Become a Natural With Men! Discover "The Way of the Natural"
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
Zan Perrion is the founder of Enlightened Seduction, a system that teaches men to become more attractive to women through becoming true "lovers of women." Zan believes that the single defining trait that characterized all "naturals" with women throughout history is that they were all men who loved women. Can Zan's philosophy teach us something about how attraction works?
I often research the men's seduction community to find out what tactics men are using on us, so that we can not only become more informed as women, but we can also borrow the techniques that work well for both sexes!
Zan's "Way of the Natural" concepts have a lot to teach us women about why we find certain men attractive ... and how we can "turn the tables" on men by using those techniques ourselves.
For Zan, men who've been irresistible to women throughout history didn't have any special advantage over other men. Although physical attractiveness, social status, and wealth are always advantages, the great lovers of history often didn't have any of those advantages. So how could they achieve such great success with the opposite sex? Did they have some natural skill that gave them an advantage?
Zan summarizes his conclusions nicely here:
"Women recognize immediately when they are in the presence of a man who likes women, who thinks they are beautiful, who makes them feel lovely, who delights in them.
"A man who likes women is liked by women."
Zan is right. As women, we naturally respond to men who think we're wonderful and who make us feel wonderful. Even if we know that the man is a "player" and does the same thing with other women, we still may find it hard to resist him.
But don't all men "like" women? The answer isn't as obvious as you'd think. Many men feel uncomfortable around women, because they find it hard to understand the complexity of female emotions and moods. Some men are even afraid of women, because they desire female company so much that the fear of rejection guides their every interaction with a woman. Other men are simply honest about preferring male company to female company, and they only interact with women on a purely romantic or sexual basis.
The same goes for women. Not all women "like" men. Some women have been hurt so many times that they see every man as someone who might potentially hurt them. Other women look down on men for being immature and less emotionally developed compared to women. Still other women believe in the "sisterhood" of women against men, preferring the company of their sisters to the "alien race" of men.
Truly liking, enjoying, and appreciating the opposite sex is a rare quality, indeed. And Zan is correct in pointing out that it is one of the qualities that distinguishes the "natural."
Yes, attractiveness is important, but, as Zan points out, attractiveness is not the same thing as being "good looking." A number of qualities make a woman or a man attractive. In fact, "attraction" is simply the response we have to people that we perceive as desirable.
Desire is a funny thing. Although we can admire a great painting like the Mona Lisa in a museum, chances are that if we could pick any painting in the world to hang in our homes - a painting we would have to live with on a daily basis for the rest of our lives - we would choose something simpler that may not be perceived as "great art" but is great to us.
The same thing goes for the sexes. Although a man will admire a photo of a supermodel and fantasize about what it would like being married to one, his actual choice of life partner will usually be quite far from his imaginary ideal! In fact, his life partner may not even be conventionally good looking - but you can bet that she has other qualities that make him feel wonderful about being with her.
You see, ultimately, when it comes to finding and selecting the perfect mate for sharing a lifetime with, what matters most of all is how each person feels about being with the other person. If a woman makes her man feel good, appreciated, and admired ... and if a man makes his woman feel good, appreciated, and admired ... then they're on their way to a lifetime of bliss.
So if you've been focusing on enhancing your external appearance to be more attractive to men, it may be time to look at less obvious qualities, like how you make men feel when they're with you.
Glamour magazines, women's glossies, television and movies all exist to sell us something. They may be selling us their idea of what an "attractive" woman looks like or what she wears, but there's one thing we can sure about - it's going to cost us money.
Before large corporations existed to sell cosmetics and other products to "improve" a woman's appearance, men still found women achingly desirable. Personally, I believe that attractiveness is not something that can be bought. Rather, it's a quality that you can develop within yourself ... by becoming a more attractive person in body, mind, and spirit.
Zan would agree. He tells us:
"...What is really attractive to [women] is the way a man chooses to move through life and how he perceives the world around him."
Zan's advice makes sense. Why? Because when we're looking for a long-term partner, we're looking for someone who shares a similar or compatible worldview to us. We're looking for someone who's moving through life in a confident, directed way ... and in a direction that we find attractive. Seeing the world through a man's eyes - when he sees the world as an exciting playground full of possibilities - can be a very wonderful thing.
What kind of world would a man see if he looked through your eyes?
Would he see a world full of fascinating mysteries to explore ... sensual pleasures to enjoy ... and wonderful experiences awaiting?
Or would he see a world as dry as dust, crammed with duties and bills, limitations and scarcity, and the despair of anything ever changing?
Although it's true that men are more visual creatures than women, the way you see the world can be as attractive as your body to a mature man. Your body may attract him on a physical level, but unless you can attract him on an intellectual, emotional, and/or spiritual level, then you can rarely hope for more than a short-term fling.
But when a man looks through your eyes and sees a world of beauty ... then he will love to be in your company ... and feel completely unable to explain why.
When I first read about Zan's program, I was distrustful. The word "seduction" seems to be a cover for many men who just want to get as many women into bed as possible.
But Zan Perrion is different from most of the so-called "gurus" out there, and he strongly contrasts his approach with that of men who just want to gain control over women or enact revenge for being rejected. In his article "What is Seduction?" he says:
"I am often asked in interviews to describe the concept of Enlightened Seduction in one sentence. Well, the phrase that comes closest to the essence of what I do is this: I teach men that women are beautiful..."
That's a beautiful starting place for men who want to learn how to attract women, and I believe it's a beautiful place for us to start, too.
Men naturally respond to women who think they're wonderful and who make them feel wonderful. So perhaps it's time to remind ourselves why we love men, and to repeat Zan's introduction ... but with a twist.
A woman who likes men is liked by men.
Are you that woman?
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