How to Attract and Seduce Women

Reading Female Body Language and More, Part 2

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition of the How to Be Irresistible to Women Newsletter Series, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, I share with you some of the keys to female body language: when she's interested, when she's not. You also learn how to You'll definitely want to check out some of my secrets to success in today's lesson. Click on the button below to learn more about winning body language!

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Don't have fifteen minutes? Get all the great info in today's lesson by reading through the transcript below.

Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


Welcome everyone to today’s lesson, “Body Language Secrets 101, Part 2." Reading female body language is a popular topic that a lot of you listeners have asked for help with. Well, we've listened to you and today I'm going to share some of my secrets for success, as we look at these 3 topics:

  • How to read female body language: when she's interested, when she's not,
  • 7 Great Ways to Flirt, and
  • Positioning yourself for success: the importance of correctly positioning in a bar

Of course, if you really want to get ALL the body language and spatial positioning secrets, you definitely want to check out my "How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM" interactive audio course. I have a whole half an hour lesson on everything you need to know about using your body language for attraction, as well as how to recognize when a women is attracted to you. Learn everything from powerhouse flirting techniques to ways to drive a girl wild with how you position your body. It's all in there, so check out my 5-hour plus "How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM" audio course and the 10 bonuses you get with it, at:

For now, let's begin with reading female body language, a popular topic that a lot of my listeners have asked for help with. So here are 5 signs that she's INTERESTED in you. If you see her making these signs, don't waste time! Go for it.

1. She looks down when you see her and smiles –A very good sign. She’s shy but wants you to come over to talk to her. Nothing invites quite like a smile.

2. She’s twirling her hair around– Definitely into you. Nervous and self-conscious in your presence. You're making a connection with her.

3. Licks her lips –unless you can tell she’s screwing with you, this is a very good sign!

4. Open legs –Open legs, open mind. She’s open to hearing more from you–and who knows what else.

5. Sideways glance –The classic Hollywood flirtation, this is a coy, seductive way of showing her interest

Now here are 3 signs she's not interested. If you see this, it's time to reconsider what you're doing. Move on to someone else, or take a break before coming back with some witty comment.

1. First is NOT making eye contact with you — looking around, eyeing her friends, looking anywhere but at you. This means she's NOT interested; move on.

2. Legs crossed — always a bad sign. This means she’s closing herself off to you. You'll have to rework your game to open her up.

3. Arms crossed — This can convey annoyance and impatience. Definitely a bad sign, and an indication that you should either change your game or move on to somone else.

And here are 4 tips on flirting with women from none other than's female dating expert, Amy Waterman!

1. The Confident Gaze

This is the usual way that guys initially indicate their interest in a woman. Nothing shows confidence off the bat like meeting a girl’s eyes and not flinching away from making eye contact. If you see her look down and smile, you know you’ve made it and the time to approach is now. If she looks away from you but doesn’t smile, keep an eye out anyway. The quick look away might have been a polite reaction to avoid meeting a stranger’s eyes. If she liked what she saw, she’ll look back your way.

Really, this isn't rocket science. Most of the time you'll be able to tell whether she's attracted to you by if she looks excited that you were looking her way or not.

2. The Drive-By Comment

This is one that can be highly effective if done correctly. It’s when a guy walks by a girl on his way to the bar or to meet up with his friends, and as he’s passing by, he makes a comment to the girl about something. “Hey, I like your smile.” “Hey, great dancing.” “Hey, nice top.” Just a few quick genuine words, a smile, and then he’s gone.

What this does is it alerts the girl to a guy’s presence without making it look like he was anyone more than a friendly guy passing through. And if she likes his looks, she’ll keep thinking about him and even start wandering around looking for him – without trying to seem to obvious, of course.

For this to work, you’ve got to make sure that you catch her eyes before you deliver your comment and that you don’t pause on your way from Point A to Point B. Too, it helps if you’re in a place where she can actually hear you!

3. The Smiley Face

It’s often overlooked, but nothing communicates confidence and interest in a woman like a pleasant expression on your face. If you don’t look happy, why would she want to spend time with you? If, on the other hand, you’re laughing with your friends, you’re enjoying yourself, and you’re grinning, she’ll be able to tell immediately that being with you will be fun.

I have to talk for a minute here about guys who somehow picked up the idea that looking cool means looking bored or not showing any expression at all. If you’re bored and you look bored, you’ll attract other women who are … bored. A girl who’s fun to be with and who’s having fun won’t want to be with you, because you’ll be a downer to be around. If you want to attract fun girls, you’ve got to be able to let loose and have fun, and nothing shows you’re having fun as much as a confident grin.

4. The Chill Dude

Men who naturally chill around women demonstrate higher social value than those who demonstrate over keenness and neediness. That's not to say that you should look like you’re not enjoying the conversation, but you can't let your gaze keep flicking around the room like you’re not paying attention, and you can’t fidget uncomfortably.

Here are some tips you can try. Want a woman to want you more? Simply give her a little, then lean back. Lean in only after she leans in first and never position yourself to be leaning in more than the woman. If you do, one of her friends might mistake the situation from a distance and think that she isn't interested in you. That's how it can appear when you are leaning in and she's just sitting there.

Breathe through your stomach instead of your chest and lean back so that you feel comfortable as well as look comfortable. And if you can't hear each other, speak up! Either get her to talk a little louder, or reach over and move her head a little closer, or hold her hand and move her to a seat closer to you.

Just remember, by showing a relaxed pose, you'll easily make women more comfortable around you.


Of course, if you want more of my great flirting techniques, make sure you check out How to Be Irresistible to Women Premium, my premium audio course. Get it at

Okay, so you've heard me speak about how to read when a woman is interested in you, and when's not, as well as great ways to flirt successfully. Next, Now let's talk about a similar topic: spatial positioning. Yes, where you situate yourself will position you for success...or for failure.

Why? Because where you situate yourself, says a lot to women about who you are. You are where you stand, so to speak. So basically, you want to position yourself in the same way that you want people to think of you: Do you want to be remembered for being front-and-center...or in the corner and away? A guy who positions himself at the center, in the middle of the action, very much says that he's a fun, active, leader kind of guy. On the other hand, a wallflower type, the guys who lean on the wall and shy away, tell women by their positioning that they are SHY, FEARFUL, maybe even shady. Notice how the guys you can't trust, the loitering, drug-dealer types, hide away in a room? Well, do you want a girl to trust you, or see you as shady? A man who presents himself to all, says that he's trustworthy and honest: exactly what women are looking for in men! Never underestimate the importance of trust to a girl. They are, after all, looking for someone who can provide and protect. A guy who hides away and conceals himself, does not invoke trust.

Other winning spatial positioning principles include:

  • Nothing captures more attention than finding a quiet place, and positioning yourself in the center. Immediately you are noticed and respected. Go ahead, go onto the dance floor when no one else is there, or talk with your friends in the center. Girls will notice you, and associate positive traits with you: alpha, confident, and sociable.
  • Likewise, use your friends' body positions to aid your own. That is, make yourself the center of attention with. Don't appear to be an outsider who's struggling to get in the group. Instead, always move into the center. Be the guy everyone else talks to. You don't have to do all the talking; you just have to give the appearance of it, by moving into the middle.
  • Additionally, use other guys to your advantage. If every guy in the bar or club is on one side of the room, go to the other side. Make YOURSELF stand out: show you're different by positioning yourself differently.

What other ways can you position yourself for success? Well, I can't fit them all in here, but I promise you'll like what you hear in my How to Be Irresistible to Women Premium interactive audio course. Find out more techniques on how to read female body language, including how long to hold your gaze and what actions to take after you register interest. Learn the best places to sit or stand at a bar, as well as how the way you move and talk will affect how sexually attracted she is to you. It's all in there, and more, so why not sign up today? A new lifestyle of happiness and fulfillment awaits you. Get it now at:

I'll see YOU on the other side!

That's it for this lesson on "Body Language Secrets 101, Part 2." In this lesson I shared with you some of the things you need to know to use body language for your attraction advantage, including:

  • How to read female body language: when she's interested, when she's not,
  • 7 Great Ways to Flirt, and
  • Positioning yourself for success: the importance of correctly positioning in a bar

Remember, if you really want to learn more, check out my "How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM" interactive audio course. It's got all the information you need to read female body language, flirt, use your voice for maximum effect, position yourself in the right spots at a bar, and make the signs that will give women an inner gut attraction for YOU. It's all available now, for instant download to your computer or I-Pod, at:

Or if you're ready to order, just go straight to:

Thanks for listening to this lesson on "Body Language Secrets 101." I'll see you next time here on "How to Be Irresistible to Women: The Newsletter Series."


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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

The "How To Be Irresistible To Women" system begins with my PREMIUM Course, a groundbreaking audio series that will lead you step-by-step through a complete revolution in seduction skills, inner game, and the art of the approach. And that's not all. You'll also get the latest edition of my online book, access to the 000Relationships Video Library, Your Guide to Overcoming Shyness in Dating, The Essential Guide to Online Dating, Kissing 101, a 16-part audio bonus on "How To Eliminate Shyness, Nervousness, and Anxiety and Be Totally Confident With Beautiful Women!" plus self-hypnosis tracks to train yourself for unstoppable self-confidence and irresistible attractiveness.

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