Want to Know if He's Into You? Get These Great Dating Tips!
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
© 000Relationships.com
No matter whether you're 16 or 60, one thing probably still mystifies you: how to tell if a man is interested or just playing around.
The sobering truth is that most men are, indeed, playing around. They're curious, you intrigue them, and the possibility of a fling is always attractive ... but they're certainly not looking for a wedding band.
It's important to realize that most men get caught up in the pleasure of pursuit without thinking about happens if they get what they want. Men, by nature, enjoy competition. What matters to them is beating other men to the object of desire, whether that be a promotion, a goal, or a woman.
Nothing sparks a man's competitive blood more than the unattainable woman that every man desires. Even if he's not actually interested in her on a personal level, he'll want to be the one to "win" her.
But make no mistake ... for him, the goal is winning. Once he's accomplished his goal, he'll quickly lose interest as he moves onto another pursuit.
That's why it's so crucial to be able to distinguish between when a man is pursuing you for the sake of pursuit, and when a man is pursuing you because he is truly interested in YOU. In today's newsletter, I'm going to give you three tips for distinguishing between guys who are out for the trophy and men who are in it for your heart.
Whether you've been online dating for a few days or a few years, you're not immune to falling for this man. He probably was the one to initiate the first contact, and, whereas other men take weeks to write you back if they write back at all, he writes you every time you write him. He seems eager to take your online connection to a deeper level by sharing his dreams and his past relationship history without your even having to ask. Soon, you're holding marathon telephone conversations and telling one another things that you never told anyone else. He confesses how you make him feel more openly than any of your exes ever did, and you are slowly but surely falling in love.
There's only one problem: you've never met.
To paraphrase Greg Behrendt (author of He's Just Not That Into You) ... if he won't meet you, he's just not that into you.
He will have a million and one excuses for postponing the fateful meeting. He lives halfway around the world. He's busy with his job. He can't afford to fly over to meet you. He may even still have a wife.
Let me explore some possible reasons why. (1) He's scared. (2) He's invested too much in the fantasy of your "relationship" to face the reality that it might not work between the two of you in the flesh. (3) He's made himself out to be someone that he's not. On a more innocent level, this could simply be the better version of himself that he always believed he could be, but on a more deceptive level, he may have glossed over certain truths - like financial problems, depression, children - that you should have known about from the start. (4) He never intended to meet you. Online dating, for him, filled the same function that online gaming fills for other people: the ability to escape reality.
There are more possible reasons, of course, that a man you've fallen madly in love with online won't meet you, but the upshot is clear:
If he was really in love with the REAL you, he'd want to meet the "real you" as quickly as possible.
One thing that I have found consistently about players: they have a fantastic ability to woo and romance women.
It stands to reason that men who are good with women have achieved their success by studying what it takes to capture a woman's heart. However, whereas YOU are probably studying the art of attracting men for finding a partner for a committed relationship, HE is much more likely to be studying the art of attracting women for sexual conquest.
A man who romances a woman expertly is usually just that - an expert.
If he wines and dines you, brings you flowers and little gifts, and arranges dates that leave your head spinning with the glorious romance of it all, then beware: he may simply be very, very good at what he does.
The effort a man expends on you is by no means indicative of his desire for a committed relationship.
You see, a man who is truly keen on you will probably seek to hide just how much he really likes you. The more a man thinks that you might be "the one," the more afraid he'll be of screwing up. As a result, he's more likely to hide his intentions so as not to scare you off or show his cards too soon.
So be aware that the man who lavishes you with attention may not be the one who can lavish your heart with genuine love. The slow-burners who fumble in expressing their feelings often have the truest hearts.
One thing I love about Greg Behrendt's He's Just Not That Into You (a must-read for any modern single woman) is Greg's emphasis on just how far a man will go if he's truly into you.
A man who's into you will want to sleep with you immediately - and exclusively. He'll want to be your sole partner and not allow you to spend time with anyone else. He'll want to spend as much time with you as he thinks is "safe" - meaning that he won't want to wear out his welcome. And he'll have the patience to experience any setbacks as surmountable.
I am always amazed at how much a man who is genuinely into a woman will accept for the mere chance of being with her. He'll dream about being her knight in shining armour if she needs anything. He'll dream about being the shoulder she leans on. But, if he's had ample experience of rejection - and most men have - he'll keep his dreams to himself and simply show up as a strong, solid presence in her life that she can depend on.
A man who's truly into you will soldier through any hardship, if that's what it takes to be with you. You can even tell him gently that there no possibility of a relationship between you two, and he'll kid himself that he'll be happy with just a friendship.
As you can imagine, there is a huge difference between a man who's taking things slowly so as not to "blow his chances" and a man who's so easily discouraged that one canceled date can send him into the sulks.
The wrong man will try to convince you that he can sleep with you and other women, and still love you best. He'll try to convince you that he's not ready for a commitment, but maybe, just maybe, he'll be ready someday (and most likely with some other woman).
So be thankful if the wrong man blames something you said, something you did, or something you DIDN'T say or do as the reason he's walking away. He's just showed what he's made out of.
You don't have to worry about driving the right man away. The right man will overlook just about anything, because what he's fascinated by is YOU - with all your faults and frailties.
If you would like to learn methods to attract the RIGHT kind of men - not the wrong men - then look no further than my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Premium Course. It will teach you how you can change your dating habits and break the pattern of dating "duds" for good. You don't have to settle for men who treat you like second-best. Experience what it's like to be loved by a man who's truly into you.
Get my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" course today and experience the difference!
Until next time!

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