Want Men to Find You Irresistible? Get These Great Dating Tips!
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
© 000Relationships.com
I want you to imagine something.
I want you to imagine that you don't have to worry any more about meeting a man.
I want you to imagine that you don't even think of yourself as "single" anymore, because you know you can get a man any time you want. Sometimes you want a relationship; sometimes you don't.
I want you to imagine that you have the ability to attract incredible men. While your friends struggle with jerks and losers, you seem to meet that one-in-a-million man who's unbelievable: conscientously, gentlemanly, talented, dependable, open, caring, and capable of true love. You don't need to hold onto him, because you know that if this doesn't work out, you'll meet another man just as amazing. You just have that ability.
Imagine that you no longer even think about how you're supposed to act around men, how you're supposed to dress, or what you're supposed to say. You do the right thing naturally. You flirt effortlessly. You enjoy yourself with men, because you have nothing to worry about.
Imagine how that would feel.
Would it feel great? Would you finally feel free? Would you finally feel like your life was how it was supposed to be?
You can have that feeling any time you want.
It's possible, because I've been there.
That's the "Irresistible to Men" Difference.
What It Takes to Really Attract Men
Like you, I used to read everything I could about dating and relationships. But nothing ever seemed to work. I could read something, but I'd forget it the moment I was actually in a situation where I needed it. My head was swimming with all this useless knowledge.
It took me ten years to realize that attraction went a lot deeper than what I looked like, what clothes I wore, and my flirting skills.
Attraction had more to do with how I was with men than who I was.
I'm sure you've heard before that shallow men are attracted to looks, while good men are attracted to your personality.
That's only partially true.
Your personality is only part of who you are, like your looks. There are piles of ineffable traits that make up the complicated being that is YOU.
You can work on your personality, your appearance, your conversational skills, and your flirting skills, in order to get each component right ... but what happens to many women is that the end result looks fake.
They've tried so hard to "fix" themselves that they've lost touch with their authenticity.
The Real Reason Men are Attracted to You
You can't attract men without looking at the real reason men are attracted to you.
They're attracted to you because of how they feel with you.
No matter how beautiful or amazing you are as a person, if you are closed and defensive with a man, he won't want to be with you.
If you're in a bad mood, it doesn't matter how fun you normally are: what matters is that he doesn't like how he feels when he's around a grumpy woman.
You can be the greatest woman in the world with everything going for you, but if you're defensive, on edge, nervous, fake, resentful, or suspicious, he's not going to want to do the work to discover the "real you."
"How to Be Irresistible to Men" is the only course that works with you on this profound level.
Where You're At Right Now
Right now, I want to congratulate you for taking the step to subscribe to my newsletter series. I'm happy to provide this series free of charge to my subscribers, because I believe that our happiness and fulfillment as women translates into a more peaceful and loving society, with stronger families and more emotionally healthy children.
On your happiness much depends. In your everyday life, you affect a number of people around you. Your mood influences your co-workers, your clients, your children, and your loved ones. When you get your relationship with men right, your positive mood and knowledge that you are loved can create a cascading effect. Your love and joy will spill over to others in your life.
However, it's not easy to get to that point.
I can give you tips to improve your relationships with men, but these newsletter articles are only the "tip" of the iceberg.
It's like the difference between buying a new lipstick and getting a total makeover. Sure, a new lipstick will make you look more attractive, but compared to attraction boost of a complete makeover, it's miniscule.
There are powerful concepts and techniques that I can only explain in the context of a full-length course. That's why I developed my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Premium 12-Part Course, in which I reveal explosive dating and relationship insights that will transform the way you think about yoour chances with men.
As you work through the course, you will develop the "Irresistible to Men" Mindset, which will allow you to attract men effortlessly and naturally!
It's a completely different level than my newsletter series, because instead of giving you discrete tips on improving your dating and relationship skills, it works at a profound level to develop in you irresistible attractiveness ... and you don't even have to work for it!
How My Premium Course Works
By effecting a miraculous transformation on the part of you that is defensive, suspicious, or bitter about past experiences, my Premium Course will unleash your inner irresistibility.
It will transform you from the type of woman who has to work to attract men to the type of woman who naturally draws male attention!
Don't just take my word for it. Here's what some of my Members have to say about their experience with "How to Be Irresistible to Men"!
"I want to thank you so much for all your advice and let you know how helpful it has been to me.... Your tips have not only reminded me of the power of my own confidence, but have given me invaluable help on how to create interest in a man, and to keep it! Now I'm glad to say, "it's raining men, hallelujah!"
--Kim Collier (USA)
"I don't know where to begin but you totally changed me from a frump to an attractive soon-to-be 58-yr. old who has constantly gotten emails (through dating websites) from the young and old alike, I'm having the time of my life. Everyone should have a copy of How to be Irresistible to Men."
--Eve L.(Virginia)
"Don’t go another day through life without the experience of reading Amy Waterman’s book on “How to be Irresistible to Men”. This book has explained and showed me how to love myself first and be happy completely with myself! I am more loving now than I have ever been in my life and want to give love more openly and freely without any expectations. A must course for all Women!"
--Mercedes Reese (Texas)
Once you complete my 12-Part Premium Course and work through each workbook lesson, you'll discover a completely new power within yourself.
- You'll discover a way of relating with men that you never knew existed!
- You'll feel freer, lighter, more confident, and inspired when it comes to your love life!
- You'll realize that you have a choice about whether to resign yourself to a life lived alone or whether you're ready for another chance at love.
The advanced concepts taught in my Premium Course include:
- The difference between limiting and affirming beliefs
- Understanding masculine and feminine energies
- How igniting sexual polarity can create instant chemistry
- The importance of "presence" and living in the now
- How to use "intention" to achieve anything you desire
- Mastering roles in modern dating
- The role of conflict in the relationship life cycle
- How to make a relationship work this time around
- How your beliefs about men work on a subconscious level to influence your romantic interactions
- How to invite men into your life by creating emotional "space"
All of these concepts are presented in a simple, easy-to-understand way, in audio, video, and e-book formats. Whether or not you understand best by watching a program, by listening to the lessons, or by reading through the workbook, my Premium Course will powerfully transform the way you think about love and relationships!
Best of all, if you've lost hope in your love life, my Premium Course will restore your faith in yourself and your power to claim the relationship of your dreams.
While my 12-Part Premium Course works on a deep inner level to transform your beliefs, you also will learn specific seduction methods with Sarah Paul's original "How to Be Irresistible to Men" e-book, also included in your membership. It contains chapters on...
- Flirting tactics
- The dating cycle
- How men think
- How to be funny
- Mastering the art of conversation
- How to give compliments
- How to get a shy guy to open up
- Massage 101
- Dating successfully after a divorce
- Getting your ex back with the indifference method
- The "boyfriend test" to determine if a man is right for you
Plus, my Bonuses ensure that you'll have all the information you need at your fingertips to overcome specific problems, like...
- Overcoming shyness
- Getting the body you want
- Becoming a fantastic kisser
- Creating a healthy relationship
- Surviving a breakup
- and more!
You'll even get the opportunity to ask us advice about a particular problem you're struggling wtih and get PERSONAL ADVICE for your specific situation!
Take the Plunge
It's time to make a decision.
I’m happy for you to continue with my newsletter series, but I have to be honest: it’s not going to get you to the same level as purchasing my course.
If you've ever tried to learn something by guesswork, you know how much help taking a course can be. A course can take you further than trying to learn something on your own because it's structured, it is based on solid research, and it puts all the information you need to know in a single place.
It's your choice. You can "try on a new lipstick," or you can choose to make-over yourself for deep inner and outer attraction, starting right now.
Are you ready to try a totally different way of relating to yourself and to men? A way that is based on the latest research in the field of dating and relationships? A way that is proven to work to get you commitment, love, and loyalty from fantastic men?
If you're ready to make the commitment to taking my course, then click here!
Remember, there's absolutely no risk. I offer you an iron-clad 8-week guarantee. That's up to 56 days to try out my valuable strategies and see if my course works for you. If you aren't satisfied for any reason, or my course doesn't live up to your expectations, you won't be out one red cent. Just send me an email, and I will refund your payment.
Now, imagine yourself feeling confident, natural, and easy around men.
Do you really want to be the kind of woman that men find irresistible?
Thousands of women have already experienced the benefits of "How to Be Irresistible to Men." Now it's your turn. Click here and start attracting men today!
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P.S. Why not forward this newsletter onto a friend? If you know a woman in your life who might benefit from the tips and advice in my newsletters, spread the word!
If you have a problem in your own love life and have ordered my How to Be Irresistible to Men course, it's time to claim your free personal email consultation! Just fill in the Members Consultation form, and the 000Relationships Team will use their years of counseling and expert advice to give you exactly the tips you need to resolve it once and for all!
If you have not yet ordered How to Be Irresistible to Men, click here to go straight to our order page to get your own copy and become part of the 000Relationships Community, which will give you access to exclusive offers!
To learn more about my Premium Course, which builds on what you are learning here and contains advanced secrets for women who already know a thing or two about dating and relationships, simply go to my website on how to attract men.
Plus, if your interest is not just in improving your relationships - but in improving your entire life, including your career, family relationships, sense of life purpose, and more - then Make Every Man Want You More! is for you. Listen to me and FoxNews.com Love Coach Marie Forleo, author of Make Every Man Want You (Or Make Yours Want You More): How to Be So Damn Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!, as we discuss the REAL questions that REAL women have about how to integrate love, dating, and commitment in their complicated, hectic lives. Discover how to make every man want YOU more here.
"How to Be Irresistible to Men" has been teaching women the way to greater success in love (and life!) for seven years. It is part of the 000Relationships Network, the leader in downloadable dating & relationship products.
My customers love the information they get from the "How To Be Irresistible To Men" program, a comprehensive collection of attraction resources that includes my Premium Course (available in e-book, video, and audio formats) + workbook, original e-book + specialized bonus books, video library, audio series, and members-only email consultation. There's so much packed into my Members Area that you'll wonder why you ever considered purchasing anything else!
My Premium Course offers ALL women - single or not - a dynamic and comprehensive toolkit to attract love into their lives and establish strong and supportive relationships. I have thousands of satisfied customers worldwide who have used my course to help them find love and get the relationship they always wanted. Isn't it your turn?
Start attracting men today!