also learn some free advice on how to play the guitar!

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Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


James: Welcome back to the How to Be Irresistible to Women Newsletter Series, your source for tips and techniques to make you irresistible to women. I’m James, and I’m irresistible to women. Now it’s your turn!

Today is going to be an interesting lesson. For all you rock stars, firemen, and coppers out there, you’re going to love it. For those who aren’t, well, we’re going to give you lots of great ideas. Today’s topic is guitars and guns: you can’t go wrong. And joining me to talk about it is none other than our sweet seductress of sound, female expert, Amy Waterman. So, Amy, I noticed your eyes light up a bit when I used the word guitar. What’s that all about?

Amy: What is it with women and guitars? There was this guy a couple of years ago - who was actually a massage therapist in training, which made him very attractive to the girls - but the other thing he did was play guitar. And my best girlfriend at the time was sleeping with him. She said it was the strangest thing. She said, “He got up after we made love and went and sat naked on a chair and just picked up a guitar and started playing it.” And I have this image of this naked guy playing the guitar and, oh, my heart went pitter patter, pitter patter.

James: Sort of the naked cowboy of Times Square ?

Amy: So strange. And then I ended up actually sleeping with him after she stopped sleeping with him, just because I wanted the guitar experience. He didn’t play the guitar naked for me. So I missed out on that one.

James: No naked cowboy for you. Yep. You just can’t underestimate the power of la guitarra. I’ve seen it, and you’ve probably seen it. When a guy brings out his guitar and plays a tune, especially a love song kind of tune, girls just melt. Add some long hair, rebellious attitude, and a band, and, man, you’ve got it made.

But the great news is even if you don’t know how to play the guitar, or if you’re just struggling with it, there’s help. I know this great website that actually belongs to one of your friends, Amy. Jamorama, the Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit by Ben Edwards. Can you tell our listeners a little bit more about that, Amy?

Amy: Yes. Jamorama’s actually been around quite some time. It’s these guys, and they’ve all been part of fantastic bands here in the city. In fact, the bands, unfortunately, young people bands … they come and they go, and some of the bands they were in were fantastic. I wish they would’ve made it big time. But then, people have lives. They grow and go away. Ultimately, what they decided to do, is they said, “Okay. We can’t necessarily focus on a band and believe that’s going to get us to the big time. We might as well have some business acumen and do something with our talent.” So they created this absolutely amazing guitar learning product.

James: Yeah. It is pretty amazing.

Amy: It is. And it’s done by guys, just like you, that want to learn guitar. And, let me tell you, these guys do get the chicks. Ben actually just got married. All you have to do is - I talked to Ben about it, I said, “Hey, I’ve got these friends out there. And what can you offer them if they want to learn guitar?” And he said, “Well just for you, Amy, I’m going to create a special discount.” You can get that discount on Jamorama by going to

James: Sounds pretty good. So, besides the guitar, which sounds great, another thing that you can’t go wrong with is a profession in uniform. Whether it’s a cop, a fireman, or even a construction worker, girls just seem to go crazy for these men in uniform.

Amy: And it’s also the muscles bulging out of the uniform, as well.

James: Of course. What is up with that, Amy?

Amy: I don’t know. I think it’s simply because you have to be so fit to be a policeman. Very fit to be a fireman. Very, very fit to be a construction worker. And we like to think, “What are those clothes hiding?” Because, let me tell you, if I see a fireman walking down the street, and I see a business man walking down the street in a suit, I’m going for the fireman, because that businessman may sit on his butt in his office all day signing checks. How do I know he’s got anything interesting under there? But the fireman…ooh. Muscles.

James: Doesn’t leave too much to the imagination?

Amy: Or maybe it leaves everything.

James: No doubt playing a guitar or saving people’s lives as a fireman is going to attract girls’ attention. But, Amy, what about all the guys who just aren’t into stringing a chord or rescuing people from fires or shooting the bad guys?

Amy: Well, I’m not going to say, “Go to dress-up parties.”

James: Yeah. You don’t want to dress up like the Village People - probably.

Amy: No.

James: Personally joining the NYPD or the LAPD isn’t for everyone, and maybe you don’t want to help build a fifty-story skyscraper. I think you would agree with me, for guys who just aren’t into that, just be yourself. Just enjoy what you do and make the most of it.

Amy: Part of the thing with the uniform is that it conveys that sense of authority. What you can do is think of your clothing like a uniform. Ask yourself, “What does my clothing say about me?” Does it emphasize your V-shape, which is the muscular shape that a man would have? Or, do I look like I just threw on whatever shirt I had lying around and whatever jeans I had lying around? And women are going to look at me and think, “Well, he doesn’t have any authority. He’s got nothing exciting under there.”

James: That’s true. Even the guys who don’t necessarily play the guitar - they dress well. They fit the image of your rock star. And that is a uniform, isn’t it? That’s what turns girls on.

Amy: So that’s it. Part of it is finding your identity: fashion identity.

I’ve got one fellow I know who has this lovely, long, flowing hair, and we joke that he’s an ‘80s porn star. But I will tell you, he will go out and walk down the street, and women will stare at him because he’s got this look. And it’s a very distinctive look. In a sense, it does the same thing that a uniform does. It draws the attention.

James: Now, you and I have both heard of The Game by Neil Strauss. And Neil’s good friend, Mystery, advocates this very interesting method called peacocking. Which, as you know, is all about gaining attention. Just wearing these ridiculously flamboyant clothes and six-inch platform shoes and cowboy hats, whatever you have.

Have you found that to be successful? If a guy can wear that with confidence, would you necessarily be attracted to this?

Amy: Well, I don’t live in L.A. either. I think there are a lot of people in the big cities who are attracted to celebrities. The one thing with celebrities is they get away with wearing clothes that most of us never would.

James: Yes.

Amy: So if I see a guy wearing something like that, I think, “He’s got to be famous.” And if I was one of those fans that attach myself to anybody famous, I definitely would want to know who this guy was.

James: There you go. There’s hope for all of us. Just dress like a celebrity. Just dress like you mean something, and see what happens. You’ll definitely get some heads turning your way.

Remember, guys, if you haven’t mastered the power of the guitar there’s a great resource for you. It’s Jamorama, The Ultimate Guitar Learning Kit by Amy’s good friend, Ben Edwards. What’s that website, Amy?

Amy: That’s

James: This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

Triple O Relationships. Now it’s your turn!


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