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by Sarah Paul, original author of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
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People in general like what they can't have more than what is easy for them to get. Have you ever noticed that men are more attracted to elusive, hard-to-get women, than those who shower them with eagerness and availability? You will find that time and time again, men go out with women who aren't easily open to them and who preserve an air of mystique.
What men really want is a woman who stimulates their romantic and sexual imagination. This type of woman knows how to assert herself, is not a pushover and still knows how to make a man laugh and treats him with respect. Most importantly, she has an element of mystery about her, and that is why men want to pursue her. She has high self-esteem and is not afraid of the risk involved in flirting. She is hard to get without being unattainable.
If you really like someone, don't shower him with too much affection at first. In the initial stages of attracting someone, swear off love poems, floral bouquets, and secret Valentines. Don't seem like you're trying to buy his affection by cooking him dinner or giving him small gifts.
Instead, remember that he has to win you. Show your self-esteem with pride. Make him laugh and challenge him by teasing him. Human history shows us that where there are obstacles to love, people become even more determined to win their lover.
One quick way to feel what a prize you are is to always look your best. Love your body, care for it, and pamper it by doing your nails, making a homemade facial, or taking a luxurious bubble bath. There are so many inexpensive ways to pamper our bodies. When you treat your body like a temple, you feel like a goddess, and that's what makes men irresistibly attracted to you.
Another great way to improve your self-esteem and entertain those around you is to show off your particular sense of humor. We all have a unique way in which we express what we find funny. Don't be shy!! Take the risk to say something funny. Even if those around you don't get it, more often than not at least one person will.
Laughter bonds us together. One minute of laughter can relax us for up to 45 minutes. Both laughter and smiles release "happy" hormones into the bloodstream. Men listen longer, talk longer, and feel warmer and friendlier towards women who inspire this feeling.
That's why I include a full chapter on developing your sense of humor in my original How to Be Irresistible to Men e-book, available only in the "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Premium Online Course.
Finally, love your life. Men love women who stimulate them mentally and introduce them to new experiences. If you are always doing something exciting (better yet, something exciting that you can share with him!) you'll never run out of things to talk about. He'll always want to know what's going on in your life. This curiosity is a powerful way to spark attraction.
So, in summary, to get the man you've always liked, the most important secrets are to:
- Always look your best
- Make him laugh
- Become a challenge (not a pushover)
- Have goals and aspirations that you are working towards
If you can adopt these attitudes, you are well on your way to further success with many more men that you meet.
Another extremely important way to become irresistible to men is to become a master of self-expressive love. Details about this and tons more indispensable knowledge is contained in my e-book, part of the "How to be Irresistible to Men" Premium Online Course. You'll also get two hours of video lessons that you can watch or listen to online immediately, plus a video library of informative seminars. It's truly a complete change-of-mind-package. Order it now!
If you would like to get articles like this one delivered straight to your inbox, then why not join up to our free newsletter series? You'll get an amazing 6-part e-course that will boost your attraction and seduction power immeasurably. If every woman knew the secrets we give away in this free course, single guys wouldn't stand a chance! So get my free newsletter now and start your journey to becoming irresistibly attractive. (It's absolutely free, and you can unsubscribe at any time.)
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