Getting Frustrated with Trying to Find Mr. Right? Don't Despair!
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
Can you believe it? It's been at least half a year since you signed up to my newsletter series!
In that time, you've learned about how to unleash your femininity, how to get more male attention, what to do if you're too shy, how to ask a man out without "asking him out," what turns a man on or off, how to make a great first impression, and so much more....
You have learned so much about men and creating attraction ... but I'd like to ask you a personal question....
Have you used it?
You don't have to answer this question now. But, after you finish this newsletter, I'd like you to take a moment to think about whether you've taken what you've learned about attraction out of your head and into your life ... and what you really want to do with the knowledge you've gained from this newsletter series.
Today I'm going to talk about how we can stay motivated to keep seeking that wonderful man out there who's right for us.
You know, it's so easy to get discouraged. You may have gone through a long man drought where, even if you met men who were interested in you, you weren't interested in them at all. You may have felt that every man you dated would just let you down in the end. Or you may be feeling that no matter how much you put yourself out there, none of the guys you're really keen on will respond to you.
But, unlike most women, you didn't just throw your hands up in the air and hope that luck would bring you your Mr. Right. You actually took the initiative to seek out more information about how men and women date and interact. You wanted to know more so that you could improve your skills with men.
As a result, you're way ahead of most women when it comes to knowing how to create the relationship of your dreams.
But, if you haven't been experiencing success, no matter how much you've learned, you may have been missing a crucial step...
When I was a little girl, my father used to tell me that mastering a new skill involves at least four steps:
- First, you must realize that you don't know something.
- Then, you will seek to learn as much as you can.
- Third, you'll try out new behaviors to put this acquired knowledge into practice.
- Lastly, you'll forget you ever didn't know these new behaviors and knowledge, as they become incorporated as "second nature" into your life.
So learning more is just the second stage in the process. You must put your new knowledge into practice in your own life, no matter how artificial or strange it seems, until this way of behaving becomes second nature.
Here's another way of putting it. David Deida writes:
"Knowing the truth is fairly useless; feeling it is profound; living it makes all the difference." (Blue Truth)
So, are you living a life of being irresistible to men? Or do you just "know" how to do it?
There may be a lot of things holding you back from being able to put your "irresistibility" knowledge to practice in your own life. I'd like to address the most common issues and show you how to overcome them so that you can create real change in your life.
One of the biggest things holding women back from becoming more irresistible to men is their perceived lack of opportunity. For example, you may think that you lack opportunities to flirt with available, attractive men. As a result, your flirting skills lie dormant until an amazing guy appears ... by which time you're so out of practice that you've forgotten how to do it!
If you haven't been practicing your flirting and attraction skills simply because you rarely meet men that interest you, then you're wasting opportunities every day to put your irresistibility into practice!
You see, you don't have to just flirt with men you're attracted to. Flirting is a skill that charms and delights members of both sexes, of all ages! Sarah Paul describes flirting skills further in her How to Be Irresistible to Men original e-book (included with the "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Premium Course), but her premise is that flirting is simply the skill of making others feel good. If you do your best to make others feel good on a regular basis (by complimenting, teasing, or recognizing them), then you'll have no problems flirting naturally when an attractive man comes along!
Another reason that some women don't put their irresistibility knowledge into practice is that they think that knowing about something should be good enough. They don't realize that there are FOUR stages to mastering a skill ... and that they've stayed stuck on Stage 2!
Just as anyone who's worked in the business world will tell you, getting a business degree with top marks is no guarantee that you'll be any good at business. Knowledge must be complemented by actual experience and practice. In fact, truly successful people will often tell you that you can't achieve anything great without also taking great risks ... which also means not getting discouraged by failure.
It's my belief that people who prefer to keep knowledge in their heads rather than actually using it in their lives do so out of fear. Thinking about something is safe, while trying always involves the risk of making a mistake.
If you've been afraid to try, for fear that these new behaviors will seem artificial, or that your friends and family will say, "What's happened to you?", then think about this.
If you keep doing what you're doing now, you're going to keep getting the same results.
Do you want that? Are you completely happy and satisfied with your dating and relationship life? Are there no areas you'd like to change?
If you want different results, then you need to start doing something different.
Lastly, another common issue that holds women back from putting their knowledge about attraction into practice is losing motivation.
It takes a lot of effort to effect real, lasting personal change. Just ask anyone who's tried to lose weight! Trying to live a "thinner lifestyle" can feel like a full-time job. Similarly, the process of becoming a woman who's irresistible to men may feel like just too much work.
Anything worth achieving in life takes commitment and motivation. When motivation runs out, commitment can help maintain focus until the well of inspiration fills up again.
If you don't believe 100% in the possibility that you can become irresistible to men, you may find it easy to get discouraged. You may tell yourself, "Why bother? This information might work for other women, but not for me." Or you may simply get tired of trying and striking out every time.
There's an alternative to a life of irresistibility ... and it's called "settling."
If you're happy to settle for what life hands you, then you don't "need" to do anything. You can just practice the art of being grateful and content with whatever you get.
But if that's not enough for you ... if you truly believe you deserve a wonderful relationship with a wonderful man ... then it may be time to focus on motivating yourself again ... and believe that you can become irresistible to men.
Before you close this web page and go on with your life, I'd like to invite you to think for a moment about whether you're really doing all you can to improve how you relate with men.
Are you just learning these tips for the sake of knowing them ... or are you actually using them to change your life?
All the best in life and love!
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Plus, if your interest is not just in improving your relationships - but in improving your entire life, including your career, family relationships, sense of life purpose, and more - then Make Every Man Want You More! is for you. Listen to me and Love Coach Marie Forleo, author of Make Every Man Want You (Or Make Yours Want You More): How to Be So Damn Irresistible You'll Barely Keep from Dating Yourself!, as we discuss the REAL questions that REAL women have about how to integrate love, dating, and commitment in their complicated, hectic lives. Discover how to make every man want YOU more here.
"How to Be Irresistible to Men" has been teaching women the way to greater success in love (and life!) for seven years. It is part of the 000Relationships Network, the leader in downloadable dating & relationship products.
My customers love the information they get from the "How To Be Irresistible To Men" program, a comprehensive collection of attraction resources that includes my Premium Course (available in e-book, video, and audio formats) + workbook, original e-book + specialized bonus books, video library, audio series, and members-only email consultation. There's so much packed into my Members Area that you'll wonder why you ever considered purchasing anything else!
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