Want to Get a Guy to Notice You? Get These Great Dating Tips!
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
© 000Relationships.com
I notice the difference every time I step out the door. The shop attendants are particularly attentive. An elderly man holds open a door for me. Even the normally scowling bus driver has a smile for me.
What’s the difference? Why do we get noticed some days and not others? Why does everyone seem to smile at us some days, while they barely see us on others?
First of all, remember that before you can measure how much you get noticed on a daily basis, you have to be aware of the people noticing you!
A male friend of mine ALWAYS gets noticed when he’s walking in the city center. He comes back with reports on how many times he’s been checked out. “No one ever notices me,” I once pouted to him. So he took me with him one afternoon and nudged me each time he noticed someone looking at me. I couldn’t believe it! I even asked him, “Are you sure they’re not looking at you?” “No, honey,” he said with a grin. “It’s you.”
So if you think you’re NOT getting noticed, make sure that you are alert to the signs of getting checked out. Men are just like us: they don’t want to let on that they’re interested in someone. They try to be as subtle as possible. It’s your responsibility to learn those subtle signs and be aware of your environment so that you can catch their signals. (More on this topic in another newsletter.)
Now, I’ve studied the secrets to getting more attention, and today I’m going to share three of my "Top Tips for Getting More Male Attention” with you.
Tip 1. Dress up.
People’s first impression of you is based on what you wear. Sad but true. This doesn’t mean that everyone’s shallow: it just means that most of us have a very limited amount of time to sum up a person.
If someone’s walking past you in the street, you know nothing about them. You don’t know what they do for a living, what their hobbies are, what their relationship history is, or whether they’re even single.
But you can guess the answers to many of those questions by what that person wears. If they’re wearing a suit, you might assume that they work in an office. If they’re wearing a wedding ring, you would assume they’re married. If they’re wearing a backpack and listening to an iPod, you might guess they’re a student.
Ask yourself what YOUR outfit is communicating. Are you communicating to the world the glamorous, sexy woman you are inside?
You might want to glance through recent photographs of yourself. Try to see yourself objectively, as a stranger would. If you knew nothing about the person in the photos, what would you assume that she did for a living? Any clues as to her hobbies? Does she seem happy? Does she seem like someone you’d want to date?
It’s another sad fact that people’s behavior towards us tends to be based on their first impression: in general, the better you are dressed, the better people will treat you.
When I’m dressed up – whether it’s a suit or a dress – with my hair styled and makeup done to perfection, I notice the difference. I get better service, more smiles, and more strangers holding the door open for me.
I’m the same person inside whether I’m dressed up or not, but that’s not what strangers see. They see a woman who’s dressed glamorously … or another body blending in with the crowd.
Make a promise to yourself that you’ll try to dress up at least one day a week. (I recommend Friday to take advantage of after-work drinks.) Wear a dress, slip on some heels, make that extra effort with your hair, and put on your favorite lip gloss. You may even find that you feel extra-good when your reflection in the mirror pleases you.
Now, you don't have to do your hair and makeup every day. Getting glammed up would become a chore rather than a pleasure if you did! But it’s nice to know that you have the option to get that extra attention whenever you want.
Tip 2. Fall in love.
You know how people complain that the minute they get a girlfriend or boyfriend, they suddenly get all this romantic attention from others? One minute you’re single and can’t find a good man ANYWHERE, and the next minute you have a boyfriend and are suddenly getting all these come-ons from fantastic men that you wish would have spoken up earlier.
You may think that it’s simply a case of jealousy: now that you’re off the market and unavailable, you suddenly become more intriguing (and more of a challenge) to men.
Or you may think that it’s merely a case of, “When it rains, it pours.”
But what you may NOT have considered is that it could be a case of beauty.
When you fall in love, your body experiences powerful hormonal and chemical changes that make you more radiant. You feel like you can stay awake all night, your heart sings with joy, and your immune system receives a powerful boost. Falling in love is HEALTHY, and a woman in love glows.
Men cannot help but be attracted to a woman in love, even though she’s already taken. A person who’s overflowing with love is irresistible.
Luckily, you don’t have to meet a man and fall in love to get this benefit. Simply fall in love with the world around you. Love your nieces and nephews; love your parents; love your friends; love your city and blue skies and good food. Let love radiate from your being, and you’ll irresistibly attract men.
Tip 3. Slow down and enjoy the journey.
If every time you go ANYWHERE, you’ve always got your mind focused on getting there – and everything you have to do once you get there – you’ll find that your male attraction meter will be low.
No one wants to interrupt someone who is busy or in a hurry. Added to the fact that men will NEVER approach a woman who’s sure to reject him, you come to the conclusion that being busy, on task, and focused all the time actually pushes men away.
Plus, the faster you walk, the more quickly you disappear from a potential admirer’s sight. It takes men a few moments to decide whether it’s worth the effort to go up to you and try to approach you. If you’re gone in seconds, he won’t have had the time to catch you before you’re gone again.
Even worse, he may make the assumption that if you don’t have time to stop and chat, you don’t have time for him.
So slow down, take a look around, let your gaze catch a stranger's eye, and try to have time for those around you. Mr. Right won't wait for a free slot in your schedule to open.
Another great way to get more male attention is to flirt! The original "How to Be Irresistible to Men" e-book by Sarah Paul contains an entire chapter on flirting. You'll learn exactly what to do, how to do it, and how to avoid giving the wrong impression. I've heard men say time and time again that they wish that women would take the lead in flirting: now's your chance! Get my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" course today and start your flirting education!
Until next time!

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