Want Advice on How to Attract Men? Get These Great Dating Tips!
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
© 000Relationships.com
It's that time again ... time to check up with YOU.
Since I started sending you these newsletters several months ago, have you taken my tips to heart and gone out to practice what you have learned?
Do you feel like you're making progress in your encounters with men? Are you more relaxed when you talk to men? Do you feel more confident and sexy? Are you even finding it easier to flirt?
Often, when we're starting to learn new concepts for the first time, we feel a rush of enthusiasm for the first few weeks. Then, our eagerness wanes. We start getting busy with other things. We stop finding time to focus on that area of our life.
If this sounds like you, then it's time to get inspired again.
Today I want to remind you exactly what's at stake, and why you can't let your love life slide.
Cuddling is Lifesaving
According to an article in the British newspaper, The Sunday Times (Jan 16, 2005), cuddling with your partner can produce the same calming effect as prescription blood-pressure medication. All it takes is ten minutes of being stroked in a non-sexual way by your partner, and your levels of oxytocin (the "hormone of love") will rise, lowering your blood pressure and increasing your feelings of relaxation. Sadly, he won't benefit in the same way if you return the favor: stroking does not produce the same effect in men.
A Relationship is Worth $115,000/Year
Psychology Today states that "of all the elements that generate happiness, none does more for us than a committed relationship" (Nov/Dec 2004, p. 56). In fact, its article on "Sex: The New Leading Indicator" puts a dollar value on relationships. Having a healthy, happy marriage will make you just as happy as earning $115,000 a year. And if you have sex more often (from once a month to once a week), your increased level of happiness will be equivalent to earning $50,000 more per year. Psychology Today even states that "in a survey of 16,000 Americans, people who had the most sex were also the happiest" (p. 57).
Marriage Provides Health Benefits
Are you convinced yet?
Marriage in particular offers numerous health benefits. Married people live longer, feel happier, generate more wealth, and even have greater protection against heart disease. In fact, I strongly recommend that you read this article on the Top Ten Reasons Why Marriage is Good for You.
But It's a Steep Road Ahead
However, creating a happy, healthy, loving relationship from scratch - especially if you've had negative experiences in past relationships, your parents were divorced, or you've had no training in relationship skills - can feel daunting.
To give you an idea of how much there is be mastered, here's a list of 10 challenges that all of us face as we seek love and marriage.
- Meeting someone you're interested in ... who is also a suitable candidate for marriage.
- Developing an initial chemistry that will lead to a first date.
- Making the move from casual dating to being exclusive.
- Navigating the difficult process of getting to know one another, developing trust and intimacy, and integrating him into your life and vice versa.
- Building strategies to deal with conflict and improve communication.
- Making a decision about whether or not you have a future together, and what form that future will take. Will you live together? Will you get engaged? Will you continue to date forever?
- The question of children and how to deal with parenting.
- Maintaining passion and chemistry despite the daily grind of work and home life.
- Forming a strong foundation against infidelity, life stressors, and growing apart.
- Allowing your relationship room to stretch and evolve as both of you grow older and change as people.
It all seems overwhelming, doesn't it?
"How to Be Irresistible to Men" Is Here for You
But luckily, you're not alone in this.
We've done the research here at 000Relationships.com so that you don't have to sift through all the mountains of information out there and wonder who you should believe.
I've made it my job to research the latest insights into what it takes to create a healthy, committed relationship. You no longer have to muddle your way through with nothing more than friends' advice and social pressures. We are learning more every day about what it takes to attract and keep a man for real happiness and the deep intimacy of genuine love.
Because my free newsletter series is limited to once a week, I can only give you a scattering of what I know about what it takes to face the challenges listed above. As you can imagine, building the skill set to take a relationship from ground zero to a thriving marriage requires the thoroughness of a complete course.
That's why I created my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Premium Course. Each lesson builds on concepts introduced in previous lessons, so that by the time you finish my course, you have the foundation for attacking every level of your relationship challenge.
Just listen to what my Members have to say:
"Thanks for giving me insights to dating that I would've thought I knew--but I didn't!!! I'm newly divorced and been out of the game for twenty years, so I needed instruction. I don't think I had this information 'back then' either! Well, your articles and the audio recordings REEEALLLLY kept me from making mistakes with a particular guy that I am desiring to marry and to help keep him interested in me--and it is working."
-- Veronica Skin (USA)
"The past six years, I have had many disastrous relationships. I understand now where I made the mistakes and now I can look at men in a different light--my spotlight! I have greater love for myself and I know I am deserving of only the best of what life has to offer. If that includes a man or not, it is up to ME. Thank you!"
-- Mary Wright (Illinois)
"My marriage had broken up and I felt out of touch with the dating scene. I was online looking for some advice and information so I would feel more comfortable instead of a fish out of water. I was forwarded to this site. I signed up immediately. This site has helped me overcome shyness and given me more confidence to attract and speak with men. It also has given some insight on what a guy is actually looking for in a woman. Thank you for putting a site up with all of this information, it has really helped!"
-- Angie (New York)
Get Everything You Need to Know NOW!
I'm building on my experience with Save My Marriage Today! and Seduction Genie, two of my other online courses, to offer this advanced "How to Be Irresistible to Men" package, which includes a number of bonus e-books to address every area of your dating life (from getting a better body to kissing) as well as an entire video seminar library on crucial topics like achieving super self-confidence, building a healthy relationship, and understanding sexuality in the context of a relationship.
If you're feeling frustrated by having to wait a week in between getting my newsletters, why not purchase my Premium Course and eliminate the frustration? Get all the information you need, when you need it. Don't keep waiting for my next newsletter and hoping that it contains the answers you need!
I also offer a Free Personal Email Consultation with every membership to "How to Be Irresistible to Men." You'll get a personal response to your dilemma, backed with the 000Relationships Team's years of experience.
Don't wait any longer! Stop learning how to attract men in a piece-meal fashion that you forget as soon as you've learned it! Get inspired and stay focused with my Premium Course!
If you're ready to take that next step and commit to taking my course, then click here right now.
You'll learn the "Irresistible to Men" Mindset and experience the difference of knowing exactly what it takes to attract men for genuine, lasting love.
My Premium Course is miles beyond what you've been learning in these newsletters ... are you ready to discover the truth? Order now and start attracting men today!
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To learn more about my Premium Course, which builds on what you are learning here and contains advanced secrets for women who already know a thing or two about dating and relationships, simply go to my website on how to attract men.
Plus, if your interest is not just in improving your relationships - but in improving your entire life, including your career, family relationships, sense of life purpose, and more - then Make Every Man Want You More! is for you. Listen to me and FoxNews.com Love Coach Marie Forleo, author of Make Every Man Want You (Or Make Yours Want You More): How to Be So Damn Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!, as we discuss the REAL questions that REAL women have about how to integrate love, dating, and commitment in their complicated, hectic lives. Discover how to make every man want YOU more here.
"How to Be Irresistible to Men" has been teaching women the way to greater success in love (and life!) for seven years. It is part of the 000Relationships Network, the leader in downloadable dating & relationship products.
My customers love the information they get from the "How To Be Irresistible To Men" program, a comprehensive collection of attraction resources that includes my Premium Course (available in e-book, video, and audio formats) + workbook, original e-book + specialized bonus books, video library, audio series, and members-only email consultation. There's so much packed into my Members Area that you'll wonder why you ever considered purchasing anything else!
My Premium Course offers ALL women - single or not - a dynamic and comprehensive toolkit to attract love into their lives and establish strong and supportive relationships. I have thousands of satisfied customers worldwide who have used my course to help them find love and get the relationship they always wanted. Isn't it your turn?
Start attracting men today!