Don't Pick Up That Phone to Call Mr. Right - Read This First!
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
Do you love talking on the phone? Most of us do. Having a cellphone close to your ear when you're walking down the street, sitting on the subway, or even eating at a restaurant is commonplace nowadays.
The ubiquity of telephone access means that anyone can reach us at any time. Most of the time, that's exactly the way we want it. Getting frequent text messages or calls from friends remind us that we're loved and connected.
However, what you may not realize is that the more you use the phone to communicate, the more likely you are to commit one of the biggest mistakes of dating:
Calling a man when it's inappropriate.
When you pick up the phone to call a man that you're interested in romantically, the slightest miscalculation on your part can lead to him to rethink how he feels about you. Phones are booby traps for budding romances. Whether you call him back, whether you leave a message on his answering machine, and even seemingly insignificant factors like how long you talk on the phone can improve your chances of having a relationship with this man … or end them.
That's why I was so delighted to see the internet's first guide ever on how to call and email men. It's by well-known dating and relationship writer Mimi Tanner, and it's called Calling Men: Know When and How to Call the Man in Your Life.
Mimi Tanner is also the author of Secrets of Flirting with Men, and in this, her latest book, she brings her man-magnet expertise to bear on that eternal question:
To call or not to call?
If you've struggled with knowing whether or not to call a man first, whether or not it's acceptable to text-message, and how to navigate instant messaging or craft the perfect email, then Mimi Tanner's book is the definitive guide to communicating with men.
I've never seen a book this packed with information on a topic that barely warrants a mention in most dating guides. Sure, some dating books have a paragraph, or at most a chapter, on how to have a phone conversation with a man. But if you want more advice than the old standbys of "Never call a man first," and "Always end a phone call first," Mimi Tanner's book goes into depth about the reasons for those rules and their precise application. We're talking about nearly a hundred pages of questions and answers about calling, messaging, and emailing men!
Mimi covers every single question you've ever had regarding calling a man … including some questions you may not have considered, such as, "Is it okay to call him on his birthday if he doesn't call?" and "But what if his hamster just died?" Seriously, though, this information is crucial to avoid making the kind of communication mistake that could nip a potentially beautiful romance in the bud.
Although some of Mimi's advice regarding telephone calls may be familiar to you, I can promise that you'll discover something new in her section on emailing. She'll tell you what your email style says about you, when you should under no conditions email a man, and how to handle emails from men.
I especially like her section on "the hidden meanings of a seemingly innocent email," in which she shows how easy it is to see through a woman's attempt at crafting a casual, light-hearted email. We often believe that we're being clever in contacting a man on the pretext of "saying hi," while the man knows that what we're really communicating is, "Are you going to call me or what?"
I've got my copy of Calling Men: Know When and How to Call the Man in Your Life sitting in front of me right now. Do you want a copy, too?
If so, then go to the link below:
…and never feel confused about when, where, or how to contact a man again!
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