Want to Know if Your Prospective Date is Legit? Read This!
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
© 000Relationships.com
Wouldn’t it be great if you could get a prospective date’s complete romantic history before you took the plunge? You’d be able to find out the truth about that two-year engagement that "just didn’t work out," whether his ex was the psycho one or him, and whether or not his average relationship lasts two weeks or two months.
Well, in the not-so-distant future, you will be able to.
Enter websites like RATEB4UDATE.COM, which allow you to enter the name, birthdate, residence, and general description of all your exes and rank them for the benefit of other women who might be thinking about dating the same guy.
The aim of RATEB4UDATE.COM is to create a definitive "database that searches and ranks men’s and women’s past relationship histories." It invites participation by assuring you that your posting will be completely anonymous, and your ratings and description will appear as is, 100% unedited and uncensored.
Sounds like great fun, right? Only one problem. Who is to say that your description of what happened with your ex is even accurate? There’s nothing preventing a vengeful ex from smearing his or her ex-partner’s name through salacious lies. And once those lies are posted on the internet, no one can take them down.
RATEB4UDATE.COM is well aware of the impossibility of policing its site. As a result, it makes no claims to accuracy. But a similar website, "Don’t Date Him Girl," has been sued for publishing "false and defamatory statements" about a man profiled on its site.
Todd Hollis, a criminal defense attorney, dated the wrong woman. When their relationship split up, she posted a damning profile of him on DontDateHimGirl.com, claiming that he had multiple children and an STD. Hollis fought back. He sued the website for not verifying the truth of the accusations.
Previous to the lawsuit, the website branded itself as publishing "the most hated cheaters list" for men. Now, it calls itself "part of a worldwide movement to advocate for and defend the rights of women around the world." The media attention it received as a result of the lawsuit sent traffic to the site skyrocketing, and even if DontDateHimGirl.com loses its battle to post the "Most Wanted List" of cheaters, it will keep its visitors happy with podcasts, forums, a blog, shopping, and soon video.
Another website that has avoided scandal so far is Women Savers, which claims to be the "world’s largest database ranking men." Its goal is to "help women avoid dating alleged cheating men, lying men or abusive men" by exposing their lies online.
If hunting for your date in a site like DontDateHimGirl.com or WomanSavers.com feels a bit too weird, try a site like True.com, which promises safer online dating by doing background screenings on its members to weed out felons and married people. In fact, the website even prosecuted a sex offender who applied for an online dating membership.
And the next time you break up with your ex, be nice. He just might rank you online.
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