Want to Know How to Use Your Power as a Woman? Great Dating Tips Here
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
© 000Relationships.com
There's nothing quite like a confident woman.
Her shoulders are back, her head is high, and she walks with purpose and grace. When you greet her, she meets your eyes and smiles.
She doesn't treat anyone any differently. She gives the same smile to the cleaner as she does to the CEO. That's what people like most about her.
She's so confident that she can just be who she is. She doesn't try to hide anything. Like everyone, she has moments where she's self-consciousness, but she just admits it and laughs.
She doesn't even think about what you think of her. She wants you to like her - just like ALL of us want people to like us - but she's not THAT bothered one way or the other. She knows you'll form your opinion of her based on what's going on inside your head and that it has little to do with her.
As a result, men admire her both as a professional and as a woman. They know that she can command their respect or flirt with them shamelessly. No matter what they do, she'll treat them how she wants to treat them. They can't buy her affection or win her over with flattery.
A supremely self-confident woman is attractive to men. They just can't help it!
We all know that confidence is an important trait to have if we want to be better with the opposite sex.
Lack of confidence makes us insecure, and insecurity makes us needy. If we lack confidence, we'll be unable to believe that someone so attractive would want to be with us, or we'll look for ways to convince him that we're flawed goods. Some women even trot out their baggage - all the reasons a man should NOT date them - in the mistaken belief that they're being up front about the "real" them. Not a good idea!
We know we need to be more confident ... but how do we actually do it?
It doesn't always help to ask a confident person how they got that way. You'll get a variety of answers.
Some women became more confident with age.
Other women became confident as a result of certain life experiences, such as college or joining a team.
Other women always were confident, and they credit their confidence to their parents and upbringing.
None of these answers help us very much. We can't re-live our childhoods all over again. We don't have time to wait until we're older before we get the confidence we need!
There are a variety of programs and books designed to help you become more confident, with tips ranging from positive affirmations to therapy.
But there are three things you can do RIGHT NOW to feel more confident. In today's newsletter, you'll discover my Top 3 Tips for Becoming More Confident.
- Stand tall.
- Go with your gut instinct.
- Take risks: assert yourself!
Posture is everything. To prove it, I want you to do an exercise for me.
Look down at your feet. Take a moment to notice you how feel.
Now, look up at the sky. Notice how you feel. Is it any different?
Most of us feel better when we're looking skywards than when we're looking down. That's because our bodies mirror our emotions and moods. When we're looking at our feet, it is usually because we're ashamed, tired, or want to be alone. When we're looking upwards, it's usually because we're excited, gazing deeply off towards the horizon, and generally feeling good.
So one of the first things you can do is to model the confident, happy feelings you want through adjusting your posture.
- Balance firmly on your feet.
- Tuck your tummy in.
- Tip your pelvis up.
- Throw your shoulders back.
- Raise your head high.
Short heels can help you model this confident posture automatically. (For an invitation to slouch, just wear tennis shoes!)
Part of a lack of self-confidence is doubting yourself. You have a feeling that you should do something or say something, but you don't because you're not convinced that it's a good idea.
Instead, you go with the safe route. You do what you think other people want.
But here's the thing.
YOU have to live with the consequences of those choices.
Allow people to choose for you, and it's not your own life that you'll be living, but theirs!
Become a more active participant in your own life. Listen to your instincts.
Your inner self is pretty wise, because it's not usually fooled by the people around us.
Don't let your mind talk you out of what your gut instincts are screaming. Your mind is often programmed by your culture and society. What you think tends to reflect what you've learned, absorbed, and picked up from other people.
Your instincts, on the other hand, can come to decisions much more quickly and accurately than your conscious mind. So listen to them!
People who lack confidence often think that they just need to be nicer, and people will be nicer back to them.
Being nice is a virtue, but it must be tempered with self-assurance if you're going to keep from getting walked all over.
I know so many truly nice people who avoid conflict wherever they can. They give in and forgive easily, because they don't want to have to get mad at anyone or have anyone get mad at them.
But as a result they let their fear of conflict rule their life. The don't stand up for themselves. They get taken advantage of.
You can't let fear rule your life. Learn what it feels like to assert yourself. You won't regret it!
The quickest way to see whether or not you're able to stick to your guns is to look at how you behave in a group setting.
For example, if you're part of a group - at work, say - that has to make a decision, what do you do?
- Sit back and listen to all the points other people raise and not say a word?
- Think of something that you want to say and try for half an hour to get up the courage to say it?
- Find yourself carrying on an alternate conversation inside your head where you debate what's being said, but never say your thoughts out loud?
- Plan out everything you want to say in your head precisely before raising your hand to speak?
- Say what you say when you feel like saying it?
If you chose options 4 or 5, then you have an admirable degree of self-confidence!.
Self-confidence is not something that you're somehow "born with." It's not something that you either have or you don't.
Rather, self-confidence is a skill like any other. You can learn to be more confident.
But you have to make the effort. Otherwise, your lack of confidence will continue to hold you back in life.
Studies show that confidence is an essential ingredient for success in almost any area of your life that you can imagine. You can achieve personal confidence, social confidence, sexual confidence, and professional confidence. Each area involves slightly different confidence-building techniques.
And that's why I like Slade Shaw's e-course on Supreme Self-Confidence in Dating, Relationships, and Social Situations so much.
Now, I have to confess something to you up front...
...I actually collaborated with Slade Shaw and the team at MeetYourSweet.com on this definitive confidence course (along with other folks from the 000Relationships Network).
So I've got real inside knowledge about why this 184-page e-book is so great!
Just from one glance below, you can see how much this downloadable course has to offer..
So if you're struggling with getting up the confidence to believe in yourself, to strike up conversations with men, and to take those risks in getting romantically involved, go check out Slade Shaw's Supreme Self-Confidence course right now!
It's all at www.MeetYourSweet.com.
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Plus, if your interest is not just in improving your relationships - but in improving your entire life, including your career, family relationships, sense of life purpose, and more - then Make Every Man Want You More! is for you. Listen to me and FoxNews.com Love Coach Marie Forleo, author of Make Every Man Want You (Or Make Yours Want You More): How to Be So Damn Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!, as we discuss the REAL questions that REAL women have about how to integrate love, dating, and commitment in their complicated, hectic lives. Discover how to make every man want YOU more here.
"How to Be Irresistible to Men" has been teaching women the way to greater success in love (and life!) for seven years. It is part of the 000Relationships Network, the leader in downloadable dating & relationship products.
My customers love the information they get from the "How To Be Irresistible To Men" program, a comprehensive collection of attraction resources that includes my Premium Course (available in e-book, video, and audio formats) + workbook, original e-book + specialized bonus books, video library, audio series, and members-only email consultation. There's so much packed into my Members Area that you'll wonder why you ever considered purchasing anything else!
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