How to Attract and Seduce Women

How to Impress Women

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, you'll learn 5 specific ways to impress girls--even how to turn the tables and make them try to impress YOU! Learn how to be unpredictable, the power of teasing, and most of all, how to impress a woman so much that she'll be chasing you! It's all here, as well as a very special offer...

But you have to listen to hear it! Just click on the Play button below to hear this jam-packed, can't-miss editon.

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Don't have twelve and a half minutes? Get all the great info in today's lesson by reading through the transcript below.

Take the Short Cut! Transcript of Today's Lesson


Today's lesson is "Meet Eaters: Developing Your Social Skills, Making Great Impressions, Part 1.”  Only here, on Triple 0

So I’ve got this buddy who always complains about the sales guy he works with, Julian. You’ve probably met guys like Julian. The guy who dropped out of high school, never went to college, talks like a surfer…yet makes boatloads of money, has a great job, and is surrounded by women. What gives? Why is this drop-out who failed math, so successful at business? Why is HE doing better than you, when YOU’VE been to college, you’ve gotten the good grades, and you’ve worked your butt off?

The answer is pretty simple, actually. There’s an old business maxim that states, “People buy from people.” Guys like Julian may lack book-smart skills, but they make up for this, with PEOPLE SKILLS. And that’s why customers—and girls—buy from him. These guys may not have passed Calculus, but they do know that if you add confidence and charm, subtract anxiety and self-doubt, your chances of success…well, multiply.

In today’s lesson, we’ll discuss the importance of social skills—not only towards women, but also towards men. Because as relationship guru David DeAngelo says, “ If you know how to act around other guys, like Alpha Males, that takes you a long way down the road to knowing how to act around women.” Fortunately, we’re also gonna stress the importance of being YOURSELF—how letting loose and having fun, will make all the difference.

The topics we’ll be discussing are:

  • Getting People to Like You
  • Creating an Impression
  • Doing The Unexpected
  • Enjoying Yourself

Only here, on How to Be Irresistible to Women.

Let’s first talk about Getting People to Like You.

Now, that’s a topic that’s discussed in lots of self-help books, and it’s almost forceful: MAKING enjoy your company, MAKING people respect you. But you can’t force people to like you. You just have to know how to create a memorable impression. For me, the most important attitude to have is to first NOT CARE if a person likes you. It applies to both men and women. The truth is, you can’t get everyone to like you. It’s impossible, and to be honest, there are lots of people just NOT WORTH your time.

But impressions are just like expectations: Just like when you don’t expect something, you often get it, so it goes with caring about whether people like you. Act like you don’t care if they like you, and they more likely will. You’ve already created an impression of being carefree. And care-free, is like-able.

Have you ever noticed that the guys who get girls often act like it’s the last thing on their mind? Like they couldn’t care less if the girls were around them? The reason this attitude works so well is because the man is doing THE OPPOSITE OF THE EXPECTED. Girls have come to expect guys to slave over them, to be at their bidding. Cool, successful guys, like Julian, don’t do that. They’re the boss, and girls should feel lucky to be in their presence. They do this in the following ways:

  • Leaning back just a bit. This is strong body language that communicates to women that if they want to talk to you, THEY have to make the effort to lean into YOU. It's a very powerful way of gaining control of the situation and putting you on top. Next is
  • Teasing. When you tease a woman, saying things like, "Oooh, who picked out that dress? Your grandmother?", you communicate that she has to impress you, not the other way around. The best part is, girls WANT to earn a man's interest. They don't want a man desperate for validation; they want a man who already has it, and who can afford to bust a girl's balls by teasing. Teasing is very sexually charged, and can do wonders for your game. The top guys ALWAYS tease girls, especially the really hot ones, to make it known that they are the boss. And the girl will have to do the work if she wants to sleep with him.
  • MAKE HER CURIOUS. Smooth guys like Julian say things that get girls curious, like, "Wow, I just can't believe how much my life has changed since I was in prison..." or "Man, I feel like I can really trust you. There's so many things I've never been able to tell anybody, but I feel like I can tell you." Girls LOVE secrets, so if you can hint at having some secrets, you're guranteed to have her interested. And when she's interested, you're in control. You can tease her by saying things like, "Oh, you'll have to wait til next time to find out," or, "Man, stop being so nosy! These things are serious. I don't think I know you well enough." Women LOVE to be led on and do the chasing, which brings us to our next point:
  • Don't chase girls around. Instead, make them chase YOU. Smooth guys like Julian do this by teasing, threatening to leave, leaving just when things are getting good, and talking to several girls throughout an evening, NEVER just the one. You never want to spend too much time around a girl; before things get awkward, tell her you have to go. Tell her you've gotta talk to your other friends Amy and Jessica or whatever are the names of some girls you've met. Girls are jealous beings, so if you can show you can get more girls than just the one you're talking to, she'll INSTANTLY become interested out of jealousy. Talk to as many girls as you can...never hang around one too long. This is a great way of leaving a girl wanting more. Speaking of which, the final method is just that:
  • LEAVE HER WANTING MORE. Naturally, you don't want to give away too much. 99% of guys give away all the surprises, all the interesting facts about them, way too soon. You have to leave her wanting more, by doing things like leaving just as the conversation or kissing is getting good, and saying you've gotta go meet with your friends. Even better is By making THEM more important than the girl, she feels like she has lesser status than you, and will be desperate to get your approval. Get a girl seeking validation, and you're in complete control. You become truly attractive, and can get what you want from her all the more easily. It's a lot better than trying to get HER validation and doing things on HER terms, isn't it?

Most of all, you're showing a girl she needs you more than you need her...How unexpected is that?!?

As you can see, doing something unpredictable is VERY attractive to women. It’s also useful for making guy friends, or new business partners. At the end of the day, PEOPLE BUY FROM PEOPLE, so if they like you, they’ll do business. But if not, you’re outta luck. Doesn’t matter how smart you are.

By doing something unexpected you’re BREAKING STATES. When you do something somebody isn’t used to, whether it’s a man or a woman, you’re breaking their state, breaking their HABITS. All bets are off, and they’re curious! They like you.

For example, when you meet a girl at the bar, what do you usually ask her? “What’s your name?” or “What do YOU do for a living?” Boring, predictable. Your chances of her liking you are pretty slim.

But what happens if you do something she’s never seen before? Think right now of something you’ve never done before, something crazy. Not rude, not arrogant, just fun. Imagine going up to a girl and challenging her to a game of rock-paper-scissors, with the winner getting a free drink. How different is that? Totally breaking her state. And totally creating an impression of YOU as a unique, fun-loving guy. Very positive traits. As relationship expert Craig says, “Whether it’s positive or negative, getting a REACTION out of somebody is huge, and they will remember that…if you can spark an emotion in someone, it will make an impression on them, good or bad.” And as you know from my lesson on attention, there’s no such thing as bad attention!

So you’ve heard me speak about how doing something unexpected will improve the impressions you make. You do this by breaking girls’ states, and offering them a whole new, fun experience. Being unpredictable gives you the chance to turn meeting women from something laborious and intimidating, into something fun and enjoyable. You can be unpredictable in theese five ways:

  • Leaning back, and open body language
  • Teasing
  • Making her curious
  • Don't chase girls; have them chase you
  • Leave her wanting more

Finally, remember that for more high-quality, specific strategies on how to develop winning social skills and impress the women you're after, check out my "How to Be Irresistible to Women" e-book and audio course. It's got TONS of information on what you need to say, how to act, what attitudes to develop, everything. You can find it at

Hey, you've come this far--why not go further and learn the ways to get any girl you want? Now it's your turn!

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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

The "How To Be Irresistible To Women" system begins with my PREMIUM Course, a groundbreaking audio series that will lead you step-by-step through a complete revolution in seduction skills, inner game, and the art of the approach. And that's not all. You'll also get the latest edition of my online book, access to the 000Relationships Video Library, Your Guide to Overcoming Shyness in Dating, The Essential Guide to Online Dating, Kissing 101, a 16-part audio bonus on "How To Eliminate Shyness, Nervousness, and Anxiety and Be Totally Confident With Beautiful Women!" plus self-hypnosis tracks to train yourself for unstoppable self-confidence and irresistible attractiveness.

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