How to Attract and Seduce Women

Where to Meet Beautiful Girls

February 23rd, 2025
From James:

How to Be Irresistible to Women Webcast What's up? Thanks for joining me. In today's edition, exclusive to members and newsletter subscribers of, you learn not only 5 places where to meet women, but also how to approach and talk to women. It'll make you the attractive lady-killer you always wanted to be. Enjoy!

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Today’s lesson is called “To E or Not to E: Is Online Dating for You? Part 2.”

In the previous lesson I talked about the pro’s and con’s of online dating. If you’ve decided—or found out through a bad experience—that online dating isn’t for you, then don’t worry! There are still plenty of other places to meet girls. In today’s lesson, I’ll be discussing some great places to meet girls. These include:

  • Abroad
  • At work
  • Evening Classes
  • Through friends
  • Random places
Right here, on How to Be Irresistible to Women!

So you’ve decided online dating isn’t for you, but you also don’t want to go back to the same old pub. Well, there is hope. There are LOTS of great places to meet girls that don’t involve bars or nightclubs. I met my future wife on a tour through Berlin, and I know another guy who met his wife in his economics class. In both cases, we guys didn’t EXPECT anything to happen, and that was key. Remember, when you’re not looking, that’s when girls tend to show up!

Besides this fact, girls LOVE to have a romantic story about how they met you. Believe me, they’d rather say that they met you in a one-in-a-million chance encounter than in a club, dancing to raunchy music. You have to appeal to their romantic sensibilities. Just look at all the Hollywood movies, like “Sleepless in Seattle”, where girls meet guys on the radio, on the Empire State Building, in places you generally WOULDN’T EXPECT TO MEET.

It’s a fundamental rule: Girls don’t want the everyday, the expected. They want the unexpected, the unlikely, the unbelievable. They want something special, and that’s why looking—or rather, NOT looking—outside the regular venues is a winning idea.

So what are some places I recommend for meeting the love of your life? Well, of course you can’t HAVE the attitude that you’re looking; just play it cool, and be patient. I recommend the following places:

  • Abroad. Hey, I met my future wife while on a tour through Berlin. Tours are GREAT ways for meeting people—especially chicks. And as I said in my lesson on travel, there are SO many benefits to going to a country carrying a foreign accent.
  • At work. I ONLY recommend this if you are not in the same exact office together. NEVER go for a girl who works 5 feet away from you; it will just create too many problems. But I dated a girl who worked in another department, and the break-up was fine; no messy office problems. So if the attraction is there, right along with the distance, work offers a bounty of potential mates.
  • Evening Classes. Doesn’t get much easier than this. Social network? Check. You’re in the class, you get to know people, you’re all it in together. Something in common with the girl? Duh. Double check! Easy conversations—talk about the class, your dreams, what you’re doing here, etc. There are many other advantages, as well, but I think you can see how classes are a great way to find a girl. The best ones are those that are short—that way if you do go out and things go sour, you won’t have to see her for long afterwards!
  • Through friends. Yup, it’s obvious, but you definitely want to take advantage of your network. Being invited to a party is a great way to meet single girls. Hey, they’re looking for the same thing when they go to a friend’s birthday party or whatever. So don’t be afraid to talk to them!
  • Random places , such as supermarkets, coffee shops, and just on the street. You’d be amazed at how likely a girl is to talk to you if you just stop her and give her a compliment. I met a girl, who I dated for 2 years, while waiting for the New York City subway. I said while we were both standing on the platform, “Hey, where are you from? You look Brazilian.” She wasn’t, so I said, “Wow, you have such nice skin. You really look Brazilian.” Flattered, she asked me some questions, and I got her phone number. I’m not saying you should always talk to girls while waiting for the subway, but since 1, It was spontaneous, and 2, I wasn’t looking for a girl, it worked. Believe me, the best girlfriends I’ve had are those I met while not looking, and in random places. So sometimes the best advice is to adopt a carefree, not-looking mindframe. Eventually, a great girl will cross your path—because she knows you’re not desperate.

Thanks for listening to today’s lesson, “To E or not to E: Is E-Dating for You?, Part 2” In today’s lesson, I talked to you about some other great places for meeting girls, including abroad, at work, evening classes, and even on the street and public transportation. Remember that the less you expect to meet someone, the more chance you have of meeting her. So adopt a mindframe that says, “If I get a date with a girl, great, but if not, I’ll still have a good time.” Don’t make meeting girls a specific goal, but an extra bonus. That’s a winner’s game!

This concludes today’s edition of’s exclusive newsletter series. For more information about me, James, visit my website,

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"How to Be Irresistible to Women" has been teaching men the way to greater success in seducing and attracting women for seven years. It is part of the 000 Relationships Network, the leader in online dating & relationship products.

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