Attract the man of your dreams with Mirabelle Summers
Sarah Paul has been a much-discussed name in the field of online dating and relationships advice since her introduction to the Meet Your Sweet network in 2007. Her pithy and thought-provoking newsletters are the source of much learning to the thousands of women worldwide who are subscribed to her free newsletter series. She is the author of The Get A Guy Guide, and resident women's dating expert.
Mirabelle Summers in the Media
Mirabelle is the resident womens dating expert at Meet Your Sweet, and in addition to her regular newsletters and ebooks, she regularly collaborates in interviews with a number of dating experts, including Marie Forleo, Scot McKay, and 000Relationships expert Amy Waterman.
Discover Mirabelle Summers' Secrets
Mirabelle has hit the ground running with an impressive array of dating and relationships products for men and women, including authoring and co-authoring the following publications:
The Get a Guy Guide
2nd Chance
Conversation Chemistry
Ultimate Attraction Transformation Series
Sign up to her free newsletter series