What Does Attraction Mean? Attract Great Men with These Tips!
Welcome to my "How to Be Irresistible to Men" Newsletter Series! If you are looking for the greatest gold-mine of attraction, seduction, dating, and relationship advice for women ever crammed into a newsletter series, then read on! 

Amy Waterman
Host of "How to Be Irresistible to Men"
by Amy Waterman
© 000Relationships.com
Do you prefer dating men or boys?
It may sound like a strange question, so here's what I mean.
The attraction techniques you use will determine whether you attract great men or "man boys."
I often get emails from women complaining that they only seem to attract men for sex and never for a relationship. Some women believe that this is because men only want one thing. Other women believe that the blame lies in faulty dating techniques that claim to work but don't actually do what they claim.
Very few women realize that who they attract reflects the mindset that they themselves bring to dating.
If you're attracting immature men who are only interested in sex, then perhaps you're focusing all your attention on the superficial aspects of attraction - appearance, flirtation, and following all the "rules" - and not enough on the deeper levels of attraction.
Let me illustrate this through a personal story.
Like most women, I always thought that becoming more attractive to men was about improving my appearance. As a teenager I was desperate to lose weight, get the perfect haircut, and wear the styles in the latest magazines. I wanted boys to pay attention to me, and I knew that the girls to whom they DID pay attention had obvious physical assets. It wasn't about being smart or interesting or nice: it was about looks.
What I didn't know then is that most boys grow up. The hormone-driven stage of youth, made anxious by popularity and social validation, creates entirely different creatures than the mature workplace of later years.
Luckily for women, most men seek entirely different characteristics than boys. They learn to appreciate emotional warmth, depth, and generous loving. Although they still turn their heads to watch beautiful women pass, they're mature enough to appreciate a beautiful form without having to possess it.
Not all men grow up, of course. We all know playboys at the age of 40 who haven't yet learned the pleasure of settling down with one woman. Those men still tend to be attracted to looks, seeking out what is new, different, and unobtainable.
Yet instead of realizing that immature men are the exception, not the rule, many of us women remain stuck in the high school mentality, believing that ALL men—not just the immature ones—seek nothing more than a pretty face. We believe that we must dress sexy, look sexy, and act sexy for men to feel attracted to us.
And, when our bodies rebel (as not all of us were made to look like models), we bury our heads in despair. We think that we'll never be able to attract men.
Guess what? The good news is that although you may be unable to attract immature men (who are focused on superficial appearances above all things) you may be just what a mature man is looking for.
Mature men seek women who are fun to be with, around whom they feel they can be themselves without judgment.
The mature man realizes that if he is going to spend the rest of his life with a woman, he needs to have more discerning criteria than good looks.
A woman who is in touch with her body, even though it isn't perfect, is preferable to a woman who goes into hysterics if her hair or clothes aren't perfect.
A woman who is uninhibited, passionate, and loves life is preferable to an aloof, cool woman who lives life on display.
For the man who looks beneath the surface, a woman is an entire package: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. He must fall in love with all of those parts before he'll invite her to spend a lifetime with him.
What this means for us is that developing ourselves mentally, spiritually, and emotionally is just as important as perfecting our appearance. What we look like is just a quarter of the entire package.
Best of all, if you start focusing on developing yourself spiritually, mentally, and emotionally, you'll find that you reap enormous personal benefits. Your life will be happier. You'll feel more content. You may even find that male attention seems less important to you.
So the next time that you feel overlooked because of your appearance, or you're having an "ugly" day, just put on your most beautiful smile and realize that the only men who'll be ignoring you are the ones you don't want anyway.
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"How to Be Irresistible to Men" has been teaching women the way to greater success in love (and life!) for seven years. It is part of the 000Relationships Network, the leader in downloadable dating & relationship products.
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