How to Attract and Seduce Women

Overcoming Anxiety and Shyness, Empowering Yourself

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, you learn the tremendous power of transforming your emotions. I've done a lot of work with this, and it is AMAZING stuff. You'll learn the three rules of transforming your emotions from negative crap preventing you from enjoying success with women, to overcoming anxiety and overcoming shyness so you can get any woman you want! It's truly amazing stuff based on the principles in Working on Yourself Doesn't Work, by Ariel and Shya Kane. Enjoy!

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Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


Welcome to Lesson 10: "Absolute Power."

Imagine going into a bar or party and not thinking for a second about your past failures, not worrying about screwing up in the future? How much more FUN would it be if you just let go of your thoughts and lived an eye on the past and the future? How much easier would everything be if you were just “in the moment”?

Life would be a lot better. But how do you get to that state of being in the moment? It begins with transforming your mindset, reframing the negative emotions. In this lesson, I’ll be showing you just how to mentally transform yourself. You’re going to learn how to achieve ABSOLUTE POWER over your emotions.

It begins with the three principles of transformation, as prescribed by Ariel and Shya Kane, authors of the excellent book, “Working on Yourself Doesn’t Work.” They include:

  1. Anything you resist, persists—and gets stronger
  2. No two things can occupy the same space at the same time
  3. Anything that you recreate or have be exactly as it is, will complete itself and disappear.

Let’s look at the first principle: Anything you resist, persists—and gets stronger.

Say you had a bad break-up with a girl. You’ve got tons of regrets. But every time those painful emotions come up, you resist them. You say, “No, I’m not gonna let those bad memories consume me.” So you fight them, rebel against them. But somehow, the problem only gets worse. You think that by putting up a fight, the thoughts will go away. But they don’t. They come back with a vengeance So clearly, resisting doesn’t help.

Let’s look at the second principle: No two things can occupy the same space at the same time.

Pretty deep, huh?  “No two things, can occupy the SAME space at the SAME time.” But think about it like this: Can you be both ecstatic AND depressed? You might be bipolar and go through both emotions, but you can’t experience them at the same exact time. As we’ve seen, FIGHTING for happiness only makes the sadness worse. Listen to the experts: “No two emotions can occupy the same space at the exact same time.”

Step #3: Anything that you recreate or have be exactly as it is, will complete itself and disappear. Or to put it another way: “If you let things actually be the way they are, they disappear.” So instead of fighting the emotion, confront it. Don’t see it the way you feel it. See it the way it IS. Then watch as the negative emotion <pop> disappears.

Let’s look at a classic example to see these principles at work: Anakin Skywalker, AKA Darth Vader. You know how in Star Wars: Revenge of the Sith, Anakin freaks out that his wife, Padme, will die in childbirth? He freaks out so much because his fear makes him certain that Padme will die. But in REALITY, she’s fine. She will live, if he just calms down, if he just LIVES IN THE MOMENT and lets things be. But Anakin doesn’t. The future Darth Vader breaks the rules of transformation. He resists his anger, so that the emotion persists and gets worse. He also doesn’t realize that no two things can occupy the same space at the same time. By fighting for happiness, when he's really angry, the anger actually consumes him.  He literally destroys himself, and Padme's heartbreak makes Anakin's prophecy come true.  She dies.

What would have happened if Anakin transformed had himself, if he had just LIVED IN THE MOMENT? He wouldn’t have fought his anger, and he wouldn’t have fought for the happiness that is knowing his wife will live. His anger wouldn’t have occupied the same place as his love for Padme, and by simply letting the pain that was consuming him be the way it is, instead of the way he WANTED it to be, it would have completed itself and actually disappeared. Anakin and Padme would have both lived happily, and none of the drama in the Star Wars films would have occurred, because Anakin would never have become the evil Darth Vader. Pretty deep, huh?

So say you're like Anakin, and angry.  Angry at some bitch for breaking your heart.  You could easily see ALL girls as twisted and evil.  You could say, "I don't need 'em" and miss out on the girl of your dreams.  You're resisting the anger, and making it worse at the same time.  Stay the same, and you'll go nowhere. 

OR, you can just ease up and see things as they are.  There are actually a lot of nice girls out there.  Instead of assuming they're bitchy, and getting angry like Anakin, you can recreate your emotion of anger into something positive.  Or just see it for what it is: foolish thinking.  The anger will just disapper all by itself.  You'll be able to just be yourself, a great guy who’s in control of his emotions.  That's transformation, and THAT’S absolute power!

You've heard me speak quite a bit about the principles of transformation, and how they can make YOU a more carefree, in-the-moment kind of guy girls find IRRESISTIBLE.  Remember, those three principles are:

  1. Anything you resist, persists—and gets stronger
  2. No two things can occupy the same space at the same time
  3. Anything that you recreate or have be exactly as it is, will complete itself and disappear.

Think of some negative emotions in your head, whether they are fear, anger, depression, regret, whatever.  Don't fight them; embrace them.  See them the way they ARE, not the way you THINK they are.  You can't DECIDE to be a better person.  You just gradually transform yourself into one.  Then watch as your problems go away.  Hey, like Ariel & Shya Kane's book title says, "Working on Yourself Doesn’t Work."  So don't think about the past.  Just live int the present, and enjoy it.  That's a winner's game!

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

Triple O Relationships. Now it’s your turn!


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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

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