to Attract Men
Amy Waterman is the host of the latest edition of How to Be Irresistible to Men. This landmark multimedia course is in its seventh year online,
and the latest edition is HOT with up-to-the-minute information
on how to meet, attract, and keep men. Packed with over 4 hours of online video (plus workbook, ebooks, audio and more!),
the How to Be Irresistible to Men system promises to transform your love life. |
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Make Every Man Want You More
Success coach Marie Forleo, Fox News Online Life Coach and author of Make Every Man Want You, expands on her philosophy by showing women how to make men want them even more in this 6-hour audio series with 000Relationships.com's Amy Waterman. Discover the keys to creating instant attraction, essential tools every modern woman needs in a modern dating world, how to authentically get and keep his attention, how to keep a good thing going, and much more! |
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to Attract Women
Are you too shy to meet women? Does your gut clench before you
approach a gorgeous girl? How to Be Irresistible to Women PREMIUM has the answers to these questions
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The Mastery Series
It's finally here! 8 HOURS of intensive instruction in the greatest seduction techniques practiced by the masters themselves. All the big names are here: Thundercat, Carlos Xuma, Dr. Alex Benzer, Zan ... even the mysterious Mr. X! How to Be Irresistible to Women: The MASTERY Series will take you to the next level in mastering real success with women, with top-secret tips and advice from the leading dating gurus. |
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How to Seduce a Man
This is one of the most exciting, fun, how-to-attract-men books on the
internet! Seduction Genie is lavishly illustrated and packed with
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If you get bored with most e-books, you’ll be pleasantly
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attitude, and actions to become that tantalizing seductress that
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How to Kiss
Are you stressed about whether or not you are a good kisser? Have you wanted to get better at kissing but don't know where to go or who to ask? Are you too embarrassed or self conscious to ask your friends? Well, this fantastic, fully-illustrated book written by Michelle Penney details every last thing you ever wanted about kissing, plus some tips and techniques to transform your kissing style from ordinary into mind-blowing! This is the kissing manual for anyone who's ever wanted to become a better kisser. |
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How to Save Your Marriage
Sometimes the person you want to attract the most isn’t that
handsome or beautiful stranger. It is your own spouse. When marriages
struggle, both partners can feel alone and as if they have no one
to turn to. Save My Marriage Today! can be a lifeline. Even if your
partner no longer wants to work on your marriage, this two-volume
set will teach you how you can bring your marriage back from the
verge of divorce. |
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Premium Marriage-Saving Advice
Join host Andrew Rusbatch, guest clinical psychologist Richard Wheeler and regular guest Amy Waterman as they discuss the most pertinent marriage crises facing couples today, such as how to deal with a partner who's addicted to the internet, gambling, alcohol or drugs; how to deal with the betrayal of infidelity; how to resolve money problems; and how to live with a partner who's depressed. You'll also learn why your marriage conflict is inviting you into a very special place of growth. Learn more now. |
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Available Now from the creators of 000Relationships:
Meet Your Sweet Product Range
Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series
Have you ever felt that you need more than just an ebook to help you navigate through the potholes and pitfalls of modern dating? Have you ever felt that you need advice in more than just one area, but you're not sure which area to focus on first?
Redemption is in the form of Meet Your Sweet's Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series. With one series each for men and women, this truly represents the next generation of dating advice. Attractively and dynamically presented over 12 monthly issues, this truly is a year of transformation in every aspect of seduction and attraction. Approach advice, conversation tips, dating strategy, health and lifestyle advice, relationship management and a special sealed section for more intimate instruction, this truly is a fact-filled, all-encompassing journey. It's like having your own personal success coach right there beside you.
Discover how you can begin your ultimate attraction transformation with the combined talents of Mirabelle Summers, Slade Shaw, Amy Waterman, Andrew Rusbatch, a host of interviewed guests, and much more!
Click HERE To Learn More
Fireworks With Females
Have you ever wanted to convey what a great guy you are to the women of your choice... but never known where to start? Perhaps you've got her initial attention, but the more you talk and try, you feel her attraction slipping away? Slade Shaw teaches you how to effortlessly attract not just any woman, but one that will stick around in a relationship in this 215+ page ebook, bursting with pages of tips, techniques, and potent advice that's going to enable you to gain access to the truly elite women and create dynamic attraction that you have previously only dreamed of. Discover the two-part process to establishing winning beliefs, the essentials of lifestyle design, how to be compelling and start a conversation with women, what women really want in a man, how to make your relationship last, and much more in this life-changing course!
by Slade Shaw
Click HERE To Learn More |
The 'Get a Guy' Guide: From Initial Reaction to Life Long Attraction
Have you ever been told that you are attractive, funny, or smart, but... You're not the kind of woman that he's looking for? Perhaps you've dated a guy for a while and when it came to discussing 'the relationship' or 'commitment', things went downhill until it was over? Mirabelle Summers teaches you how to attract not just any man, but the RIGHT man in this 230-page ebook, chock-full with pages of tips, techniques, and empowering mindsets that are going to enable you to be not only your authentic self, but also your best self around men you are attracted to. Discover the 3 Deadliest Myths about dating, 7 practical and powerful secrets to commitment, the Rule of Three, and much more on your path to irresistibility!
by Mirabelle Summers
Click HERE To Learn More |
Relationship Recovery - A New Way To Save Your Relationship
They have told you they love you but aren't in love with you... There is a growing feeling of unfulfillment in the relationship... You don't talk or laugh as often as you used to... You seek out friendship and companionship in outsiders instead of your partner... All of these things can point to a relationship in crisis, and it's not a nice feeling. But with the right level of commitment, and the right advice, it is possible for your relationship to recover.
Author Rachel Rider has assembled a course that cuts right to the heart of relationship problems, and offers time-tested and proven techniques that will help you examine and fix your relationship, no matter how bad it seems.
Introducing "Relationship Recovery - A New Way To Save Your Relationship"
by Rachel Rider
Click HERE To Learn More |
Supreme Self Confidence - in Dating, Relationships & Social Situations
Do you want to achieve success in your personal life, dating, social situations, career, and relationships? Do you see people more successful than you in life and wonder what their secret is? It all comes down to one crucial ingredient: self-confidence. Slade Shaw teaches you how to achieve unstoppable self-confidence in this 184-page ebook, chock-full pages of tips, techniques, and advice that is going to channel your energies into overcoming your worst enemy: your lack of confidence!
by Slade Shaw
Click HERE To Learn More |
2nd Chance - How To Win Back The Love Of Your Ex!
Have you broken up with a loved one and want to do anything to win back their love? Crying? Begging? Pleading? Threatening? All to get your ex to give you another chance? If you aren't sure WHAT is the best approach to take to give yourself the best possible chance of success at getting back together, then you need to put an end to the guesswork and get the real answers. Mirabelle and Amy have just developed a 6-step program that GUARANTEES Relationship Rescue Success!
by Mirabelle Summers & Amy Waterman
Click HERE To Learn More |
Conversation Chemistry -
How to use the power of communication
to create and maintain unstoppable attraction
with the Opposite Sex!
Find out why men and women communicate differently, how to start a conversation, how to tease and flirt, how to never run out of anything to say, how to communicate affection, how to argue, how to talk about your feelings, and much more. Conversation Chemistry is nearly 300 pages jam-packed with tips for singles and couples alike. Discover the principles of great communcation with Mirabelle and Amy!
by Mirabelle Summers & Amy Waterman
Click HERE To Learn More |
Connect And Commit:
How to Take Things to the Next Level
of Commitment
You have seen it happen in the movies. You have seen it happen with friends. They meet a guy or gal, fall in love, move in together, get engaged, and seem to live happily ever after. They make it look so easy, and make the elusiveness of real love in your life almost seem a myth! Why is it so hard for YOU to have a committed relationship? When is it going to be your turn to live the dream? That's where Connect And Commit comes in. Discover the 5 Elements of Attraction, the 6 Stages of a Truly Committed Relationship, 5 Mental Mastery Tips,
5 Deadly Commitment Mistakes, and more!
by Amy Waterman
Click HERE To Learn More |