How to Flirt with GirlsBy JamesIt's well known that girls love to flirt. And if you know how to flirt back, you're definitely off to a good start. So how do you flirt appropriately with girls? First it's important to know how to recognize their flirting, which, maddening as it can be, is often subtle. You certainly don't want to stare at a girl and try to figure out what signs she's sending, but it is important to keep your eyes open. Here are ten female courtship signs to watch for: 1. She looks down when you see her--definitely showing interest 2. She's twirling her hair around--definitely into you 3. Licks her lips--unless you can tell she's screwing with you, this is a very good sign! 4. Open legs 5. Sidways glance 6. Fondling a cylindrical object (cigarette, glass, etc.)--VERY good sign! 7. Fondling her shoe (shoe is slight off her foot, twisting her foot in circles) 8. The "leg twine"--one leg pressed hard against the other to give the appearance of high muscle tone--very good sign 9. The head toss--If she tosses her hair back over her shoulders, this is definitely a good gesture. 10. Exposed wrists--If she's interested in you, she will gradually display the smooth, soft skin of her wrists to a guy she's interested in. Wrists are actually considered one of the more erotic areas of the body--so if she's showing you this sexual area--go for it! Then there are the more obvious signs that she's interested: she smiles a lot, her body is open, and she touches you. If she leans away from you, she's losing interest. Leaning towards you, and she's definitely interested in you. If these things happen, you're doing great! Now that you know how to recognize a girl's flirtatious body language, it's good to know how to communicate your interest in subtle but clear ways as well. Here are some good gestures: 1. Smoke up. 2. An intimate gaze. 3. Hands on hips. 4. Touch her on the knee. 5. Tease her. The best, however, is the ol' "thumbs in belt" gesture. This highlights the genital area and showcases one's pride in that area. Definitely a positive step, if done confidently and convincingly. Now that you know what to look out for and how to display your interest, you're on your way towards attracting and noticing girls. Good luck! Hey, you know where to go if you want the real stuff. Check out my online course on how to attract women. You'll learn tons more that I can't even cover here because it's too powerful. Be the guy who knows what the other guys don't. Get the insider secrets on getting any woman you want. Yeah, that's right, even those hot chicks that other guys are afraid to approach. Check out my How to Attract Women course right now - you won't regret it.
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